Steem Power Is Rare And Why Powering Up Will Make You Part Of The 1%

in steem •  7 years ago 

It is easy for all of us to look at those with a couple hundred thousand SP and be jealous of them. This is especially true if our account has a few hundred SP in it. One looks at his or her SP, sees very little in the way of voting power, and draws the conclusion that there is no way to advance.

I read about many proclaiming this wish they got here earlier so they could be early adopters of STEEM. This strikes me as funny. I wrote in a post the other day that, if this were a baseball game, we are still singing the National Anthem. The game hasn't even started yet.

Therefore, anyone who is on this site is an early adopter. Steemit is barely 18 month old meaning that it is 7.5 years behind Bitcoin in terms of age. Nevertheless, there are many areas where we seeing STEEM closing the gap. Over the next couple years, if present trends continue, we will see STEEM absolutely explode.

To show you where we stand, take a look at this chart published daily by @arcange; it reveals a very telling story.

According to the chart, there are 8,301 people who have 500 SP or greater in the world. This really struck me when I really looked at it. For me, it is easy to get lost in the sheer numbers on here (600K users/30K daily authors) yet I did not realize how truly rare we are.

Powering up over the next couple months will ensure that you are one of the top 10,000 people on this site. That might seem like no big deal except when you consider there will be more than 1M people on here by baseball season kicks off. Most of those people will be starting with nothing other than the delegation from Steemit.

Being in the top 10,000 with 1M users means you are in the upper 1%. People talk about the Whales as being the elite yet overlook the fact that everyone who is adding SP to their account is getting further ahead of everyone else. Steem Power is going to be a rare commodity going forward.

Why do I say this?

Simply mathematics. By this time next year, I expect a few million people on this blockchain using the main apps. We will see many of them involved in the reward pool that is on here. When hundred of thousands of people are posting articles each day, with 75% of the rewards pool going to authors, that means the SP will be spread thin. Of course, we all believe this will be offset by the price increase.

Consider my projection of $100 STEEM by the end of 2018. If that comes true, it is going to take someone $50,000 to get 500 SP. How many people do you think will be buying in at that level? I am going to hypothesize that it will not be many.

This is why I feel everyone needs to power up as often as they can. I understand there are many people on here who require the income. To those people I can only say do what you can; if you can afford to leave some in SP, do it. I believe it will turn into a great deal of wealth down the road.

For everyone else, power up each time something comes into your account. Do not look at it as $5 or $6; think of it putting you in the 1 percentile on this site. There is a lot to be said for that as time goes by. STEEM has the potential to change the lives of millions and we are putting ourselves at the head of the pack.

Steem is a long-term proposition. The blockchain is active and thriving. We are going to see many apps/changes in the next 6-9 months that are going to really change the balance of blockchain "power". Even though it is not a competition, I sense STEEM is going to run up the charts in terms of price/market cap. A lot of what is out there is based upon hype and potential. STEEM already has a community of users who are committed to its success. It is this fact that makes it a diamond in the rough. In short, there are 40,000 people daily posting on here who will ensure that Steemit is a success.

Being part of the 1% is something that many talk about negatively and for good reason. The 1% in the bankster world are, for the most part, greedy while being unconcerned about the plight of humanity. This is not the case on the STEEM blockchain. On here, it is the exact opposite. For the most part, the people who qualify as the 1% are concerned about lifting all up.

The mindset of a Steemian is in direct opposition to that of a bankster.

If you have 100 or 200 SP in your account, do not fret. With some effort, you can get into the elite status rather quickly. By powering up, you should be able to move your account to 500 SP in a short period of time, especially if the price of SBD remains higher than a dollar. Use this opportunity to advance your account. It is something I think you will be happy you did by the time the ground thaws in the northern hemisphere.

There will come a day when people will look at accounts that have 500 or 1000 SP with envy. When you are talking about STEEM at $100, $200, or even $300, well you do the math. Those people will be saying "I wish I was on here in January 2018".

Since we are on here in January 2018, why not take advantage of it?

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Those who can, should, buy steempower as soon as they can afford it. The more you have, the more you will be looked at. If your blogs are looked at by more people, that will bring followers. Beyond a certain point, followers follow followers so you base will start to grow by itself.

Be careful. Don’t post short blogs just to harvest the rewards. I see some people doing that and I tend to un-follow them.

This was an excellent motivational blog for Steem. I have given it a powerful upvote. Re-steamed.

Don’t post short blogs just to harvest the rewards. I see some people doing that

This really pisses me off too and makes me so angry!! We (minnows) try our best to put in some real thought and hard work and quite some research (especially on my science posts) and then I see some user with a lot of steem power posting literally like a 3-4 line post and upvoting themselves worth $15//$20, which I find is very unfair. I'm not saying it's illegal, afterall the steem power belong to that person because it's their money, they are free to whatever they want, but it's just very very unfair to those of us who are trying.

I hope someday, if do manage to earn enough steem power, I don't become like this!! That was a very good poin @swissclive Not many people stand up to these people in the fear of getting flagged, we are lucky to have someone like you here, scanning the platform for spam and inequality.



yes @swissclive you right The most important need in steemit is steempower As you said

Thank you very much for that @swissclive.

I agree with all that you posted here. Quality content does not emerge from trying to scalp the reward pool. It is imperative that people look at this as a place to produce material to the highest standard possible. I tend to write long posts which thoroughly convey an idea about what is going on with STEEM or different aspect of the blockchain.

