🍴 Café Gerbeaud, Budapest #myeuropaplog series 🍴 布達佩斯吉爾波咖啡館-歐洲行旅照片記錄系列 🍴

in travel •  7 years ago 

The series of #myeuropaplog documents my travel photos in Europe (central and east parts) back in May 2017. Please checkt the tag for the past dozens of posts if you'd like.

我的歐洲行旅照片記錄系列,是以旅遊照片的方式記錄了我2017年5月到中東歐洲之行,歡迎由 #myeuropaplog標籤來瀏覽過去幾十篇分享喔!

Today we will go back to Bupapest for a historical and elegant cafe - Café Gerbeaud. Let's first check how wikipedia describes it: Café Gerbeaud, situated at Vörösmarty tér 7 in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is one of the greatest and most traditional coffeehouses in Europe. Today still, it shines in Gründerzeit style with its stucco, the grand chandeliers, the panelling made of exotic woods and its furniture ...

今日我們繼續回到布達佩斯,讓我帶您到一間歷史悠久,風格優雅的餐廳-Café Gerbeaud (吉爾波),該店創建於1858年,創建者是一個甜品世家的後代,他曾遊歷過許多個歐洲國家,見多識廣,回國後開了甜品店,很快就成了佩斯最好的甜品與冰淇淋店,在1870年將店鋪搬到市中心的弗洛斯馬提廣場。咖啡,酒、甜品和餡餅都深受顧客歡迎。吉爾波是歐洲最大、歷史最悠久的咖啡館之一,為古今名流聚集處,深受皇室貴族或藝術名家喜愛(據說是西西公主 (Sisi)的最愛),如今是旅人們在布達佩斯朝聖名單上的必訪之處。

螢幕快照 2018-01-07 上午10.25.02.png

The cafe is right beside an entrance of the subway station. From the photo below, you can see that we were climbing the stairs up and got a glimpse of Budapest's sky and building style ...








Welcome to Gerbeaud! Please have a look at the menu and I will take your order later ... ^^

歡迎蒞臨,這是您的菜單跟水,稍後我再為您點餐,謝謝~ ^^

Here you go! Enjoy your meal ~~ Bon Appetite!




Enjoying our first afternoon in Budapest - great food, great street view and great ambience ... So Europe!

我們享受著到布達佩斯後的第一個午後,悠閒,美味,如此歐洲的一刻 ....


Decided to go inside and explore a little bit of its magnificent history ...

決定也到餐廳裡面去探索一番,據說是個百年歷史的咖啡館哪,畢竟 ...


Sunshine was too good so most customers stayed in the outside, but inside it was also great.


Looking out from inside ... such an artistic view ...


An old photograph hanging inside, signifying its glorious history ...

室內懸掛的一幅老照片,述說著其百年風華 ...


I am sure I will be visiting it in the future because we haven't tried their desserts and coffee yet!


Previous #myeuropaplog posts regarding Budapest / 先前歐洲行旅照片記錄系列關於布達佩斯的

Budapest Reflections #myeuropaplog series 📷 歐洲行旅照片記錄系列 📷
✶ Budapest Eye ✶ 布達佩斯之眼 ✶ #myeuropaplog series 歐洲行旅照片記錄系列

Previous #myeuropaplog posts regarding Vienna / 先前歐洲行旅照片記錄系列關於維也納的

🍰 Cafe Central in Vienna #myeuropaplog series 🍰 維也納中央咖啡館-歐洲行旅照片記錄系列 🍰
🐎 Horses in Vienna #myeuropaplog series 🐎 維也納的人與馬-歐洲行旅照片記錄系列 🐎

Stay tuned ... / 敬請持續鎖定本頻道 ...

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You have beautiful pictures, very good quality. It makes someone feel the whole atmosphere and coziness of Cafe Gerbeaud. I am pretty sure you enjoyed staying there and of course you have chosen the right season. I am just wondering if you visited the Fisherman's Bastion on the other side of Donau, that architectural beauty was erected end-of 19th century at the place where it used to be a fisherman's market in the past. But at present it is a spectacular place with beautiful panoramic view of Budapest and of course nice place to sit and enjoy cup of tea or coffee. Thank you for bringing my memory back, very nice pictures from your European trip.

we did not have much time staying in Budapest so no, I hadn't visited that one. I am sure I will go back and stay longer in this beautiful city soon!

I have noticed that most of your posts are in Chinese and this is a pity as I really enjoyed your writing and description and I bet you have nice posts that the majority of people can't understand. But I will be looking forward for the next post in English from you :)

great place to travel with great food looks like a 10 star reatreat

  ·  7 years ago 


去年吧!但似乎來不及了。去年已經過了,you know...

Very good Article! I love budapest :)
Have you tried the Humus Bar? Amazing place to grab a snack in Budapest!
Thank you for sharing


你很殘忍! 明明說是甜品世家後代的店,還要等... 😢




Budapest is so magical. Thank you for taking me back ❤

Nice cafe!!!
Looks delicious!

I agree, proof of work attacks the problem from a very narrow angle, our only evidence so far is that it seemingly works in the very primitive computing scenarios we are currently placing the new technologies in.

In many ways I look at ledgering as our new technology being able to provide the simple ledgering calculation mechanisms the first computers did, when we supersede the implementation techniques that we currently rely on we'll raise the bar on what the technology is capable of.

remind you that your comment may has been wrongly replied here.

I would go just because the beautiful sandwich

我在布达佩斯时也想去那里吃喝一番 可是人超多没有座位呢 你去时很空?所以我就沿着河暴走了一下午 也挺不错的

印象中是weekday的下午兩點多,沒太多人喔... 暴走,哈!

Great pictures, it's always great to look back on fond memories. Plus that sandwich looks good.

It looks like great travel with yummy food. Thanks great post with detail information. Have a great weekends.

I almost wrote .. are you back?
then I kept reading ... oh it was last year
how about NL this year? :D

haha... still lots of photos ... I will probably go to Japan the soonest. :)


我現在滿餓的,但現在吐到吃不下 .... T_T
