New Rules - Effective Immediately

in steem •  6 years ago  (edited)

Don't worry I don't have the Authority to make the rules.

New Rules:

1. Stop whining/complaining/attacking other users.  

Each user can use their own stake for whatever they like even if it is to upvote themselves.  You on the other hand can use your flag to counteract what they are doing.  Just flag it and move on.

2. Be nice to new users.  You don't have to upvote them, but be friendly or answer a question.

Maybe if we came off as a friendlier community, it would seem more inviting to new users.

3.  Stop calling everything a Scam (or worse yet Reward Pool Rape)  

Someone out earning you or coming up with an interesting idea to earn Steem is likely not a scam.  There is no such thing as Reward Pool Rape, the blockchain gives consent.  Again, if you don't like it flag it.

4.  Buy some damn steem the price is low.

Need some attention or want to buy a vote?  Buy some Steem!

5.  If you do buy a vote at least try to make a nice post.  

6.  Stop expecting to get Whale and Dolphin Votes.

If you do get one celebrate success and enjoy, but whales and dolphins are vastly outnumbered and they can't support all the minnows and redfish.  Build a network of 20-30 accounts and support each other.  Some will quit, some will grow they will still be your friends when you are dolphins.

7. Remember what your content was worth prior to Steem and remember more and more content is getting demonetized everywhere.

Nearly all forms of content is highly overpaid here in comparison to other places that pay for content.

8.  There is no crying in Crypto, if this isn't going well...  ask someone who is doing well for advice, help and feedback!

These are now the rules of Steem.  Go forth and post!

(I don't have the authority to make rules and neither does anyone else)



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I could not agree more! I've had some interesting conversations recently that included the H word. More than one person called his enterprise Immoral. I honestly can't say that it is. It may not be community oriented. It may be self absorbed or even greedy.

I literally can't understand how the term 'reward pool rape' or ANY other term you PREFER to convey the same OR similar concept can be applied to RR upvoting H 10X a day. I would welcome a genuine explanation of how it is immoral for someone to be in a monogamous upvoting relationship. Isn't that their business?

The idea that it is a moral issue to build the community is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. And like you I've heard it often. I flag him once in a while.. But it is his stake. I think he's an ass, but it certainly isn't a moral issue.

Atleast I did it yesterday!
Buy some damn steem the price is low.

Great rules I think we all should follow these rules to build a happy heaven on STEEMIT!


Congratulations! Good job!

Buy some damn steem the price is low!!!!

I officially endorse these rules. I have no authority to endorse a damn thing, any more than you have to make rules. But they are still good rules.

"OMG! The price, the price...."

Yeah well. Is the Steem block chain still super fast and free? Is is working? Is it running at barely 1% of capacity? Then I guess things must be valid, still... and if the price is low, that looks like an invitation to buy some Steem, if you have a bit of spare cash lying around. Odds are you'll end up with a better return than if you had it sitting in a savings account...

Buy STEEM now, i soo agree with it, i actually made a post about it too! I think big people are dumping STEEM on the market to push the price down to give new steemians that came after the 20k btc bubble a new buy opportunity! Look at it as a second ICO! this actually increases decentralization on the blockchain! I haven't bought any but i might do it next month since i want to make this my hobby!

If the price goes low and others buy in that is distribution! I agree.

Well I think I can do all...except No 6. Am still hoping for them

If the price goes lower I'll buy up some Steem power

Hoping is different from expecting. Hoping is natural. Expecting leads to bitterness. Take it from me.

What he said! ^

This should be called " How to Steem 101" 😀

I also think keeping managable goals is important. If one expects too much, he or she will always be upset with what he or she gets. I actually just wrote about that, speaking of.

"Remember what your content was worth prior to Steem and remember more and more content is getting demonetized everywhere." I think this is the big one. When we look at others who are doing very well it is easy to start feeling down but if we were on facebook we wouldn't be making anything at all.

Nice reference in number 8. I just happened to be watching a Tom Hanks movie as I'm writing this lol.

Manageable goals is a great point! You will not be a crypto millionaire after your 5th post. However over the course of a year you could earn a few thousand and wait for the price to rise!

Haha that is what I am hoping for but my big goals at the moment are to get to 1000 followers and 500 SP. I am pretty near to the follower count but I am a ways off on the SP still. I have like 148 which isn't too shabby for a young account but I still have a long road ahead.

  1. Buy some damn steem the price is low.

I keep shouting about it the whole damn day. At least what everyone can afford...Even 50$ steem might make a huge difference in the future.

Actually I like your rules. And in fact they shouldn't be is just common sense

Is this in relation to the onset of the great war again? Agree with you, and i also said it to someone else, someone with 1 million sp upvoting himself or herself constantly is the same as new user upvoting himself or herself constantly, so don't think there is any scam. The rules permit so called RWP, kind of similar to tax planning. Either disagree and flag or disagree and ignore. I learnt it the hard way but i eventually did.