I, too, tend to value those who are seeking to make a valid contribution to the site as opposed to just being here for the money. Yes, we are all after that but that comes as a result of powering up and adding to one's account. After that, for me, turning my attention to others is the key. We cannot create success on here by ourselves.

Good Point!!!

Followers follow followers... I never looked at it like that..

Next time I go crypto buying, steem will be on my priority list! You guys seem to know a ton about blockchain and crypto than what I do. That’s why I read your blogs and will continue to do so!

@taskmaster4450 & @swissclive, I have started to read almost all your blogs as you talk about inclusive growth of Steem and what newbies should do to progress. Thanks both of you.

Questions to both of you:

  1. Will new users continue to join Steemit if earning SP becomes prohibitively difficult in the upcoming months and years? Is that not a negative incentive for price increase and user-base increase?
  2. Also, the existing problem of the platform where quality of the content is not what pushes something up the charts - how do you think this is going to impact the growth of new user count and engagement?

You are absolutely right, only unique, labor-intensive posts have a chance to be judged on merit. One day my friend, @abh12345 wrote, you are like your last post. I absolutely agree with this. Till now I have written 4 posts a day. And you are right, basically I wrote so many that I would collect rewards. After reading your comment, and remembering the words @abh12345, I will fundamentally change my principle of writing articles. I wrote well before that, but now I completely stop writing posts for one photo. Well, unless in emergency cases, as part of my call for the year # mychild365. Let it be 1-2 posts a day, but it will be the bestt and unique posts. Good luck to you and Good.

Вы абсолютно правы, только уникальные, трудоемкие посты имеют шанс быть оцененными по заслугам. Однажды мой друг, @abh12345 написал, Вы такой, как Ваш последний пост. Я абсолютно с этим согласный. До сегодняшнего дня я писал 4 поста в день. И Вы правы, в основном я писал такое количество, что бы собрать награды. Прочитав Ваш комментарий, и вспомнив слова @abh12345, я кардинально изменю свой принцип написания статей. Я и до этого писал неплохо, но теперь я совсем перестану писать посты на одну фотографию. Ну разве, что в экстренных случаях, в рамках моего вызова на год #mychild365. Пускай это будет 1-2 поста в день, но это будут актуальные и уникальные посты. Удачи Вам и Добра.

Thank you for resteeming this post,i have picked up more helpful fact from it. I read about steem power and it magic from @surpassinggoogle and it has reshaped my thinking about steemit. I wrote something about steem power too
Looking at things from this angle, if you cash out now,you would be rich now,but a time is coming when those that invest will start reaping the reward of their sacrifice,by then you will wish to be them.
I'm indeed blessed by this post @taskmaster4450. Thanks!

You are absolutely correct. In a few years, when we look back, everyone at this stage (Jan. 2018) will be seen as having still been an early adopter. Amazing to think that only 1% have 500 or more SP!

Yes it was really shocking to me.

I think we made a good choice putting a few dollars into this one.....there is huge potential...if this and BTS even hit 1/2 of where we think they can go, it will be sensational.

As for the early adopter, I dont think anyone on here can legitimately say it is too late. Being in the first million when you think about how many could eventually be on this blockchain...tens of millions of people if not more.....the epitome of early adopter.

I was on Steemit way back when....

"Way back when I started on Steemit we had to walk up hill in the snow carrying our crypto on a thing called a hardware wallet!"
"And when we wanted to blog we had to take our cellphones out of our pocket and tap the screen with our fingers!!"

Your comment made me burst out laughing! Thx for the laugh.

My pleasure, glad to know I wasn't the only one laughing.

Well said!

**Oh my God, how I missed your posts. Thanks to this post, the comment @swissclive, and wisdom @ abh12345. I have more time to read the articles. I will definitely re-read all your articles. Fully. Good luck to you and Good. Resteem

О Боже, как я скучал за вашими постами. Благодаря этому посту, комментарию @swissclive, и мудрости @abh12345. У меня появиться больше времени на чтения статей. Я обязательно перечитаю Все Ваши статьи. От корки до корки. Удачи Вам и Добра. Рестим

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I picked Steem as my favorite for many reasons. The simple fact that social media explodes in popularity makes this a winner for me. Back when other social media platforms went public, I suggested to my parents to buy. I didn’t have any money myself and my parents didn’t see the value. This time I’m not going to miss an opportunity of a lifetime. The beauty of Steemit is that if anyone puts effort into Steemit, they can build wealth from nothing. This wasn’t something that was available to me back in those days when those other social media platforms were going public. It is still early and fortunes will be made.

$100 Steem is a bold prediction! I like it :)

I have seen several other intelligent people predict huge prices in the future per steem. I, of course really hope those predictions are right!

But we must never forget the responsibility we have now as this community to make a steem a welcoming and positive place. I think we are important for the future success of the steem blockchain, so we need to keep making a steemit a great place for interactions.thanks for sharing

That is part of what will make STEEM a $100 token @razibahmed.

The community here is top notch and ensuring that new people are able to participate and grow means that we already have a strong foundation.

There are a lot of initiatives which will help people to succeed on here. All are focused upon adding more SP to the accounts of others, especially newer people.

How about $1000 for even more bolder. lol You should switch your logo to the steem one.

I think it will happen sooner than we think!

How many people do you think will be buying in at that level? I am going to hypothesize that it will not be many.

I believe many more people wil buy Steem when the price is higher, they just get less Steem per usd... these people will get the same reward value in usd terms!

