Steemit Update [ August 19th, 2024 ] : Steemit Engagement Challenge - Applications Invited for Season 20

in steemit •  3 months ago 

We hope you have all enjoyed Season 19 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge.

Season 20 of the Challenge will be starting in early September.

Applications are now invited for the new season.

Season 19 saw the introduction of the Teaching Teams. For Season 20 there will be further experimentation and further changes.

Major Changes

The Engagement Challenge has now been running for 19 seasons - well over a hundred weeks.

We have been aware of a growing feeling amongst the Steem Community that it is time for a change with the Engagement Challenge.

The Teaching Teams in Season 19 were a first step in changing the format.

While participation in the Teaching Team courses has not been as high as we hoped, we are going to give them another chance in Season 20 - assuming appropriate teachers come forward.

There have been comments that people have not wanted to take part in the Teaching Team courses as they require more time and effort than the standard challenges.

That has been taken on board in our voting strategy. We have been giving higher and more frequent votes to Teaching Team posts than standard challenges. This approach may be developed further in Season 20.

We do believe that the Teaching Team model can bring more value to the platform both in terms of utility and content.

The Crypto Academy will continue under the umbrella of the Teaching Teams.

Finding the best way for the Engagement Challenge to move forward is going to take some experimentation.

We have read in various comments, discussions and debates that one thing that the community would most like to see is a reduction in the number of rules and guidelines.

Therefore for Season 20 we are adopting a more freeform and freestyle approach.

We are also going to move the Engagement Challenge out of the communities - that has become too restrictive and exhausted.

Instead we are looking to recruit individual Challengers.

These will be people who have good ideas for more engaging weekly Challenges that will encourage discussion and debate.

Teaching Teams

Teaching Teams will be continued in Season 20 with some small changes.

Teams can just be one person - or they can include one assistant to help with marking assignment posts if they want.

Each Team will cover a particular subject area that they have specialist knowledge of such as photography or crochet or baking or spreadsheets or gardening or painting.

During Season 20 they will be expected to deliver a lesson in their subject area each week with a corresponding homework task. The six weekly lessons should ideally form a cohesive course in their subject area.

The Team will then review and grade participants’ homework posts. We would ask Teams to be more thorough and robust in their marking of assignment posts. They should have a wide enough spread of marks out of 10 and give detailed commentary on how posts can be improved. Good marking comments will be rewarded appropriately.

Homework posts from students following each course do not need to be posted in a particular community and can instead be tracked through the use of appropriate tags.

If the course assignments will require any specialist equipment or resources that should be mentioned in the Team’s application post. If these requirements have significant cost implications then higher rewards may be given to compensate.

How to Apply for Season 20

We are inviting applications from both individual Challengers and from Teaching Teams.

Challengers should make an application post including…

  • their experience on Steem, and vital statistics
  • details of any real world experience or expertise they want to bring to their Challenges
  • a list of six weekly Challenge questions they plan to use to encourage debate and discussion.

They will be allowed to modify their Challenge questions if needed as the Season progresses.

Teaching Teams should similarly make an application post including…

  • the subject area they want to cover
  • details of their experience in the subject area be it professional or hobbyist
  • three examples of the weekly lessons they would include in their course.

There are no restrictions on Steem Power, Reputation, nationality, language or community affiliations.

Posts should also contain the contact details (Telegram/Discord) of all applicants.

Posts should be submitted by 11:59 pm UTC, on Tuesday, August 27th, 2024.

For Challenger applications the posts should include the tag #challenger in the first four tags.

For Teaching Team applications the posts should include the tag #teachingteam in the first four tags.

Checking & Grading Posts

Teaching Teams should promptly check all assignments.

They should each have a standard comment format that focuses on the quality of the post and how well it has met the requirements of the assignment. It should also include suggestions for improvement.

The comment does not need to include any other information about club status or beneficiaries etc. The only checks needed are for plagiarism and AI content generation.

Challengers will be free to develop their own commenting format.

They should be on the lookout for plagiarism and AI content generation.

Selection of Weekly Winners

Each week we would like the Challengers to make a post announcing the 7 best posts and the 7 best comments from all the responses to their weekly challenge.

