No | Payout | Author | Title |
1 | 8.334 SBD | necho41 | Un esoscheletro come nel film |
2 | 1.078 SBD | mauromar | A method has been developed to obtain images of molecules at an atomic scale/Desarrollan un método para obtener imágenes de moléculas a escala atómica |
3 | 2.565 SBD | mauromar | NVIDIA Cosmos, the first step towards intelligent robots/NVIDIA Cosmos, el primer paso para los robots inteligentes |
4 | 1.897 SBD | lupafilotaxia | Plants and their ability to remember periods of drought |
5 | 8.821 SBD | jorgebgt | I nuovi “Fuochi d’artificio” |
6 | 1.441 SBD | cotina | Top: Publicaciones seleccionadas bajo la etiqueta #cotinast del día 08/01/2025 por @vivigibelis |
7 | 4.694 SBD | necho41 | OpenAi robots |
8 | 1.949 SBD | mauromar | Gencast, Google's new AI for predicting the weather/Gencast, la nueva IA de Google para predecir el tiempo |
9 | 8.691 SBD | frafiomatale | Perché si usano determinati colori? - Why are specific colours used? [MULTILANGUAGE] |
10 | 0.182 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Magnetic Pole Shift Record, Big Storm, Solar Watch | S0 News Jan.11.2025 🌠 |
11 | 0.259 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Dark Opening on the Sun, Re-Writing History | S0 News Jan.10.2025 🌠 |
12 | 2.014 SBD | mauromar | The world's longest train journey begins in Portugal and ends in Singapore/El viaje en tren más largo del mundo comienza en Portugal y llega hasta Singapur |
13 | 1.196 SBD | lupafilotaxia | Sophisticated pollinating agents |
14 | 0.206 SBD | vimukthi | Gregg Braden on Technology, Spirituality, DNA, Experience Working on Government Projects and Many More |
15 | 1.663 SBD | lupafilotaxia | What science says about cryptanalysis |
16 | 1.274 SBD | alexandergudino | Computacion Cuantica y el Algoritmo SHA_256 |
17 | 0.331 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Major Solar Flares Predicted, Ozone Impact, SDO is Back | S0 News Jan.9.2025 🌠 |
18 | 0.653 SBD | amestyj | Let's talk about grassland ecosystems |
19 | 2.032 SBD | lupafilotaxia | In vitro meat culture will avoid animal slaughtering |
20 | 1.917 SBD | mauromar | Neo, the humanoid robot that will do household chores/Neo, el robot humanoide que hará las tareas del hogar |
21 | 0.292 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Magnetic Universe, Pre-Quake Signals, Solar Watch | S0 News Jan.8.2025 🌠 |
22 | 1.985 SBD | mauromar | New seismological data confirm presence of liquid water on Mars/Nuevos datos sismológicos confirman presencia de agua líquida en Marte |
23 | 0.070 SBD | jorgebgt | It all starts with a curiosity; 2025 is not going to be boring. |
24 | 0.027 SBD | jorgebgt | It all starts with a curiosity; History is important |
25 | 1.543 SBD | lupafilotaxia | Let's talk about zombie genes and glial cells |
26 | 5.586 SBD | jorgebgt | It all starts with a curiosity; Processor with coin-sized battery included |
27 | 0.048 SBD | jorgebgt | Water on Mars was there earlier than previously believed. |
28 | 0.037 SBD | ydavgonzalez | Desafío Matemático del día 09/01/2025 |
29 | 0.290 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Major Earthquake and Storm, BIG Science News | S0 News Jan.7.2025 🌠 |
30 | 1.947 SBD | lupafilotaxia | Sex addiction what does science have to say about it? |