I love the optimism and rationals of @taskmaster4450. It is easy to be lost on finding the faults of STEEM such as e.g. a whale voting 8 times a day on @haejin's post, or people abusing bot votes. We have to look into big picture here. Biggest portion of the reward pool is going to the creators. It is infinitely better than writing an wonderful blog in medium or posting a beautiful picture on flickr and earn nothing. One has to understand no system is error-less and 100% anti-abuse protected. Steemit is still in beta, whales, devs, witnesses, bot owners and the community all are fighting and looking for better solutions-- that is the beauty of the decentralized platform and infinitely better than bankster run centralized world.

How on Earth did this became possible. I recently found out this site and found out that I'm the 8747th most followed person on steemit. Now you are telling me I'm one of the 1% when it comes to SP!!!

I used to think of myself as a tiny minnow. How the hell did I become 1%??? How come so little people work to get their SP up. I heard that majority of the steemit accounts only has 25 reputation. That's just financially unwise as it gets.

STEEM on my friends!

I am glad we are able to alter your self image a bit @vimukthi. LOL.

You are more powerful than you know.


Yeah man, that site is cool, thanks!

Pretty amazing! Where are you from?

As always great observations!

I agree completely. This is just the beginning for Steem. Another thing to consider is being in the 1 percent with a ranking in the 60s or 70s. That is worth a lot too! I see people with a 65 posting with no upvote and earning over $5. Also, a good follower base and network of people means everything!

Totally agree. Our network is literally our Net Worth on Steem.

Well said!

Thanks for your nice comment! Where are you from?

Canada eh!

Cool what do you do?

In 2018 I am doing the following without a traditional job:

Interacting with Steemit and the community.
Teaching about crypto.
Investing in crypto.
Mining crypto.
Writing music.
Making beer.

Thanks for asking! How about you?

Absolutely reputation is important. They are tied together in many instances although there are some with high reps yet who drained their accounts. I feel bad for them because STEEM will be one of the hottest tokens of 2018.

You are so right. There are lots of tokens with nothing behind them. Steem has more behind it than any! The token generator will be a game changer! I would like to see a mobile stand alone wallet for easy transfer of value as well. Steem makes Bitcoin look like something from the tar pits! Fees? Nope! Speed? Yup!

Very very informative article particularly for the newcomer and minnows.

Let me tell you my story, even though I joined much earlier but remained inactive during early stage...but over last 6 months I have been devoting at least 8 hrs a day in steemit , if I take my statistics then from nothing I have already made 430 SP in last 6 month. And I have seen steem value at 0.8 USD and now in Jan it peaked at 8 usd and now trading at 6 usd, such a fantastic appreciation of steem price in recent times and this appreciation is well backed by its strong fundamentals.

Consider my projection of $100 STEEM by the end of 2018. If that comes true, it is going to take someone $50,000 to get 500 SP.

People should note this line in their diary and open the same diary in 2019/2020 and I am sure they will look for you to convey their gratitude.

And I personally believe that even 100 usd per steem is considered as undervalued. because going down the line we will have more number of users in steem blockchain and this numbe is going to increase exponentially and the I will not be surprised if one day steemit surpass facebook.

People should also understand that with 100 usd value per steem and with their 1000 SP will worth around 100000 usd and this is not a small amount.

Bitcoin also started it journey from 1 usd and now 20K usd. So if we are considering steem at 100 usd in future then this is very very minimal consideration and well achievable target.

Thank you so much and I am sure this blog is a motivation for me and also for other minnows and this will keep up my spirit in steemit.

Thank you again and Have a great day.

Thank you for the comment @shivohum2015

Yes I do agree that at $100 STEEM is under valued....that is something people are missing...there is so much upside it will make one's head spin.

My $100 STEEM prediction is forecast by the end of the year. I see much higher numbers down the road.

And yes there is a track record with Bitcoin....ETH is another one that went from a few dollars to over $1000.

A minnow can grow faster by buying and using SBD though. My advice would be to stock up on SBD, write good posts, purchase profitable votes from minnowbooster and you will get to trending and grow a following like that.

Wow my friend, this article really has me pumped!

I recently dropped some stacks on my account, and now have a little over 1,000 Steem power, plus every time I reach a certain threshold of Steem Dollars, I send it over to the exchange, sell it, buy Steem, send it back, and then power up!

It has become my healthy addiction, and should net me some massive positive results in the years to come! 🐳

1K SP puts you in some elite company. These numbers are revealing how few people truly are at that level. Keep powering up and you will attract a lot more attention as newer people sign up. It is human nature to gravitate towards those who are ahead of us...most newer people are going to look at 1K as SP as a huge amount.

What is exciting is your road to 2500 SP will be easier.

I hope so, and I'll be working hard at! 🐳

So True!!!

every time I reach a certain threshold of Steem Dollars, I send it over to the exchange, sell it, buy Steem, send it back, and then power up!

Have you done the math comparing doing it that way versus using the internal market?

The internal market pegs the Steem dollar at just $1.00, where as when you send it out and sell it on an exchange, you earn whatever the going price is, which allows you the ability to buy more Steem with it.

That hasn’t been my experience at all. The internal market values SBD’s at much more than a USD. For each one SBD, I’m getting more than one SP.

I think you’ve made some inaccurate assumptions about the internal market. I think you’re thinking of the old “convert to Steem” option that was removed a few months ago.

So, when I use the convert to Steem right here in the platform, it converts it via the going price of the Steem Backed Dollar?

Using the internal market, you’re creating a limit order. Sometimes it converts almost instantly. Sometimes it takes a few minutes. Occasionally, when prices are volatile, it might not go through and you can cancel the order. But this is not the old convert to Steem link that took three days.