Likewise the Teaching Teams should make a post announcing the 7 best assignment posts for the week

All the weekly winners, as well as the announcement posts, will receive extra prize votes from @steemcurator01.

The weekly announcement posts are rewarded with substantial votes from @steemcurator01.

We are looking forward to reading all your applications.

This new format will be very much an experiment and we expect there to be further changes as the Season progresses.

As always we welcome feedback and constructive ideas.

We hope it will bring added interest and more purpose to the Engagement Challenge.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

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Estupendo 👏👏👏👏👏

Por lo que acabo de leer, puedo proponer un desafío en esta temporada 20.

Soy @lunasilver y me encantaría poder compartir mis conocimientos sobre costura a gran escala.

Actualmente me encuentro realizando parte de esta actividad en la comunidad venezolanos steem. Estamos en la etapa inicial. Pero, buen pudiera ofrecer está instrucción. Ofrezco está actividad con el nombre de " curso concurso". Sería maravilloso ofrecer desde mi blog una participación en éstos maravillosos cambios.

Durante la temporada 19 participé en el curso que ofreció el grupo de gastronomía. Fue una experiencia maravillosa. Aprendí mucho en esta área. Estoy agradecida a steemcurador01 que me ha bendecido con sus visitas.

Mil bendiciones equipo 🙏🙏🙏

Sería bueno que diseñaras un curso de 6 semanas con el objetivo claro de lo que se puede lograr en ese tiempo. Saludos fraternos y éxitos!

Así lo haré. Desde que leí esta información se abrió en mi mente un mundo de posibilidades.

Muchas gracias @Venezolanos por tu inmenso apoyo y tus sabios consejos. 😘

Hi @lunasilver how are you? I am inviting you to join my curation team. If you are ready then simply DM me

Discord: mohammadfaisal7
Telegram: mohammadfaisal7

Hola querida, @nancy0 es costurera también, podría ser de ayuda :)

Saludos Profe.

Creo que me estoy asustando. Jejejeje

¿Será que podré sola?

Gracias por la sugerencia.

Confía en lo que sabes :)

what are these links for

Hi everyone I am new here


Te invito a leer los pasos para iniciar en esta plataforma.
Para leer:


Cara mainnya gmna

Suena interesante! aunque pienso que por ser una semana de prueba, la duración de este reto, sea de solo 4 semanas.

Luego, se evalúa si el cambio tuvo el efecto deseado y se vuelve "A la normalidad"

Hay que considerar el desgaste que conlleva el crear concursos atractivos y que motiven a los usuarios... Sino, vamos a terminar viendo nuevamente desafíos de "Juegos de Diario"

Pienso que hay que apostar más por la creatividad e innovación que simplemente hacer las cosas por obligación... Ese es mi punto.

Season 20 will be 6 weeks as usual.

Otra cosa que podría hacerse, es premiar a la comunidad que logre que más steemians participen. Eso sería un incentivo adicional para crear mejores desafíos 😉

He visto que las personas ya no quieren esforzarse en realizar una publicación sino solo responder preguntas, particularmente me gusta mucho la cocina y las manualidades, se que implica gasto pero tambien se construye un hermoso blog que aporta a la plataforma, y si hay recompensas mejor aun. Suerte a todos con estos nuevos cambios.

Ahora la duda que se está viendo es, cuando se habla de Challenge individual es una sola persona que hará los concursos, o también se podrá formar un equipo y si es así de cuántas personas?

Instead we are looking to recruit individual Challengers.

Ok gracias por aclararlo.

They need a translator like deepl.

A smart change for progress and growth on the platform, when we were the teaching team, we found a lot of good posts to choose as winners, by choosing seven winners, more quality posts will be chosen. This is a great change that can energize many people to compete.

However, it is important to conduct more rigorous plagiarism and AI checks, as there are many tools that can be used to remove AI detection. So whoever is selected must be more careful in conducting the checks.

Everyone in the community can play a part in detecting plagiarism and AI use.

We try to reward such reports.

Okay, we will compile a report if we come across this again.

Particularmente, bienvenidos los oportunos cambios, aunque siempre generan cierto recelo como buenos seres humanos que somos, los cambios son necesarios para refrescar y dar un nuevo enfoque a nuestras actividades que al volverse rutinarias, tienden a desmotivarnos. Confieso que me falta clarificar ciertas pautas acerca de los grupos docentes, Pero desde ya me ocuparé de ello.