Not in relation to any one situation. Just the general complaining, it isn't "fair". But the great war goes on and is also relevant.

Many of us have taken some hard lessons!

I think we can't call them "rules", but we have to call them "good advice" to live in a better way our experience here. My way to stay here sounds like "keep calm, enjoy it and, if you need it, use the flags" (I use flags just for serial spammers and serial plagiarism, after a first friendly advice to them). Ok, I have to buy some steem now that the price is slow :)

Just like I mentioned to @Swolesome, don't use the trending page. Its the equivalent to the vanilla frontpage of reddit without any subscriptions.
Find people worth following through discord, and through those people you will network with other like-minded individuals. BidBots have never effected my experience here, and its because I'm extremely picky who I follow and upvote. If there is no written rule against using them, then nobody is actually breaking any rules, atleast not to my knowledge.
Be the change you want to see on steemit, you can't force change without equal opposition. Support the content you want to see more of, and ignore the rest. There is no right or wrong, just the outcome you gravitate towards.

I don't think I've looked at the trending page since I first joined lmfao. I always search content for things I like.

Very Nice!

I don't mind trending, but I still like most of the points you've made.

Trends have human-centipede like behavior, although the occasional worthy post does float to the surface. The hivemind isn't always correct to each individuals tastes, but it can occasionally surprise you.

Brilliant post. Great and simple advice. I hope more people see it and actually read it. Resteemed!

Thanks for the resteem!


All these are golden rules.

:) I like that. I should have called it that.

Aye @empress-eremmy how is that Angry Redfishes project coming...

  1. Stop expecting to get Whale and Dolphin Votes.

If you do get one to celebrate success and enjoy, but whales and dolphins are vastly outnumbered and they can't support all the minnows and redfish. Build a network of 20-30 accounts and support each other. Some will quit, some will grow they will still be your friends when you are dolphins.

@whatsup agrees with it!

Each user can use their own stake for whatever they like even if it is to upvote themselves. You on the other hand can use your flag to counteract what they are doing. Just flag it and move on.

The majority of people's flags are worthless, they'd have no effect
swaying change, at the most would just start a flag war that wouldn't much benefit themselves either. How well would someone like me fair flagging someone who habitually upvotes their own content....if they have enough sp to up vote their own content they have enough sp to have a serious effect on my account if they flag me back out of revenge. It's absurd how they even came up with that ridiculous way to stop abuse when the majority of people don't have the power it would take to spontaneously stop abuse in it's tracks.

You have exactly the amount of influence as the stake that you hold. That sets it up so that those who have the most to risk (large stakeholders) have the ability to use their stake. Until we get past the flag wars and normalize flagging the abuse will continue to grow. I flag people larger than me often. I have only been revenge flagged a couple of times.

Hint.. Leave Bernie and Haejin alone. I haven't seen much damage done by revenge flagging after that. Even both of them stop.

If you think someone deserves a flag for bad behavior and you don't give the flag, out of fear, that is also greed, just in a different form.

I admit I like to read the Haejin and Bernie war threads but I know better then to become directly involved on those threads. I made a comment to someone once who said time to get out the popcorn and I commented on a Bernie post the other day that was going positively well without any flagging but other than that I hear yeah.

I beg to differ that if someone doesn't flag abuse it's greed, it's not greed, there's nothing there to be greedy about. It's the difficulty of bandwidth, the small amount of money involved is meaningless. There's much better ways to report abuse, you can do it through discord or I will usually make a note to point it out to the markymark for him to check out. I send other people his way to if I see them wondering about something going down. He is much better equipped to handle these situations.

Heck yeah, I like to read their wars too! :)

I also agree if it is bot abuse themarkymark is the way to go.

smaller accounts can and should flag comment spam and whatever they see as shit posts from other small users though.

Buy some damn steem the price is low.

Damn right. In addition to what I earn, I’m planning on buying at least another 500 Steem before the end of 2018. Possibly more if the price stays low.

Me too, I'm hoping the Moon waits until next month when I have a few CDs coming to age!

I just gave you a dolphin vote because you need to be able to move out of the trailer park.

hahaha! Thank you.

So much common sense!

Except for (8). There is crying in crypto, just like there is crying in every aspect of life. Crying is healthy. Dr Spock was wrong. Who doesn't like crying? Noone ever shed a tear they didn't feel better for.

That said, all Steemians hereby officially appoint you the new headmistress of the Steemwarts school of bitchcraft and liberty, in which the main rule is that there are no rules, everyone is free to do whatever they want, consequences are accepted without whining, and you get to change the rules at the end of every day, anyway, just for giggles. :)

Haha. Okay, people can cry a little, the sound of sniffles gets annoying. :) All in fun.

Wise words to live by, @whatsup. Steemit is an investment of time, treasure and talent. You need all three to be survive. Also lots of patience. I do see the opportunity, but it will not happen overnight.