Experiment with 0.1 SBD and see if you like it.

That didn't answer my question, the question I had was, does the Steem Backed Dollar convert via it's current market price of Steem in the organic system?

Basically, yes. Another Steemian is selling Steem for SBD.

Try having two windows open. In one, sell 0.1 SBD the way you’ve been doing and see how much Steem you get. In the other sell 0.1 SBD for Steem on the internal market. Do the two trades as close together in time as you can. Compare the results.

I do not use Poloniex or Bitrex so have no clue about them. But I think you’ll be happy with the results because no middle-man exchange is getting a piece of the action.

Here for example is a trade I made on Saturday: was showing SBD at $6.67 and Steem at $6.17, a ratio of 1.097

I traded on the internal exchange and got 7.668 Steem for 7 SBD, a ratio of 1.095

There might have been a minute between when I checked and when I made my trade, which could explain the 0.002 discrepancy, but I doubt that the fees for an external exchange would be less than that.

It's definitely more profitable the way you do it

Me Too Love It!!!

While it's nice to be in the top 1% (thanks for pointing that out!) and while I am optimistic about the future of steem and concur with pretty much with everything you say (and also with what @goldendawne says below about a decent interaction strategy on here) ... Is it accurate to base that 1% figure on total users... shouldn't it be active users (minus bots)?

Otherwise it's like deriving the top 1% from the real world by taking everyone that's ever lived in the last 40K years as the base point?

While including dead accounts in the calculation is more motivational it also just seems innacurate. I'm all for motivation, but accuracy first IMO - especially if we're investing our hard earned SBDs!

Based on active users, with a 1000SP I'd say I'm firmly middle class, but not elite! Which is still something to cheer about...

Yes, I had forgotten about the active bots. It would be interesting to see a chart showing how many UPvotes, etc are in connection to auto (or manual) bots.

That could be quite interesting to see...

Based on active users, with a 1000SP I'd say I'm firmly middle class, but not elite! Which is still something to cheer about...

I just crested the (lower) middle class myself.. but some day (fingers crossed) to breakthrough into the land of elites.

The first is one for someone with database skills (not me ATM, maybe by the end of the year!) I still think it's relatively easy for someone in the west to make it to 5000 SP.

One thing that does interest me is what the structural constraints of the platform are in terms of SP is a zero sum game after all.

Yeah good point!

How many of those "dead" accounts become active?

There is no way to tell who won't log on tomorrow and realize what he or she is missing.

I encountered a number of people on here who stated they did nothing for months only to come to understand what they are missing.

With that, there is a good chance some of those people who are presently inactive come back....

one thing about the dead accounts. those accounts dont close. they stay on the blockchain. they can and probably will come back. fb killed myspace, steemit will kill fb. such is the evolution of online social networks.

Funny, I was wondering about 'closing account's on steemit, I had assumed you couldn't! Thanks for confirming, and you may be right of course.

They could burn up their passwords in a ritual of disgust but I don't think accounts can actually be closed per say. That's my understanding. Might be wrong

Well I guess locking yourself out of your own account is closing it down! But as you say, that's fairly unlikely.

I am not sure Steemit will kill is more geared towards blasting Reddit.

you are probably right. my gut feeling is steemit will overshadow fb, though. People will want more substance I believe. deeper connections.

people can keep in touch with each other on fb, but they are drifting farther apart. the more realization people get oh how unfulfilled they are over there, the more they will want to go somewhere else. hopefully here.

i cant speak on reddit. i dont know anything about it. myspace is still active. it has totally revamped itself which wiped out my old account with that transition.

I'm one of them - started in August/ Sept - then stopped and got back to it late Sept - in fairness though, as a teacher, there was this little thing called a 'new term' that sort of got in the way during Autumn!

'THEY'LL BE BACK' - I'm sure.

Beautiful write-up as always. A clarion call for all to power up. We need to make little sacrifices for the future. I know we'll need the income badly but little powering up will gradually translated into something big and being an early bird will surely guarantee you choice worms.

Very good point @edith4angelseu.

While it might be tough, a sacrifice now to power up might well serve one very well in the future. There is a lot happening here and struggling a bit more, for a few more months, to take advantage of what could potentially be an explosion in STEEM price will be well worth it.

That is what I am doing...I continue to work so as to keep powering up all I can.

That is right sir. Congratulations

there are 8,301 people who have 500 SP or greater in the world. This really struck me when I really looked at it. For me, it is easy to get lost in the sheer numbers on here (600K users/30K daily authors)

WOW! I just learned I am one of those people... exciting? Yes... making me motivated? YES! Eye opening moment? YES!

Little things like this really encourage me, get my creativity ramping up and makes me want to thrive more.

ANd to think of the numbers of registered users on steemit vs. the number of active members who post daily or weekly is astounding. So many have signed up, stopped posting and commenting or have left all together.
Is this the best way to say the possibility of coming to steemit thinking it is a get rich quick platform and realizing all the work and dedication for success was too much for some; so they stopped coming?
I got in on steemit 6 months ago, found my place, got my rhythm and have settled in to some great communities and even found a side gig writing a daily newsletter. I have established myself, become a FTG Stewards of Gondor recipient and continue doing what I do EVERY day; writing quality content, commenting and being a steemit social butterfly; so far this recipe (for lack of a better word) has worked.

That is the point of the post @goldendawne. It is one of those aha moments.

Most of us take for granted that there are a ton of people ahead of us, with more SP when the reality is there are very few. Even the person with a few hundred SP is in a very small group. If people keep powering up, they will be part of a group of Steemians that can forge the future. We are just at the beginning stages....over the next couple of years, things will explode.

