Learning with a failure identity ... does your child have one?

in steemiteducation •  6 years ago  (edited)

As early as the first few weeks of grade one children realise what kind of learners they are, whether they understand teacher directions and can do the work or not. Nothing is more self-defeating to the confidence of a child when classmates raise their hands to answer questions and they do not have the foggiest idea what the teacher is saying.

When this kind of situation occurs these children feel at loss wondering why. They were told that they were going to learn to read and write by their mums and dads. School is a happy place. Regrettably, this is not the case for a small percentage of little children. Instead the classroom becomes a bit of a nightmare where each child makes a choice about the kind learner he/she is going to be.

There are three avenues that children go down when they find learning hard. Firstly, some decide very early to keep trying, doing their best not wanting to give in, they are what we call pleasers. Secondly, some develop a sense of self-helplessness believing that they can only do the work when the teacher, teacher aide or parent helper is assisting. Lastly some cover up their inability to learn by misbehaving. These are your 'naughty' children and mostly boys fall into this category. Acting out is a big one because it consumes teacher attention and energy taking a much longer time before these children are identified with a learning disability or difficulty.

Hiding a learning problem is the main objective for children because they want to retain an image in front of friends, the teacher and parents. But in the meantime a failure identity develops big time, inside they do not feel that they are as good as their fellow classmates. Unfortunately, this feeling can and does flow into the playground and we observe these children having difficulties socialising or misbehaving.

Once a child is found to have a learning difficulty support learning can be put into place. But one of the most effective strategies is explaining to teachers and parents what is happening for the child. Being able to talk about the concept of a failure identity is a positive. In one school meeting I happened to be attending I was asked, "What does it look like from the perspective of the child, how is the child learning?"

It was a light bulb moment for the staff and mum in this meeting. Regrettably. a learning difficulty/disability cannot be erased but we can focus on the strengths of the child like sport, drawing, music, dance and so on. Boostiing a child's self-esteem and self-worth is essential. We want the child to feel good inside, to know that they can succeed in another area. In the meantime, helping the child/teenager understand their leaning style. Let them take control.

If your child has a learning problem do not focus on memorising spelling words and timetables. It does not work, you are only reinforcing the failure identity. Try to readjust your picture for the sake of your child. It does not mean that you give up helping your child, just add in some fun things in your child's life. Love and praise are musts.

Blessings and cheers

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There are many reasons a child may under perform, enough to write volumes. I do however believe that the foundation for a child learning begins in the home. Without covering the many different challenges a child may face there that may make them angry or hurt (such as divorce), many homes seem to be under the illusion that educating should be left to the schools.

For myself and brothers, and then to my son, we were taught to read through comics before starting school. Encouraged to read, by the time i was ten I had devoured my fathers library, which was extensive and held many books of deep thought. My son is the same way as I applied to him what I saw had worked with me.

So many parents (especially single moms) allow the demands on their quest for daily bread to be a justification for not planning beyond what dinner will be as they juggle things like laundry and preparations for other unavoidable life situations. Then of course they want some time to unwind, so they often seem content to allow the TV or computer etc be their childs companion/teacher.

I am of the belief that most children (even those diagnosed with learning disabilities) are genius at what interests them, so it seems apparent to me that taking their interests and seeking ways to join it to reading/learning is crucial, especially at the earliest formative years. We all have our natural proclivities and unfortunately the schools are designed to force all children through all the various holes regardless of shape which can be damaging to a child left to fend for themselves as many children are. The square peg does not fit in the round hole, and the children need to understand (by parents who emphasize this) the fault lies with the school, not them.

Good morning practicalthought, so many great ideas in your post sized reply. I agree with them all and firmly believe that parents and the home hold the most influence over a child's attitude and want to learn. The children with a leaning difficulties who keep trying are most likely have the strong positive relationship with parents and are from supportive enriching homes.

So many variables contribute to a child's choices in life. School systems definitely get it wrong but I also know having worked in the Education system in Queensland that there are very good teachers who do their best for their students. Of course there are always teachers who fall short.

howdy angiemitchell! I bet there are so many kids that fall through the cracks and are never identified properly as having learning problems. Very sad.

Hey janton, it is sad indeed. It takes an experienced learning support teacher and a clever guidance officer/psychologist to pick it up and educate teachers and parents.

Howdy angiemitchell! I would be shocked if anything close to that is in place over here to help those kids. It sure should be though.

Morning janton, I am sure that the psychologists and support staff are well aware of this issue. There are some good schools in the US. My niece's children attend a high level public school in Columbus.


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Thank you @krptonict