Me parece genial los Challenge individuales, la flexibilidad en cuanto al SP requerido y clubes esto es estupendamente inclusivo y los steemians nos sentimos en neta igualdad de oportunidades; bravo! Espectacular equipo de steemblog. Mis respetos, saludos cordiales y Bendiciones.



Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by Team 7 via @𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝𝐲

Saludos cordiales, los cambios siempre son buenos aunque muchas veces nos resistimos, se me ocurre que porque no dar un certificado a los usuarios que participan en la curso, eso tiene un valor emocional y es un incentivo a parte de las recompensas .

En la temporada 19 tuve mi participación en gastronomía cada usuario escoge lo que más le guste.

En cuanto a los diarios hay días que son lo mismo que el día anterior se torna fastidioso, pero si hay días muy buenos que vale la pena compartir lo ideal es que sea algo ingenioso que aporte, me gusta mucho los diarios de salud, de cocina, de manualidades

Son mis pensamientos y se los comparto



Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by Team 7 via @𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝𝐲

Setiap Tim akan membahas bidang subjek tertentu yang mereka kuasai secara khusus, seperti fotografi, atau merenda, atau membuat kue, atau lembar kerja, atau berkebun atau melukis,

Luar biasa, ini bukan saja perubahan akan tetapi ini menjadi suatu pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan sehingga pengguna akun akan lebih fokus dalam menyelesaikan tantangan,

Bila bapak mengizinkn saya ingin menanbahkan satu judul tertentu yaitu mengubah sampah menjadi kreatifitas yang luar bisa,

Bukan tanpa alasan dengan usulan saya, mengingat sampah merupakan populasi yang paling berbahaya untuk generasi yang akan datang, dengan demikian sampah kini saat nya kita jadikan suatu yang berhaga yang mempunyai nilai jual tinggi sehingga populasi sampah akan sedikit berkurang,

Apa saja yang bisa di olah dari sampah
Banyak hal yang dapat di berikan beberpa perranyaan dalam kontes.



Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by Team 7 via @𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝𝐲

Me parece maravilloso que ya no se le dará protagonismo al estado del club, a las configuraciones a los beneficiarios para que los usuarios puedan participar con libertad.
También es una idea muy inclusiva que los profesores no tengan que tener gran inversión en SP y una tan alta reputación que los excluya del programa.
Con ésta iniciativa de la temporada 20 habrá muchos talentos a disposición de steemit
Y si las recompensas son más lucrativas para el autor entonces muchos usuarios se animarán a participar.
Se vienen buenos tiempos para steemit

Este cambio me parece genial aunque esté en periodo de prueba, la monotonía agota mentalmente.

Será bueno ver cómo muchas personas individuales con ideas excelentes pueden hacer que steemit resurja en los Challenger, también me gusta la idea de que puedan publicar dichas tareas en cualquier comunidad, ésto dará la oportunidad a cada usuario de escoger la comunidad de mejor agrado para él.

La idea está bien ahora esperemos que el precio del steem suba porque esto es algo que influye mucho en los usuarios y no los motiva a crear tareas bien elaboradas.

Saludos y esperemos los éxitos de estos cambios .

It’s been 6 years.
This is the first thing am typing on steemit after 6 years.
Feels good to be back to the community.

Welcome back!

Me parecen excelentes estos cambios, están dirigidos a flexibilizar las participaciones, a la creación de contenidos educativos y a dinamizar, en fin, el formato de estos retos que se realizan durante seis semanas.

Mi pregunta es la siguiente: ¿Por qué un usuario se esmeraría en abordar temas que requieren el despliegue de conocimientos o inversión de dinero, si cuenta con las mismas opciones de obtener recompensas de los grandes curadores participando en el Juego del Diario? Observo, por ejemplo, que allí se siguen escribiendo textos tan creativos y novedosos como estos: "Querido Diario, hoy me levanté muy temprano y me dediqué a mi aseo personal"... Existen ciertas inconsistencias que se deberían revisar con el mismo ánimo con que son tratados los Challengers.

If you take a closer look you will see that we are giving higher and more frequent rewards to people taking part in the Teaching Team courses.