There is no such thing as Reward Pool Rape


Each user can use their own stake for whatever they like even if it is to upvote themselves.

I've done several posts on these topics.

Why do the socialists promote their feel good crap, against these 2 rules on a capitalistic free-market platform?
Why do they lay a guilt trip on taking care of yourself first, so you can then help others?
Maybe if instead they taught newbies how to take care of themselves, rather than looking for handouts, we wouldn't have such high turnover.
Maybe all the how-to-succeed-at-Steemit posts, though well meaning are totally wrong. If they were actually teaching newbies how to succeed, wouldn't the churn rate be MUCH lower?

  • Perhaps the problem is not the newbies,
    Perhaps the problem is US!

Why is the price of Steem so low?
Maybe it's because we have so many brigades that will slap you down if you try to get a decent ROI. Maybe we would have more investors, if we only encouraged them to do whatever it takes to get a decent ROI.

  • Perhaps the problem isn't Steem, or the platform,
    Perhaps the problem is US.

When I say US, I'm not including you, me or those commenting on your post, cuz I think we kinda get it! haha

I was nodding my head through all of this. One of my missions is to use whatever influence I have to help shape the culture! A culture of help build the site, but take care of your own self. :)

  1. Buy some damn steem the price is low.

Check :)

ya! what she said ...

guess its been a long week and people havent chamged much? LOL!

thank you for catching me up on the usual attitude ... 😆

happy friday!! 🤗

Atleast I did it yesterday!
Buy some damn steem the price is low.

Great rules I think we all should follow these rules to build a happy heaven on STEEMIT!


If you wrote 2 more you would have had the Ten Commandments for Steem 🤓

Resteemed your rules 🔥

Steemit doesn't have any rules.....what kind of scam are you trying to pull here?

Morning, @whatsup.

Can we get these rules plastered all over the welcome portal of Steemit? There is a welcome portal still, right? If not, we need a welcome portal, then plaster these rules there.

I like them all. And I try to navigate the STEEM waters with these in mind. Not always successful, but for the most part I am. And it's done a lot of good. For what it's worth, I'll vouch for every last rule.

dude dude dude....

This is like summary of last 50 comments I have made to various people...

If we could do just one of these things... we should really drop the RAPE word...

I feel like lately, we are making progress in the culture. More people are starting to understand how it works.

Don't jinx it...


My zeroth law is thus: Thou shalt not actually think of Steem as money.

Not for everyone, but it keeps me from getting frustrated.

(I don't have the authority to make rules and neither does anyone else)

Oh, but don't some love to think they can?

That has always driven me nuts!! I guess I have an inner rebel!

There is no crying in Crypto


Nice rules. Summed up by "Play nice!" I wrote a post last week that summed it up another way: Where we go one, we go all.


No sugar coating. Just is. I like it.
Thank you for sharing 😊

@whatsup " Be nice to new users. You don't have to upvote them, but be friendly or answer a question." very well said .It really motivates them and encourage them to give good content and get success on steemit. I really liked your rules advice thats why i resteemed it.

What is this Steemit thing? I heard you can make money on here.


I am just not expecting anything, I am just doing the role of an observer at the moment and that is what i can afford to now. Steem price will remain in the range of 1.1 to 1.6 at least 2/3 months, so anybody planning to invest has much more opportunity. Just like bull phase a reality so as bear phase. I think December will be the ulitmate month to reap some profit of steem investment.

Very good rules by the way @whatsup

Some good rules, now someone needs to make an easy way for non crypto speak people to buy steem, I know how a credit card works, sort of, I have no real clue how or what wallet to get, or use, and will it meet all my needs like one credit card. I used to have lots and lots of credit cards, then i figured I only needed one, and that is what I have, I do not want to have to have 30 wallets with 30+ character passwords.

From a review of all the comments to this point. I sort of some times like the trending page, after all now everyone on steemit that visits the trending page on occasion knows that berniesanders like fish, and is interested in knowing if you like fish. Just think with out the trending page we would not know that. He is a genius, how many post three word title, four word post, and 584 comments. Say what you want the guy is a genius. Yeah you can buy votes, you can not buy comments.

Kudo's for rule 3. Because it is successful does not make it a scam.

Well said! Good advice

Good post @whatsup. I agreed with you. Especillay this.

  1. Stop expecting to get Whale and Dolphin Votes.
    and this.
  2. There is no crying in Crypto, if this isn't going well... ask someone who is doing well for advice, help and feedback!

Good post @whatsup. I agreed with you. Especillay this.

  1. Stop expecting to get Whale and Dolphin Votes.
    and this.
  2. There is no crying in Crypto, if this isn't going well... ask someone who is doing well for advice, help and feedback!

these are indeed the rules. You dint make them up, just pointed them out.

Wonderful, as good as always, number 7 is top!

@whatsup very very nice article , carry on . best of luck