Lost history in Seoul and Sorry to the History

in travel •  7 years ago 

I met my friend to have a dinner. It was a second day of my itinerary after the retirement.
I walked along the street to go to the coffee shop where we promised to see.
Suddenly I noticed a small board on which pimatgol’피맛골’ was written.
The word ‘pimatgol’ means that escaping from the horses.

For a long time ago, the ordinary people were not allowed to walk the main street.
Main Street was road for the novel class, so common people should walk along the backyard alley to escape from the horses.

Naturally the Pimatgol became the ordinary people’s alley.
There were small snack bars and shops. There were very complicated places.
It had been more than 600 years.

I also had bought the lunch when I was young and poor student. Sometimes me and my friends had met at the Pimatgol and had the humble lunch. At that time I was happy.

The board guided me into the past, so I walked into the Pimatgol thinking the past.
But the Pimatgol was not that pimatgol where I have remembered.

There were no more snack bars and people. The shops were closed.

I felt sorry about the Pimatgol. The history of 600 years happened to be disappeared.
Maybe young generation could not remember or understand that the pimatgol means.

With a severe heart, I passed through the Pimatgol.
As coming closer to the Insadong area, the atmosphere was changing.
Finally I arrived at the restaurant where we promised to meet.

The Insadong alley was clean and well decorated.

On the contrary the Pimatgol seemed to be abandoned.

I don’t Know why Seoul city government did not care for the Pimatgol.
I entered into the restaurant with a feeling of sorry.

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Interesting pictures of Korea. Thanks for sharing

Great post! Thanks for sharing these photos with us :)

these one is quite interesting

Very cool. These pics of Seoul tell a great story. Please keep these travel posts going, it's nice for those of us who can't get away often.

INteresting post and photos!

good evening brother @slowwalker
Great photography and I also do not forget that visiting the places we went in the past is great
I liked this article and really deserved it Resteem This Post
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awesome collection of wonderful pictures thanks for this lovely post

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@slowwalker it was great to know about pimatgol and how you used to spend good times with your buddies back when you were young. Yeah man it does hurt when you dont get things like you left them behind living, enjoying. I am already missing tons of things of my childhood just in my 19s.

Thank you for your thoughtful understanding

a wistful post, @slowwalker.

So much of what is charming in a city depends on nostalgia and vestiges of the past.

When I was growing up in Toronto there were tubs on busy street corners that were used to water horses. Of course, horse-drawn wagons began being phased out in the 1950's and within two decades there was no longer a use for these tubs.

The Pimatgol falls into this category. It has become irrelevant to modern Seoul and has no place in its future.

I do agree with you that some aspects of traditional architecture and culture should be maintained by a city for the sake of its heritage, and they can also serve to promote tourism.

But inevitably, anything that's no longer relevant will eventually be lost. Even cursive writing in schools is no longer being taught.

The world of the future will be no place for old men, lol.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The thing is; I think that it still IS relevant in Korea, as you still see streets like this prosper in smaller towns. The problem lies with the western obsessionism, and the the cultural aspect of "face." The government, especially in cities like Seoul, want to promote being "modern" (western) as for them, it makes them feel like they are a leading nation, and wealthy. There have been A LOT of changes in this regard with the upcoming hosting of the Olympics.
Seoul is the least returned to place for tourism in the world (last time I checked), and it's because people don't actually feel like they travelled anywhere. It's Starbucks in a concrete jungle.
Seoul is not Korea, imo.

Right. I agree with you.
They need to recreate not to immitate

that's very insightful, @imlikett - thank you for providing your experience - what you say makes sense

Yes, I understand the situations.
But I was just feeling sorry about something I had experienced

Awesome post.

Nice post..
Thank for sharing..
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Going back to places where we once had pleasant memories only to find them shuttered and abandoned is sad. Those activities that happened there hopefully are just happening some place else. Change never stops. I hope your lunch with your friend was a good one, and cheered you up! Be well and thank you for sharing your photos and thoughts.

Thank you for your comment

congratulations for your post and also your beautiful photos about Korea , I invite you to check my
last post if you like :)


Beautiful pictures.
The fact is that when civilization comes, it peels away layers of history and lays the people (younger generations) bare of their past.
It happens everywhere.

This is the first time i heard about pimatgol. So much need to know about south korea.