If you post a Diary Game you might have a 1 in 30 chance of getting a vote from sc01/2.

If you do a Teaching Team assignment post you will have a chance of 1 in 3 (or even better) of getting a vote from sc01/2.

cc @cruzamilcar63 @casv @marcybetancourt

Soy testigo de esto, nuestro curso de gastronomía fue muy apoyado y eso animó a los alumnos a hacer mejor sus tareas, cada semana participaban más alumnos y hubo un grupo especifico que completó los 6 cursos satisfactoriamente.

  ·  3 months ago (edited)

Saludos cordiales, con todo respeto daré mi opinión. El juego del diario es dinámica emblemática de la plataforma, desde mi ingreso me uni a la misma y disfruto no solo de consecuentarla, sino de leer a mis compañeros steemians. Que no aporta nada? Que no educa? Reiteró que respeto las diversas opiniones , pero pienso que nada más original y de lo que se pueda aprender que de la vida misma . Es depende de la óptica con que se mire y buscar el lado significativo que todo lo tiene. También es válida la posición de quienes no les agrade exponer en la red su vida privada, su día a día, más eso es libre de escoger. Pienso que steemit sin the diary game no sería steemit. En cuanto a la valoración que se les da en recompensas, pues como todo, dependerá de la calidad de contenido inmerso y de eso saben por demás las diversas cuentas curadoras de la plataforma. Bendiciones mil para todos.

No dudo de su aseveración porque, en verdad, no calculo esas estadísticas. Sin embargo, por la cantidad de Diarios y, tomando en cuenta que existen usuarios que renunciaron a realizar publicaciones creativas y novedosas, para incursionar en el Juego del Diario (yde esto sí he sido testigo), obteniendo así más recompensas de los grandes curadores, parece que sigue siendo más rentable publicar un Diario.

What do people think?

Should Diary Game posts get less attention from Curators?

Some Diary Game posts, if well written, can be interesting and add value to the platform.

Others not so...


Hola @steemcurator02, Los amigos @cruzamilcar63 y @marcybetancourt han abierto un tema que es de trascendencia en la plataforma, hablemos de los diarios.

Los diarios son escritos que cumplen una función al momento de permitir que un usuario que dice no tener imaginación o talento para escribir puede ingresar a la plataforma y compartir lo que hace un su (la mayoría de las veces) monótona vida, pero en lo particular creo que los diarios, el 99 % no agrega ningún tipo de valor más allá.

La gente hace diarios porque en general, desde hace algunos años que se instauraron los diarios como modelo, ha sido lo más apoyado. Por ejemplo, ayer hubo 21 publicaciones en la comunidad Colombia-Original, y de estos, 16 fueron diarios, ¿la razón?, son fáciles de hacer, pero más allá de eso, es porque es lo que por lo general más apoyan.

Esto desincentiva la creación de contenido más diverso, diferente, que si sea de valor, en lo particular hago post de medicina y quedan en 5$, pero alguien que dice que se despertó y se lavó los dientes, se tomó un café y salió a hacer mercado termina con 50$. O un post que explica como funciona una planta generadora de electricidad, con fotos propias, termina con 3$. Eso no tiene mucho sentido.

Por eso, este cambio que se está procurando me parece bastante acertado, porque una plataforma crece con inversión y con dearrollo, pero también por la calidad del contenido que se comparte. Si un ingeniero o un profesor universitario, un psiquiatra o un científico, vienen con ganas de compartir conocimiento pero nota que no es apoyado, pero si le votan un post en el que cuenta lo que comio y las dificultades que presentó por quedarse sin luz en casa, creo que sabemos que es lo que compartirá de ahí en adelante como contenido, si no es que no le interesa y se va.

Desconocía estos datos:

If you post a Diary Game you might have a 1 in 30 chance of getting a vote from sc01/2.

If you do a Teaching Team assignment post you will have a chance of 1 in 3 (or even better) of getting a vote from sc01/2.

Si es así, entonces puede que se esté dando el giro en el sentido correcto.

