[Travel Life 德奧遊記第三章] – 勇闖德國最高峰//TALLEST mountain in Germany: Zugspitze [Day 4] - (中文/ENG)

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)


Do you still remember those tall mountains we saw in Königssee? Yup, those are the famous Alps. Since we were already here in Europe, I see no reason why we shouldn’t visit those cloud-capped Alps. On the fourth day of our “Austria X Germany” journey, we got up to the highest peak in Germany – Zugspitze!


楚格峰雖是德國第一高,但最高點其實“只有”海拔2962米,對比更著名的少女峰(4158米),甚至全歐洲最高的厄爾布魯士峰 (5642米)還差不少 。不過,對於活在香港的我們,能夠登上接近海拔3000米的高峰已是十分難得。畢竟,我們全港最高的山只有958米(大帽山),跟前面提到的大山相比簡直是小巫見大巫!

Even though Zugspitze is the tallest mountain in Germany, its highest point is “only” at 2962m above sea level. Comparing to the elevation of the famous Jungfrau (4158m) or even the tallest mountain in Europe (Mount Elbrus at 5642m), 2962m doesn’t sound that impressive. However, as Hongkongers, having the opportunity to reach the summit of an almost 3000m tall mountain is wonderful enough. After all, the highest peak in Hong Kong is Tai Mo Shan, with an elevation of merely 957m. That’s nowhere near the aforementioned mountains!


Allow me to clarify here, getting up to Zugspitze wasn’t that physically demanding, we mainly relied on the brilliant transportation system. Zugspitze is a popular travelling and ice-skiing spot, there’s a cogwheel train which brings you almost up to the summit. In addition, there are two cable car routes, one connects the summit to the Austrian territory and the other one connects the summit to the German side. Moreover, since the Austria–Germany border runs over the summit, you could basically walk across the border up there. Interesting right?

當天,我們乘火車去到Garmisch-Partenkirchen火車站,然後步行約5分鐘就到達山下的齒軌鐵路站。購票後,我們便登上齒軌列車,向山頂進發!(車票資訊 )

That day, we took a train to the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Bahnhof, and then had a 5-minute walk to the cogwheel train station. After buying our tickets, we got on the Zugspitze train. (More info on ticket)

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The train stops at several stations, including the Eibsee station. Although Eibsee is not as famous as Königssee, it attracts many tourists because of its blue and clear lake water. However, as we didn’t have much time, we decided to first get up to the summit, then see if we have enough time for the lake.



On the train, we could behold the beauty of the mountain area, as well as the Eibsee. (Remember to sit on the right, so you could have a better view of Eibsee) As the train got into the tunnel, the temperature dropped and we had to put on heat pads to keep us warm.


After an hour, we reached Zugspitzplatt, the final stop of the cogwheel train (Not the summit yet). Even though Zugspitze is the tallest mountain in Germany, it’s not covered in snow all year round. Due to global warming, there’s no longer snow on Zugspitze in summer. Luckily, we arrived here in April, and we could still see many skiers and a thick layer of snow.


(歡迎來到白色世界! Welcome to the white world!)

Zugspitzplatt位處海拔2600米,有全德海拔最高的郵局,也有被譽為最接近天堂的教堂 Kirche Maria Heimsuchung。在車站旁還有一間餐廳供遊客和滑雪人士竭息和補充能量。跟預料的不同,這裡沒有想像中那麼冷。

Zugspitzplatt is located at 2600m above see level. Here you could find the highest post office in Germany. A chapel called Maria Heimsuchung and a restaurant are also located there. Unexpectedly, it’s not that cold here.

(德國最高的滑雪場,也是唯一的冰川滑雪場 Germany’s highest ski resort)

(最接近天堂的教堂 Kirche Maria Heimsuchung, Germany's highest chapel)

在Zugspitzplatt 逗留了一會兒後,我們便乘索道纜車向海拔2962米的山頂出發!一出車門,刺骨的寒風撲面而來,果然,頂峰是不同的。在這裡的瞭望台,我們可以360度全方位俯瞰山下的美景和眺望亞爾卑斯山脈其它山峰,十分震撼!

After spending a bit of time on Zugspitzplatt, we took the cable car up to the 2962m summit. Freezing wind greeted us well as we stepped out from the cabin. From the lookout platform here, we could gaze 360° over the alpine peaks. The view there is breathtakingly beautiful!



(那十字架就是最高點!That’s the summit cross!)

(這裡可以看到剛才提及的艾布湖 We could see the Eibsee from here)

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(這裡有個小雪丘,很多人爬了上去玩 Many people had fun here)

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(那就是下去奧地利的索道纜車,由於德國和奧地利都是申根公約國,穿越國境無需接受檢查 That’s the cable car to Austria. Since both Germany and Austria are members of the Schengen acquis, you don’t have to go through border control when crossing the border.)

可惜由於從頂峰前往艾布湖的索道纜車正在進行重建工程,我們要原路折返,乘齒軌列車下山 。工程預計會在2017年12月完工,到時旅客便可以在新建成的纜車上一覽亞爾卑斯山區的美景。

Since the cable car connecting the summit and Eibsee is currently under renovation, the only way to get down from Zugspite is by cogwheel train. The construction of the new cable car would be finished in December 2017.



Zugspitze is really stunning! It’s a masterpiece from Mother Nature. We should cherish and not damage it. I hope when I’m here next time, the glacier and snow haven’t disappeared yet because of global warming!

Watch 【Vlog】勇闖德國第一高峰 - 楚格峰 video on DTube

I hope you like this story, please comment below and tell me your thoughts. I'm looking forward to reading them all :)

Previous Chapters:
Day 1 & 2: 德奧遊記一:Salzburg X Hallstatt
Day 3: 德奧遊記二:美麗的國王湖 The WONDERFUL Königsee

Stay tuned for my next post :)
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The view is stunning! :)

Yes indeed!! Thank you very much! :)

gorgeous travel photos! I wish I could travel as often as I want..but :D

Very nice post...great travel..nice mountain to travel it

Thank you very much for the support! The scenery is brilliant there!

You are welcome @jacklcp

Great photos and the scenery is beautiful

Thank you my friend!! :)

Very very impressive, splendid view omg

Thank you very much!! That's one of the most stunning views I've ever seen in my life! :)

Amazing View!

Thank you!!! :)

Great Job.
Very nice Photography
upvote and follow me please.

景色太美了吧 好震撼

哇!!! 那個教堂也太美了吧!!