1.10 SBD shared with 193 people so 0.006 SBD each for Daily Faucet for 11th June 2018

in v •  7 years ago  (edited)


Daily Steemit Faucet post payout for 11th June 2018

@abbak7 @abrahamg12 @abu.bakkar @akarantain @aledania @allright @almg2007 @amart29 @ambarabby @anasuleidy @andreja @aracieli @armandofd @artsymelanie @asfi @atreyuserver @authorcolinbmw @axbezzub @bavon54 @bernadettecc @bigsambucca @bio00 @bojakcates @brosol @brusneilish @casram @chris-iv @citizenkane @cjsean @cobran @croxdragnel @cryptocheta @cryptoenvision @cryptohappenings @dan16 @darlyrin @darthgexe @daysiselena @decaptain @dianadvsalcedo @dizzyapple @eagle42 @elider11 @engchitchat @ericet @escarlata @esmerallda @eurovision @exploretraveler @fhstralow @fleurinna @freewritehouse @galifrey @gamernoob @georgeknowsall @gersson @gilres @godlovermel25 @grace234 @greymar @gustavoadolfodca @hansheng @hatoto @hillaryoki @imammugi @itsjessamae @izaid @jadeidol @jamescrusader @jangamasisa @jdbs @jennswall @jerelyn @jesusagon @jesusvieira @jjqf @joel0101 @johngentry @johngentryjr @juanddios @kagemanden @kalejandra @kcherukuri @khiabels @kidsreturn @korshed @krisha25 @kryptonia @kurs @lacl @lauracguzman @lauril @leetahsar @leopenuela18 @mariainesff @mariale07 @mariamzr @mariannewest @markusmichael @maryresp @maxili63 @meepsy @melaniewang @melpost @meme.elena @memo01 @mindark @mirandafr @motordrive @mps01k @mrjohn01 @mrjokar @mrzurkon @mydivathings @myscrible @mytechtrail @nahela @nahupuku @nathansenn @nathyortiz @naturealwysright @navaneeth @nexit @ninzendo @norvicgarcia @nrich239 @nypho @ofili1 @omg-is-biology @onefatindian @oscar21vander @pandasquad @patycantellas @petervroom @piccola.valeria @platyrhodon @poyim @pravinnandanwar @primi @princesave @psi.acastillo @psyceratopsb @psychkrhoz @puskas @quotes-haven @rafaelaquino @rahul111 @ranatalha @ratul2003 @richie211 @riyuwe @rocaxel @rosargelisperez @rosmilage @rtd1604 @ruul @ryanng @s4steem @salomonca @sam1996 @scoobyscoobydoo @sheilamenher @shoukath @simplemrakpor @sinlg @sir-lionel @solangeh @stefziv @suanky @sughey @summi @sunday21 @superexplorer @sureshtembhurne @teresah @theresa16 @tiatu @travellife @traylorjonathan @trituratusmiedos @unataldani @vacilator @veronicasmb @vijbzabyss @violinist @vsmb @wendyth16 @wilson4life @wonderwop @yahoobot @youarehope @yunairy @zmagaz

Check the Pending Payments here --> http://csyd.es/Faucet/PendingPayments/

Current Daily Faucet Post http://csyd.es/Faucet

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SydesJokes Blog

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Thank you!

This is real , I always recieve it



Just like clockwork, the dispersements come. Just follow the rules.

thank you very much. just got the payout.

Hmmm. Monday missed me.

Thanks Colin

Thank you, thank you

Omg....thanks a bit late ;)


It is the realest thing on the Internet. Thanks Buddy as Always

Gracias por su valioso apoyo @sydesjokes

Agradecida por su apoyo

Muchas gracias por su apoyo a la comunidad

I always receive my payment, this is very real.

Nice one

Thanks for these

I love your daily facet

Getting paid is always sweet

Daily facet Thank you