Weight loss is about 70% diet and 30% exercise. You don't need to depend on workout to lose weight.
Here are 5 ways you can lose weight other than exercise
1- Proper Diet - Mind what you are eating, Count your calories. Follow a right diet.
2- Herbal remedies - There are many non-pharma herbs those help control appetite.
3- Enough Sleep - Atleast 7-8 hours - By having enough sleep you will not only boost your metabolism, but also lower stress level , which cause obesity.
4- Check your hormones - If you are failed losing weight after lots of efforts, then may be it's a problem in your hormone. Hormonal disorder can lead you to obesity.
5- Drink more water - By drinking sufficient water you can control your appetite and burn more calories.
Here some more weight loss ideas without workout with details explaination.