You are doing very well on is always good to see people progress. It is exciting to think what the future holds for all of us.

Almost daily, between you, @abh12345 and a variety of other knowledgeable steemians, I find new information, statistics and (usually) positive steemit news that gives me more to mull over, consider and praise the platform about.

I am a numbers person. I like to see concrete evidence in charts showing the differences and with factual support. Things that are heresay or abstract just detour me to other means.

Keep on showing me the numbers!

I am glad I can help and provide some insight and motivation.

There is so much here, it is tough to get a handle on it all (for one person to do that). We all need to take up a piece and share it in our posts. It is how we all learn.

Awesome Information I Agree!!!

When I first started investing in crypto I never would have thought social blogging would be my daily norm. Here I am in my fifth month and not one day do I not get on steemit and voice my thoughts and opinions. Each passing day I am getting bigger and stronger on this platform all thanks to the people who have given me support and knowledge to earn more.

Reality for me is I have no real skill set to sell here. What I do have is proof that an average person with average capabilities can still thrive on this platform. I can not do that with any other type of crypto. Hence I am mostly putting my eggs in one basket, which is in steem. If I know I am on here each and every day I know I am using my steem to be productive.

If one spends enough time on this platform they too can earn. I can not wait to see what steem will look like by the same time as next year. I am so pumped up right now on steem I can not stop blogging ;) Best of luck to all steemian in 2018. Steem on!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am glad you made it mate. If you write in a minority language you happen to be quite alone with only a few people reading your stuff. Steem on.

I know what you mean, seems like the other ones are not backed with anything.

You have the most important skillset to sell on here @mawit07 and that is yourself.

Being genuine is the most important thing anyone can do on here. There are a lot who come on here and pretend to be what they are not. I am not a professional writer yet I put up posts each day that people seem to enjoy. I provide my honest opinion based upon the research that I take time to do.

That is all I can myself.

I am using my Steemit account as my Retirement fund. This means every time I earn some fiat - I put 10% into steem power. I also won in a class action lawsuit some money that will come to me in late spring and I will be puting 10% of that into Steem.... So I am actually hoping the price doesn't go up too much before I get a chance to buy. I know I am lucky that I don't need to cash out/power down... believe me... I know how lucky I am. I am recovering from a severe health crisis and my dad is helping me and I am about to take an employment program (Introduction to the Film Industry and Work Placement) - for the next 13 weeks... So I will be better equipped to do quality content building with dtube and dlive... I'm kind of in a weird situation when it comes to legacy finance. If fiat turns into dust because of a black swan type paradigm shit that sees hyperinflation and massive devaluation of the dollar in purchasing power... I'm F*d for my retirement. I'm getting into Crypto to make sure that if that happens, I won't be.

Very great analysis my friend @taskmaster4450 and iam sure that this prediction will going to be true in some time because crypto currencies are gain based on the value behind them and steem got a big real value behind it,so maybe we can see a 4 figure steem in coming time and when that happens,

A member with only 10 steem got account value around $10000,so we have to just trust on Steem and wait for magic to happen :)

If some of the developments that were discussed occurred, we could well see 4 figures. I dont like to put that out there too much since it is totally unrealistic to people yet we have seen it happen in the crypto world.

This time last year, ETH was in the single was LTC. ETH hit 4 figured with LTC peaking near $400.

So there is a track record of this happening.

Overall, I think STEEM is a top 10 blockchain....hopefully the market price will reflect that at some point.

yup that's true :)

$100 per Steem is really dangerous prediction but it will happen, more than sure of it, about this 1% did you also consider bet bidding bots etc?
And also about being in the 1% with 500+ SP you made me think really hard..

1 steem was $0.6 a couple of months ago which would've meant that it would've costed only $300 to get to 500 SP while currently it takes already about $2 500 for 500SP.

I can really see Steem being the future currency and the people inside the 1% being the ones that are sort of controlling it, the most being whales of course.

Anyway really nice post, gave it a resteem for others to realize as well!

I am reading this at the end of may 2019, i hope you are well on your way to being whale-bound!

Even at $20, 500 SP will take $10K......that is a big difference from the $300 days.

Indeed, so to speed up the process we need current active content creators to gather together, to help achieve each other in this 1% to control the market in the future.

That has been my strategy so far. I have been steadily powering up since I first became active in mid-November.

I have made it up to 103 SP since then. This isn't a huge increase but it represents alot of work on my part. I didn't start to really gain till the first week of December.

Based on this I think I should be able to reach 500 in 3 more months.

Besides consistently commenting on blogs I love my other strategies are using Steemauto to maximize my curation rewards, leasing delegation to further increase curation awards, and delegating to @randowhale and others as another form of income.

I will also be starting a group dedicated to increasing group member SP and to a few projects I find worthy. Membership will be restricted based on the following criteria: 1) What do you do with your SP? If you aren't powering up a large percentage, then you are not eligible. 2)What kind of curator are you? Do you properly manage your SP so you aren't casting worthless votes? Are you even curating? If you are a poor curator then you are not eligible. 3)Do you comment? If you aren't making quality comments on at least a few blogs then you are not eligible. 4) What kind of attitude do you have? Negative Nancy need not apply. No time for whiners. Only positive people who are actively trying to make a difference in their lives, in the world, and on Steem are eligible. If you are interested leave a comment here and I will get back to you when time permits.

I think all these strategies will definitely help me towards my goals.