I apologize for disagreeing with you.

but I personally believe that 99% of diaries do not add any kind of value beyond that

Then who is writing 300 words and sharing 5-6 images per day with descriptions has no value to you. Isn't a post with 300 words and multiple images not considered quality content? It is simple to write about a topic, but can you take 5-6 photos each day and write 300 words? Is your life filled with different stories every day, or is each day productive? It is universal truth that we brushed our teeth everyday. Can you start the day without brushing your teeth? Not every user mentions brushing their teeth in the diary game. If you are so concerned about those common words in the diary game, why not guide the users who use them? Where have you been for a long time when users were using these words, and are you unable to assist them? Right, you can not help people; you can only discourage them without crediting those who write quality diary posts. In my opinion, it is completely mannerless.

I believe you have forgotten that the diary game is @steemitblog's most successful contest. And the diary game is an exciting content that can easily engage new users on this platform. There is no reason to discourage those who write diary games. You can encourage people to write different types of content in addition to the diary game. However, claiming that the diary game has no value is completely false. Most of the top users have 30-40k steem power in their account, which they acquired through diary game content. So there is no reason to not support the diary game.

Hello @sohanurrahman,There is no reason to excuse anything, you have every right to show and share your opinion, as much as I myself have the right to do so. And despite what you say, I maintain my position.

but can you take 5-6 photos each day and write 300 words?

In fact, it is something I can do, And it is something that even anyone can do, I even did it at the time, until I stopped doing it a time ago.

Where have you been for a long time when users were using these words, and are you unable to assist them?

Well, I have been managing a community, and present on this platform for more than 6 years.

I have created different contests and dynamics, over the years, urging users to write different posts through different dynamics, the same thing that my work team has been doing. And what we will continue doing.

I also created a YouTube channel in which I show how to enter the platform, how to publish, what the communities are, how to manage your passwords, your wallet, etc., etc.

I worked with my partner, when I was a Steem representative, on a project in which we personally guided new users of the platform.

Additionally, when I was a community curator, I not only voted and left a standard comment, but I also guided users with personalized messages, which added more work to me, but I still did it.

These are some of the things I've been doing these years. I hope to answer your question.

I'm not discouraging anyone with the diaries, I'm just stating my opinion, what I believe, based on a question the curator asked. If someone wants to continue making diaries, let them do them, and if they want to stop doing it, let them not do them, it is a personal decision.

Just as it has been my decision to share what I believe on the matter, which you may or may not agree with, it is your right.

Thank you for your input on this.

Regarding this...

I was unaware of these facts:

Take a look at the Diary Game posts in your community...

  • Very few have been voted on by sc01/2.

  • Quite a few have been awarded Booming votes.

It is a gradual change that all Community Curators and Community Admins and Moderators must play a part in.

It would be interesting to see across the platform what proportion of Booming votes go to Diary Games. Maybe somebody can do the analysis.

It would be interesting to see across the platform what proportion of Booming votes go to Diary Games. Maybe somebody can do the analysis.

I think I can add this to the Booming report, I'll be making adjustments "at least" for this week.

"It is a gradual change that all Community Curators and Community Admins and Moderators must play a part in."

Como administrador lo tendré más presente aún. Crear dinámicas que insten a publicar contenido más diverso, es parte de nuestro trabajo.

It would be interesting to see across the platform what proportion of Booming votes go to Diary Games. Maybe somebody can do the analysis.

En vista de que la cantidad de Diarios en las comunidades es elevado, representa a veces hasta un 70% de los post, puede que sea un valor similar el que se otorgue en votos a los diarios. En efecto, sería interesante saberlo.

Gracias por la respuesta. Espero que los cambios sigan en este sentido.

Las comunidades cumplen los lineamientos que emergen de la plataforma, por lo tanto, si se acuerda, con respecto a la discusión de los Diarios, que "es un cambio gradual en el que todos los curadores, administradores y moderadores de la comunidad deben participar" es necesario proponerlo formalmente y que todos los involucrados trabajen en esa dirección.

Si esto no se hace, las nuevas propuestas carecerán de incentivo, de acuerdo con la proporción de los Diarios con respecto a los demás temas que nos señala @josevas217 en su comunidad, que es un reflejo de toda la plataforma... Con el tiempo, si no se intenta seriamente encaminarse hacia los objetivos que se plantean en los Challenges, se corre el riesgo de que, en lugar de Steemit, a este ecosistema se le comience a llamar The Diary Game.