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thats what i was looking for

the reverse side of the Asian metropolis

long back in a book i read about Pimatgol. now i understood it.
good information about pimatgol,

pictures are very lively

@slowwalker what you are feeling my friend is nostalgia. I get the same feeling walking past a place I grew up because of the special memories I had there now the place has been transformed to something that was a shadow of its former self.

your feeling is as same as mine

seoul city, what a nice and lovely pics from the view

excellent post... thanks for sharing

Great photos and a very wonderful place. I really like how the streets are so clean. Thank you for posting this. I will follow you

Each photo talk me about history in each street, really good work man. Regards

Thank you so much

LIKE how they styled the trees with the color. The streets seem really pacefull and relax.

amazing accumulation of great pictures a debt of gratitude is in order for this stunning post

hello simple and beautiful sharing your health :)

Thank you

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi slowwalker.. i read your post and your shots and content inspired me.. Thanx for talking about historic place

Thank you for reading

makes me go alive. good one slowwalker

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are welcome.. But no need of it coz you teach me a new word pimatgol and i knew its meaning escaping from horses and also i able to know about an old memorable place.. Can you plz tell me tha pimatgol is from which language?

beautiful and nostalgic

Such a lovely place..just like the one I saw on korean dramas.


I know you must have planned to enjoy yourself

A student is a wonderful memories, although mediocre money as long as we're with friends will be getting its own happiness, I never had it because I was a student ...
Great post..


Very beautiful photos, wow.

I hate history when I was in High School but I started to realize it when I grew up. It's such a sad story to hear that the place lost its history. I hope they'll do something about it.

Thank you for your support

That was touching, thanks for sharing

good work

My friends and I*

it looks so lonely, hope they resolve this issue
have a pleasant trip @slowwalker



Very nice report. Fortunately we have the memories
when the places are so abandoned.

oww...i want to say korean photography is very nice not only photography but also Korean all place are very nice and i have a desire to go to korea for visit this country but when i will go i have no idea but one day i will go to korea..

Welcome to Korea, at anytime.

there are sweet word Instructive

Poignant post.

Wow, there was a... road for nobles? Like the poor were not allowed to walk on it?

Kind of makes you wonder about the way classes were divided in olden times.

That was normal in olden times


Hey, are you 'oldstone' in steemit chat?

we have crazy classes division here

Honestly its the first time I read a Post of you.
It seems that you are person with a wide heart.

I am not well planted in that kind of history but from now on I will follow to learn more about the person behind these posts.

Thank you so much

No, I have to thank you my friend :)

good one mate

I lived in Korea for 18 years and have never heard about the street called Pimatgol. Thanks for sharing.

Pimatgol is the back yard alley of Jong-ro

one day i might visit to see the place

Interesting and a little sad story))) But I'm sure that you had a great time with your friend))) Beautiful photos!))) I'm waiting for new stories))))

Thank you so much

Hello @slowwalker, as always reading your adventures.

Maybe not in the same way, or maybe you would not understand it at all, but part of what you describe there is what I feel when I see Venezuela.

So much history, so much wealth, and so much forgetfulness and neglect.

Why do some cities or countries, those we love from the heart, involute in that way? Will we be guilty? Even if it's a little?

Continue with your stories, I will follow you. My best wishes.

Thank you

Good story

Wow, I really love korean culture , I was obsessed with kdramas so I started to read more about korean. It is awesome to know about new things . Thanks for sharing!!

Thank you so much

I really like how you took so many shots of narrow streets and alleyways. Most "here's a city I visited" albums are the big scenic areas that we've all scene a million versions of. Cool take on the city.

@slowwalker i love your article. Keep it up

It is a wonderful history story. I have a similar story.


Here is a sorrowful street. hope to be preserved. Thanks for posting. I will be follow you

Its always rough when you see things from your childhood, especially those with historical significance disappear.
Having lived in Korea for 6 years, I noticed it is very different in terms of keeping it's historical and cultural heritage. The government, and the new generation seem so focused on being western, that they don't care about what Korea means. It's sad.
When you are in the big cities, you don't feel like you're in Korea, you feel like you are in any other big city. However, when you are in a big city in Japan, or somewhere, you still really feel like you are in that place.
You really have to travel to smaller towns, to get a feel for Korea. I always tell people; if you plan to come to Korea, don't go to Seoul.

Seoul is no more Korea ?

Seoul is Korea, but what I mean is; I feel like you will experience more of Korea, or more culturally rich Korea, by traveling to different parts of Korea.

They are great. Congratulations!