Since I began this comment my SP has increased from 103 to 105.5. That is nice. :-)

I feel like I am making progress.

Thanks for the post.

Keep Steeming!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think steem are not a rare position, suddenly in 2018 steem holder are rapidly increasing and they hope and targeted to got more power their account, in this situation, the steem market can't serve accurately, so when it will be maximize, than the demand target will be recover, but i appreciate that the steem will reach the $100, just wait for that @taskmaster4450

Great post ! I for one look forward to being in the 1%!! Like you said steemian 1% is almost directly opposed to the bankster 1% and I'm perfectly ok with that. Do I want to be rich and have nice things ? It'd be the lie of the century if I said no. HOWEVER I believe that everyone should be able to be rich and have nice things. The way I see it and many of the true philanthropists of the world have shown is the more you have then the more you have available to give. The true philanthropists of the world give millions and millions of dollars in direct and indirect aid and are still able to lead the lives they choose. Is this not a beautiful notion? Living life on your terms and STILL being able to help others. This is why I love steemit and why I will do my part to grow the community.

So Awesome Thanks For Your Insight, So Inspiring!

Hello taskmaster... again I see quality and good thought on your post... but there's something.

We are 7.5 years behind where BTC is now, true, but what people fear when they say "I wish I got here earlier" is something that holds true - the world changed, and in 7.5 years a lot will happen in the crypto world and "offline" world as you well know.

Things are moving much faster now, and as I once said, STEEMit is the first, but I doubt it will be the concept that becomes mainstream. The platform may not even reach those numbers... nobody knows.

But I find it hard to imagine this platform being mainstream... unless big changes happen around here, I think it will be dethroned or whatever you said it in english (be taken out of the pedestal) by another app.

I mean... EOS is going to have a DEX... that means that when EOS and its DEX get running Bitshares will lose its value.
What if Dan remembers to create a platform much like this one based on EOS or whatever his next project is, what will happen then?
I too believe that I'm here soon enough to take advantage of the platform, but I have to give you this counter-weight for you to consider... the future for BTS for instances looks way worse now that EOS is almsot certain to get a DEX.

It is a mistake to look at blockchains in terms of comparisons.

Are you going to leave here when EOS comes online? I know I am not...the rewards are too great.

People are going to use many different networks. There isnt going to be one winner in any area. Bitcoin is not going to implode....there are a ton of businesses already operating on there which will continue.

Just like there are a ton of countries to visit there will be a multitude of blockchains to utilize. Some you might, others you might not.

As for mainstream, I believe it will since it is open source with plenty of development already taking place. The number of people being drawn in over the next 6 months will tell the story.

Do not forget, it took Steemit a long time to get the bandwidth down isnt something easy or that happens overnight.

Steemit might not be the flagship fact, I believe DTube is going to be bigger. Nevertheless, even when they tokenize, they still need STEEM to get bandwidth.

Thanks for the insightful reply once again Task, love these Q&As

I never saw things like that. Thank for shedding the light! I did the mistake a month ago withdrawing SBD instead of investing them. It's a huge difference now because the number of Steems you got for 1 SBD was something like 5. Now I will power-up every time I can!
But I still have a question. Do you think it's a good think to wait to have a better Steem/SBD ratio. I mean, if I power up right now, I will have approximately 1 Steem per SBD. So maybe it's better to wait a little to get a better deal.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

you're right, I've been here a little more than a month, but I spend part of my earnings on increasing my voice. I believe that the trend will continue and in the future we will see 100 dollars for 1 STEEM. When this happens, no one will say exactly - but this is already a fact. This platform will become more popular every day.
Now there is a tendency to increase the number of users from among the popular bloggers from other platforms. They come here, followed by their subscribers - which gives a multiple increase in the active audience.
Steemit is the future of social networks - so increasing your voice is your investment in the future.
Thanks - the article is interesting

I have had about a hundred forty steem just lying in my wallet ding nothing!! This post was an eye opener. Going to power up as soon as i finish posting this comment!! With a goal to reach 500 SP by the end of january 2018 (yes i know i'm too ambitious, stop judging).

EDIT : Powered Up!! xD xD That felt good!!

When I started at steemit last year, I never thought I would get to 500sp, now I see things from another perspective. The evaluations you make about steem and btc are very helpful. you almost never fail. that's why I tell you the master of the btc.

right now you encourage me to do power up. I'll put other things in second place.

Same Here!!! Thanks For Sharing, So Inspiring!

Looking from the outside, the prediction might look outrageous but I have seen what these community is all about.

I don't how much in dollar steem will be by the end of the year. All I know is the only way the community and the cryptocurrency is going is up.

I sure not want to be part of that but part of the elite here.

Thank you for a wonderful post.

Being on Steemit for several months now, I've read plenty about 'powering up' and the 'benefits' of doing so. However, none has ever explained how the picture is going to be painted like when we power up: the way you did it with users powering up into the 1% bracket. Albeit a bold prediction of $100/STEEM, it's a figure nonetheless and a simple one that helps us to imagine a clearer picture of what the future of STEEM Blockchain is going to be like.

My man, @taskmaster4450 you are my favorite advocate/educator when it comes to Steemit-related matters and I really love you for that <3 Keep rocking, mate!!

I love the way you think. I was just talking about this yesterday myself but not in the way you have put it. I read a prediction that STEEM would be up to $1000 by 2022 that means anyone with an account SP on $1000 right now now are Millionaires they just don't now it yet. And are 4 years from being a millionaire.

This is the crypto is possible that comes a lot sooner than that.

ETH was under $10 this time last year and is now over $1,000.