Creo que desde las comunidades podemos y debemos ser impulsaores de esos cambios. Ya trabajando en ello con nuevas propuestas, próximamente. Gracias por la mención.

Quizás sea mejor plantear que el resto de las publicaciones reciban la misma atención que las del Juego del Diario...

Pienso que el juego del diario se ha vuelto monotonía, sin embargo se pueden encontrar diarios del cual podemos aprender algo, y de eso he sido testigo al momento que me toca verificar en la comunidad de scouts.

El caso estaría, no en dejar de recompensar los diarios, sino en qué estos sean enfocado en transmitir alguna enseñanza.

Tiene razón, amiga... Lo que debería ser es que los Diarios sean evaluados con los mismos criterios de originalidad y calidad con que son examinadas las demás publicaciones.

De igual forma, me parece bien que las publicaciones de docencia sean mejor recompensadas, ya que esas necesitan de mayor esfuerzo y mucha veces de gastos económicos.

Por mi parte me gusta la cocina y la manualidad y me encantaría formar un equipo de manualidades, ya que todavía no hay.

I've tagged you in a comment under my post! This is my take on #thediarygame. I've used this title and hashtag in various ways previously also, and I'd love for you to share your thoughts on it.

Pienso igual.
Mientras el Juego del Diario sea la opción mejor pagada para qué hacer un esfuerzo en otro tipo de publicación?
Conozco usuarios que han hecho publicaciones muy valiosas y no han tenido un voto decente. Entonces optaron por el juego del Diario y han obtenido buenas recompensas. Nunca más hicieron sus fabulosas publicaciones de investigación o de creatividad.
La revisión debería hacerse y pronto.

Should we stop giving votes to Diary Game posts...?

Many of the Diary Games votes are given because they are selected as weekly picks by the Community Curators.

cc @cruzamilcar63 @casv @marcybetancourt

Should we stop giving votes to Diary Game posts...?

I'm in favor of deemphasizing them, which it sounds like you're already doing.

In contrast, maybe there's a way you could do something to support meaningful and unique local content that would show up in search engines. I know that some years ago, you had a local news initiative, and I'm thinking along those lines too, but I would extend that even further: write reviews of local businesses, write about public events and sporting activities in a community, etc..

For example, in the previous era of Steem - when we had apps that were intended for "micro-blogging", I ran the @rgkmb-unofficial account where I posted about local high school football games and marching band activities. It didn't get much interest on-chain, but I noticed at the time was that I was apparently the only person in the world that was writing regularly about the "Rustin High School Marching Band". Even with the lack of on-chain interest, web searches for the school brought Steemit to the top of the search engine. I'm fairly sure that Steemit must have shown up in web searches at the time for some number of people in this community.

I don't have anything specific to suggest, but maybe you could find a way to harness that general effect with your voting incentives. If people write about topics that are only of local interest, there's apparently not as much competition for search-engine real estate.

Good ideas re local...

It would be a mistake to get carried away by personal prejudices, the #thediarygame have provided a great oxygen to the platform, there is a good amount of publications related to this tag that exceeds in quality to many publications of other topics, unfortunately many find it difficult to accept diversity, photographers only like pictures, they are bothered by texts and they support themselves by the saying “a good picture says more than a thousand words”, those who love writing do not waste time on entertainment, they say that it does not provide any cognitive benefit, in short, many do not see beyond their tastes.

Imagine, Cristiano Ronaldo's fans have come to say that Messi is a poor player, and vice versa.

What would Boston Red Sox fans say if they were given tickets to see the final of the World Series between the New York Yankees and the New York Mets, I assure you they would tear up the tickets.

By this I mean that, not everyone has the same tastes, much less have “a broad point of view”.

  • It's not fair that all or most votes go towards the #thediarygame, but it's also not fair to take away the endorsement.

The diary as it is no problem but how most are written are. If it comes to good: if these good posts remove the title they wrote a good article.

The main problem with the diary is that the tricks are taught! A time table and run down what you did. To many it is waking up, brushing teeth, breakfast resting on bed, going out with a friend and resting again. Next to that sentences are repeated four times if not more often

A diary with a theme would make a great start and telling the focus has to be on...

I would love to see photo entries or drawimgs or whatever the writer did.