Wow your photo are amazing 👍
i am korean
i will follow on you
if you want to see my photo
always open @jejuin


Indeed, it is quite sad that sometimes, the old places that we used to go to and loved are changed, worse, now gone for the sake of "development".
Good post

wow i like your photo

What a nice example of local history! It's a pity they don't preserve a part of this urban past

The Pimatgol(피맛골) is not abandoned. Many workers at the Seoul city center, especially the press and the government workers visit there every lunch time.

Nice post....i love korea....
Regards @slowwalker
Follow me....

I am very happy to read it, and I am happy to follow you always here

It's gloomy to know about sorry state of the Pimatgol. You are roaming around nice places. It was a pleasure to read your blog written in distinctive way.

Thank you for sharing such an amazing blog.

sigueme amigo pablosky

옛 추억을 회상하면서 걸으셨을텐데, 낯선 것들만 있어서 안타깝습니다. 저도 어릴 적 전라도 광주에 살았을 때, 여러 골목과 상점이 기억납니다. 언젠가 한 번 광주로 내려가 어린 시절을 회상하면서 거닐어보고 싶은 마음이 듭니다.

추억을 회상하는 것도 좋은 일이지요

Posts that attract my friend, you are amazing ..

Write very good

Pimatgol is famous place, Seoul is many place that disappeared by development. I think it is more important to keep the old things better than the new ones, and I feel sorry for them. The picture is so pretty. : )

서울에 사는 한사람으로써 참 안타까울 뿐입니다. 도시개발도 좋지만 에휴~~그냥 슬프네요. 저는 아직 젊은 나이이지만 어릴적 어머니와 같이 골목골목으로 다니던 인사동 골목들까지도 변해버려 옛맛이 없어요. 서울시는 정말 뭐하는건지 모르겠어요. ㅎㅎ

nice place and pic. very beautiful!

Thank God have know steemit now when I steal have the enagye so can move and visit de would when I get money.

We have such alleys in the cities of The Netherlands as well, I call them "the backside of the city". They always look sad, and in great contrast with the loud shop fronts on the other side of the buildings.


Yes the word 'sad' seemed proper to show that situation


Wow!!!so beautiful your photography , i want carry on your life.
and you next post sharing us, all the best

Thank you so much

Que buen post! Me gusto mucho 👽💚

i feel for you. dont feel the pimatgol.
Keep the old visuals alive so that we all can remember it.

The Insadong alley looks beautiful :)

Yes great

I am so amazed about the whole eastern culture and the things that they presents to the world. Thank you for that lovely article!

The Insadong alley is so beautiful & clean . I want to be there . Nice Photography . Keep it up

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The loss of many historical sites or important places may not just happen in your country just @slowwalker. In my area of ​​Aceh, Indonesia, many historical sites or important places containing missing pum history values. We who were born before the site disappear may still be recorded in our minds memory. But what about the generation after us, we can be sure they are blind to the history of the country. It is said that if the local government does not store archives related to the site. Baletapa hurt us all. No more generations know its people.

Right ! You write to see all persons.

Its the same with lot of towns, not just streets in Croatia. Young people leave them searching for a better life and Government don't want to do anything :/

that happens in every place

buteaiful and nice biulding like it

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Its sad that across the world, gradually authenticity of the places are dissappearing coz of modernization. My recent trip to mexico was fantastic, and got to live and see authentic mexico.. By the way great post.. :)

Hi @slowwalker =D Usually I am the one writing travel stories and here I am now on the other side, falling in love with your post here. It's so wonderful to be able to see a place through someone else's eyes. I love Steemit for that!

This is a completely different perspective than most people will ever get. Thank you for including the history as well. I now want to read more about it. I really love the seemingly abandoned places that exist all over the world because I like to imagine the past.

I've never been to Seoul but because of this, I know I will definitely come to Pimatgol if I am ever in the city.

Thanks for sharing =D

Thanks for sharing.
Just resteem your post.
Nice photography.

Thank you so much

good friends, I really enjoy it, meet with friends, and eat together with friends feel very happy, and I'm happy to follow you here

that is an amazing post waooo great

The pictures are beautiful. I like photography, too. I've already paid attention to you. Follow me.

Wow, that city looks interesting, when travelling, you can always find interesting photos where you least expect.....

That's history for us

Nice one,i loved the way you arranged your words keep it up,i followed you, hoping to hear more from you.


Amazing Photos
You are the father I spent in. The penalty of your childhood seems to have changed a lot
They have some refinements to add aesthetics

Thank you for the great post that provides so much valuable information. Your post has been Upvoted and Resteemed so that more people can read your blog.

awesome collection of wonderful pictures thanks for this lovely post