No telling how fast things can move. SMTs might have an enormous effect especially if they implement the retiring of some STEEM.

I will not complain if it reaches that sooner than expected.

Wasn’t that long ago STEEM was at $.70. I took some BTC profits and powered up as much as I dared. The STEEM ecosystem has so many things going for it. First the transactions are free and the network is fast but can also handle way more than Bitcoin or Ethereum without breaking a sweat. Next we got #dtube #dlive #steepshot #utopian and a growing catalogue of useful dapps. Then we got SMTs that could push STEEM to the next level as a utility.

IMO any STEEM under $20 right now is a steal.

Love your positive outlook on the future @taskmaster4450 it’s contagious.

So Awesome Thanks For Your Insight, So Inspiring!

Thanks for the post. I totally agree. We have to be in this for legacy and invest both time and money into the platform. While it may be tight for some of use know it will be nothing when Steem breaks $100, $250, or eventually $500. The math is crazy but real.

My goal is to reach 1000 SP by the Summer or before if I can. With a combination of myself invest and continually producing great content I believe this is totally possible. Only together can we show the value of Steem and change our lives.

Well written @taskmaster. My Steem spirit is burning after reading your post. I'm confident that Steem will outperform any other cyrpto and create a revolution to social media and blogspot.

There will come a day when people will look at accounts that have 500 or 1000 SP with envy. When you are talking about STEEM at $100, $200, or even $300, well you do the math. Those people will be saying "I wish I was on here in January 2018".

I guess you've convinced me, I'll buy some Steem Power.

..because unfortunately it is so hard to gain Steem Power by delivering great content.

I guess so.

I, too, really believe that the steem platform is going to explode in both the amount of traffic it receives, and value. I cannot imagine it losing value, at least not until something more revolutionary comes along, and I think we are at least years away from that happening. Great, informative article, as usual. It will certainly be interesting to see which way steem goes. I'm going to invest a bit though, that's for sure :)

wow. you are saying absolutely. Still it's early days of steemit. it's up to us how we grab our share from this amazing community. steem is going great since the start of this year. $100 steem is just like a dream but it's not impossible. Thanks for telling the hidden steem power with logic. it's an honor for us to be included in 1%. Thanks for the amazing post @taskmaster4450

What is interesting is that everyone is talking about "minnows" as a pejorative, while it's actually not bad at all to be a minnow, you're still among the top 10,000.

I'm a month old Steemian and I'm reinvesting everything earned back to my account. I'm doing it through bid bots, as I'm guessing that that is the best method to do it. Am I right?

Cheers! : )

totally agreed. steemit is still in early beta. if you wanna profit without investing money, it is kinda similar to a free2play-business-model: you gotta be patient, make it part of your routine. as you stated, we actually are the early adopters, still part of the 1%. when (not 'if') more people discover steem and the possibilities it holds, we have already been around...
i started out with crypto in 2014, and i was saying: man, i wish i was in bitcoin in 2009. when i tell my friends about crypto today, they usually say: man, i wish i started out with crypto back in 2014, when you first told me about it.

The "sad" part is that getting steem will become harder and harder and my dream of getting 10.000 steem will be very difficult to achieve.
But still I feel very fortunate to be among the 1% :)

You will get gets easier as time goes by.

Believe it or not, the large influx of people will help those who are powering up...they will be drawn in.

Well, it's not so early if you compare the number of people flooding into the crypto space. Furthermore, when real bloggers with huge following come rushing into Steemit, the playing field will be even more uneven. The best way to make some headway in Steemit is actually to pump some real money by purchasing Steem or SBD to power up.

posting is very useful for me, thanks for the information and suggestions that you share. my permission for it as a motivation to other friends.

I Agree, where are you from?

Aceh , indonesia

Awesome what do you do?

wall another amazing article .. so as i am wathcing your profile i just read 2 of your article and i will do read more .. soon as these are very int resting you are an amazing person with great skill of writing and thing .. they way you research and think is very good i love the post and know the real meaning of steem power thanks for posting loved it

Wow your article is really good, I never thought of it the way you explain. Thanks for your research I know it was not easy. Thanks again am really going to invest more in steemit. You have my upvote for this post.

Awesome post! I would upvote it right now but I ran out of votes. I did power up today with my earning though for the very first time. It was also my first day receiving earnings. :)

Congratulations on both of them...the first of money.

It feels great to make some money for participating on here.

Incredible, surreal. Wow! lol

Thank you for this! I'm fairly new here(~12 days) and have been thinking about this quite a bit. Even in the two weeks since I've joined almost 50000 have.

That being said, I have very little SP, but am hoping to get my hands on whatever I can while I can. You summarized it nicely for me, and being new here, it's good to hear it from someone with much more experience.

Thanks ! :)

Whoever made up this Powering up, did a great job...Many benefits and if one of it is to be among the best, than that is great challenge...

Having liquid steem would be the same as powerful up as long as steem price increase.

So while powering up is the best, having liquid steem would also net a good return if steemit succeeds

As a new person, I have to say this is hands down the best I have read yet. Thanks a lot for sharing this. Makes questions I and others have had more to understand.

Wow, that was very eye opening. I had somehow thought there were FAR more people on here with more than 500 SP. It's been my goal from day 1 to get to 500 and then 1,000 SP, but now I feel like I should push myself even harder. I've never been in the top 1% of anything as exciting as Steemit before.

I am definitely very intrigued. This is an extremely quality post. Thank you kindly for sharing your insights!! I am inspired, and going to definitely power up my account every chance I get :D THANKS

As a new-ish Steemit user, I am taking this advice to heart. Even is Steem never rises to such lofty levels, this seems like a good way to go.