If it comes to writing I am the one who doesn't want pictures spoil my text. It only distracts.

This is how it should be, to encourage improvements, to generate a campaign to motivate newspaper creators not to be specific with their activities, but to generate a vision beyond the everyday, such as highlighting the weather, the transportation situation, an important event, or something like that.

Thanks for the interaction.

It's hard though I see that in knack4buzz no diaries except if entertaining. In this case, it can be: the focus on entertainment or... the writing style (you know like a stand-up comedian) those few posted are a bit better (?) if you try to see/find the entertainment part. 😐

It is possible with some training to get a group of at least 50-100 good diary writers if these people understand what a diary is. Most don't. I wonder who came up with the timetable idea since I've been told my diaries are wrong because they lack them.

yes i think, should be stop to vote diary games , diary games has daily activites content, short and long, but diary post should be weekly, not daily,, my weekly daily ,, not daily diary post, content should be different, food, recipe, outdoor, travel, or informative, daily vote should be given to weekly dairy , 7 days combine diary ,,

Hello steemcurator02!
My point is that, everyone can't do entertaining activities everyday.Most of people have same routine of going to their workplace, taking lunch or night meals so daily reading these things are not entertaining.
If you see my diary games even,then I go to my workplace,my college,take lunch in break or in home and then sometimes do work at laptop and sometimes go to furniture factory so it is really boring for me too to write same things almost 4-5 times in a week.

Rather than focusing on diary games if you would focus on visiting #art , #cooking , #poetry , #creativewriting or #entertainment then it will bring more uniqueness at Steemit by making actual creative content more visible.

When there will be a lot of creative content then it would seek community curators attention also and then they will select that creativity as weekly best picks.

That was my point of view!

Hola, amiga... Gracias por complementar nuestra opinión. Le confieso que he pensado en esa opción hacia donde dice que se fueron esos usuarios que conoce, pero no he dado ese paso porque me corroe el alma sumergirme en esos textos que, por lo general, nada aportan al conocimiento y se limitan a un formato pre establecido. Un gran saludo.

Los juegos del diario son la opción mejor pagada, no importa si la arepa se quema... he ahí el dilema.

Pienso igual profesor, mientras no haya reconocimiento del talento y la creatividad en su justa medida, seguiremos viendo a los sobrevalorados juegos encabezando la lista de los que se levantan temprano y hacen su aseo personal como el requisito unánime y predilecto para ser curado.

Revisar con la misma vara todas las dinámicas es impartir justicia.


Es un contrasentido que, en lo relativo a los Challengers, se insista tanto en la creatividad y en los contenidos educativos, pero se premian mayormente las publicaciones que se limitan a escribir que "me levanté a las 10 de la mañana, me fui al baño a realizar mi aseo, saludé a mi hermana y salí de paseo"...

Muchas gracias, querido amigo, por exponer su posición sobre este tema. Un gran saludo.

This is a very wonderful initiative and I really love the idea alot, change is constant and am not really surprised about it but I derive joy in seeing the steemit team making experiments because this is what we need in other to come out with valuable ideas that will improve this platform.

This is an incredibly exciting update! The changes to the Engagement Challenge seem like a breath of fresh air. I love the idea of individual Challengers and Teaching Teams focusing on specific areas of expertise. It’s a great way to encourage more diverse and engaging content. Thank you to the Steemit Team for your hard work and dedication to improving the platform.

Me parece una excelente iniciativa y una renovación necesaria para ampliar la creación de contenido dentro de la plataforma.
Estaré apoyando y participando, espero también tener ideas para realizar una postulación y colaborar.

Exitos en esta nueva iniciativa!

Hello @steemitblog,
I would like to request an official opinion regarding the operations of a curation project on the platform. Since Steemit is committed to discouraging vote farming bots, I would like to clarify if @cur8 falls into this category. Cur8 operates similarly to tipu, as it does not vote on posts made by its delegators. The sole benefit for those who delegate to Cur8 is receiving daily rewards generated through curation. Could you please provide some guidance on whether this aligns with the platform’s policies?

Thank you in advance for your attention.


Gracias por intentar algo distinto y con mayor libertad en cuanto a la creación de contenidos... adaptarse a los cambios no suele ser algo fácil pero estoy seguro que si este experimento da resultados podrá añadir mucho valor a la plataforma.!

