The Base64 VBScript Obfuscator in VBScript

in utopian-io •  7 years ago 

Adding more VBScript obfuscation techniques are not just fun but also useful. Previously, the accepted VBScript repro: has provided two obfuscation methods: the default Chr and the ROT47, today I have spent some time adding the BASE64 Obfuscator.

Here is how it looks like to obfuscate the original VBScript source:

msgbox "Hello, @justyy"

to the obfuscated source:

Function l(a): With CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument").CreateElement("aux"): .DataType = "bin.base64": .Text = a: l = r(.NodeTypedValue): End With: End Function
Function r(b): With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"): .Type = 1: .Open: .Write b: .Position = 0: .Type = 2: .CharSet = "utf-8": r = .ReadText: .Close:  End With: End function
Execute l("TXNnQm94ICJIZWxsbywgQGp1c3R5eSI=")

The github:
This commit:


Core VBScript obfuscation function

The obfuscation process has been implemented in the following function:

Function Obfuscator(vbs)
    Dim s, F1, F2
    s = str_to_base64(vbs)
    F1 = "Function l(a): With CreateObject(" & Chr(34) & "Msxml2.DOMDocument" & Chr(34) & ").CreateElement(" & Chr(34) & "aux" & Chr(34) & "): .DataType = "& Chr(34) & "bin.base64"& Chr(34) & ": .Text = a: l = r(.NodeTypedValue): End With: End Function"
    F2 = "Function r(b): With CreateObject("& Chr(34) & "ADODB.Stream"& Chr(34) & "): .Type = 1: .Open: .Write b: .Position = 0: .Type = 2: .CharSet = "& Chr(34) & "utf-8"& Chr(34) & ": r = .ReadText: .Close:  End With: End function"
    Obfuscator = F1 & vbCrLf & F2 & vbCrLf & "Execute l(" & Chr(34) & (s)& Chr(34) &")" & vbCrLf 
End Function

Proof of Work

doctorlai is my github ID and you can see my steemit URL at github profile:

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  ·  7 years ago 

哇哈哈,是我太钟情 VBScript.

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

Great to see you have a readme file and a proper license tied to your repo as well. =)

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Hey @justyy I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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