I'm glad you posted this. It is easy to become delusional about valuation - but I really think you explain why (which is so critical in actual assessments of value) Steem has real value, and better yet is under priced for what it will be worth.

Thanks for writing this, for real.

I am fairly new here and having trouble building up Steem. But I plan on keeping at it and one day be up there. Thanks for the words of encouragement and this is definitely a good read.

100 000 000 users on the end of 2018 and $100 Steem

This is a good article and I have already made my decision to Power Up everything I can, with 500SP in my sight over the next month, all being well.

As you said, the best time to start is NOW!

So Awesome Great Decision! Thanks For Your Insight, So Inspiring!

Awesome and so true when you look at the big picture. I powered up this weekend in order to get my first millivest, I am days away from 500sp. I have been posting everyday and intend to continue which is hard as you know. This post has renewed my enthusiasm. Thanks man.

In life, everything is relative and never envy someone else Steemit account. The person reaches it because it makes a commitment to reach that amount.

inshallah! Let's hope so! Very logical explained article. I really liked it. It almost motivated me to power up :) I will do it with my next steems :) Eventually :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful information! What are the other thresholds? Hey can I ask you a huge personal favour?

Thank you for this post! I have been on Steemit for just over a week now and I've been posting consistently. I will not receive much steem when I do within the next 7 days, but when I do I will definitely power up all of it as I do not need this extra income yet. Thanks again!

I find it harder to advance the account due to low SBD earning per post. I guess if there is any other way to do this?

Place a lot of well thought out comments.

Many dolphins and whales upvote comments.

thats a very good advice


About Damn time i get to be in the

I love you in your post pods. I thank you very much for sharing with us. I hope you share this kind of good post in…

STEEM already has a community of users who are committed to its success. It is this fact that makes it a diamond in the rough. In short, there are 40,000 people daily posting on here who will ensure that Steemit

are you a deja vu bot?

upvote and reestemed

Well writing.Much obliged for sharing it.
Upvoted and resteemed done

steem power is really awesome

excellent...and see my latest as well...steem going much higher..but so is silverf/gold..much, much higher.

upvote and reestemed

From the beginning I viewed steemit as a long term project, 5-10 yr.

informative one

Oh my God.... I wish there's an avenue for you an I to discuss steem..... You are vast.

The World is Yours 🌍

Helpful information.thanks for sharing it.
upvoted and resteemed done

But if people needs 5K USD to buy Steem power, will they still use the site? Or will they be disappointed because they can't make any progress?

Very well analysed and explained. Really eye-opening and encouraging for many steemians!

Thanks brother for sharing a good information for us

I see a lot of potential, that's why I am here. 100$ Steem would be great 😂

I had just sold some of my sbd to buy SP when I read this! I really hope what you are telling us is right, I'd love to see Steem grow more and more and be closer to what bitcoin is today :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great advice. I really need to take more time to write quality posts and get that author award coming in.

Hmmm, I am thinking the same, not to cash out my SBD's and buy Steem Power, I am at 206 SP and withdrew round about 100 Steem 2 months ago, that was foolish, I know!

Really insightful advice... Tanx
Upvoted and resteemed

Thanks for this post!!! Whats the next step after the 500 sp?

501 LOL

Well Said!

wall this is amazing i loved it

I’ve been STEEMING for a month now and I used all my earnings to Power up.

Let the game begin! Thanks for the post and sharing with us :) all the best.

This is one of two posts I've read about on powering up this morning. I'm thinking of writing on the topic and mentioning you in my post! Thank you for the info.

I think your Post is for a big group of people very helpful!
Thx for making this Website for us!
Upvote when your in my opinion @alokkamboj

I Agree Great Information Here!!

Words of wisdom from taskmaster!

i look forward to seeing what happens

I think I'm going to be a "red fish" for a long time.. How to get more upvotes in order to get more Steem Power? I have "36" next to my name so people are not interested in checking out my posts. @swissclive said, the more you have, the more you will be looked at. So if you have a lot of Steem Power you can post whatever even if it’s crappy and people will still upvote without even reading the post!

A very clear and concise post. Power up........ This should be the language of every steemian. Building wealth for the future starts now. Thank you sir for sharing this.

Steam power is very important in Steamit. We have learned a lot from this article. Thank you for sharing the important article with us.

Under these circumstances powering up simply doesnt pay back to absolute newbies who on average collect less than $1 per post.

If you are new and want to succeed on Steem, you will surely need to power up as soon as possible. But by doing 50/50 or even 100% power up you will hardly achieve anything.

The best option at this is to keep powering up with another, non -Steem currency. If you have fiats deposed in a bank, where they make no interest, just pick em up and invest in powering up now. Or sell something you do not need to invest in powering up. The ebst is if you have a cryptocurrency portfolio, just swap most or all of to Steem and power up.

I was thinking the same way like others. I am late here and missed the chance to grab some SP while the price of steem was below 1$. ...........
Your explanation and logic is somewhat comforting. Means we have still chance to go somewhere if can keep up our max effort despite high price of steem.

Wow as a newbie I feel really fortunate to have seen this post so early after starting. I know that on platforms like this you can feel like you're shouting into the abyss ( learned that from medium) but it's nice to know you can actively affect your visibility. Thanks for the helpful tips!

Congratulations @taskmaster4450!
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steemit always go forward and keep developing, in our country Indonesia now steemit already worldwide,
#live steemit and keep growing forever.

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