Aspetto con ansia la stagione 20

Bueno a esperar esa temporada 20....

Cuando hay cambios es para mejorar...esperemos los mejores resultados.

Los cambios siempre son positivos permiten reordenar y reoxigenar dinámicas. Mucho exito

나를 따라와주세요

Excelente me fascina la idea mira @naka05 uno de repostería no caería mal pues aprenderán mucho.

Aqui estoy ya de alummna para mejorar


Thank you for update

Mientras el Juego del Diario sea la opción mejor pagada para qué hacer un esfuerzo en otro tipo de publicación?
Conozco usuarios que han hecho publicaciones muy valiosas y no han tenido un voto decente. Entonces optaron por el juego del Diario y han obtenido buenas recompensas.

Appriciated that will be making changes to the areas where it needed. This changes may bring more interest towards participations.

can instead be tracked through the use of appropriate tags.

It will be goood if they can have 1 tag which is associate with the specific contest/season/week so that we can place it at first along with other common tags. Having multiple tags for one associate entry and in specific sequence may lead another confusion for participaters.

This is very much lovely opportunity. I have a simple idea, and easy idea to start a journey and I will share that as a challenger soon, and before the last date.
I will be looking for your kind appearance and support, at my challenger post, where I will briefly add what is going to happen in the course.


Wowww.. seru juga kayaknya .. pengin ikut juga ne..

Saludos a todos, me encantan los cambios, Steemit es una red dinamica en todos los sentidos, no pude postularme con un equipo docente en la temporada pasada pero en esta iré como una retadora, saben lo mucho que amo crear concursos. Steem On 💜

Una muy buena oportunidad para diversificar y generar una nueva vía a los challenge.
Seguramente veremos interesantes propuestas y muchos usuarios ofreciendo buenas alternativas, así que la selección será algo más rigurosa.

felicidades al equipo por estas innovaciones y espero que sean 100 % efectivas, transformando mentalidades y abriendo nuevos caminos a la plataforma.

Estaré postulando una propuesta.



Wow finally the moment has arrived for which I was waiting from last days.

It is really an appreciative approach seeing the changes to the challenges and teaching teams.

It has made the engagement more interesting and everyone can get a chance of learning new things. Believe me this change will add more value to the content on the Steemit platform. Especially through the teaching teams.

Steem to the moon 🌝.


Thank you for update, indeed these changes would be good and giveore learning opportunity and definitely the users participation would be much good than before.



Muchas gracias por esta información, soy nuevo en la plataforma y es muy bueno estar al tanto de cada paso que se de, solo nos queda a nosotros apoyar a los desarrolladores y hacer de esta red social la mejor y mas llamativa para todos, gracias por todo y espero que mi estancia con ustedes sea la mejor.

Greetings friends
Here I am presenting a proposal as a challenger

Application for Season 20th of the Steemit Engagement Challenge - individual Challengers mode

me parece una idea genial a la transformacion y manera de generar contenido de calidad. muy estusiasmada en particitar...

good works

respected steemit team, i really appreciate these new rules and superb annoucment , i beleive it that with these superb change , now every new old steemit user will be appreciated , they will have free hand to write post in community or out of community , that is great superb change, and i love this change, superb , urdu community team really will take participate and will do best rule to bring quality work content , superb change, superb progress

That's the best update by Steemit team. I was waiting for this. The best thing is everyone can participate in the Steemit engagement application irrespective of nationality, steem power, language & community affiliations. I am ready to participate this month again. Best of luck to all for this new changes.

wow nice

Great Idea. I like the focus on keeping things free of plagiarism and AI generated content.

  ·  3 months ago (edited)

Indeed this changes has given me the privilege to apply and I am thankful for that. Here is my individual challenger application.

Thank you


I think I am already late to join that. I could have contributed to the core of my heart and to the best of my knowledge.

We did enjoy thank you very much!


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Hello, @steemitblog

I am trying my best to post regularly on Steemit and I am also a member of #club75, but I haven't received any votes from the Steemit team for quite long time now.

Secondly, I am not receiving votes from the curator team either. I also sent you a message on Discord but I haven't received any reply.

thanks for sharing
