Most adults gain between 0.5 and 1 kilogram each year between the ages of 20 and 55, which could lead to some people being overweight or obese over time. Overeating significant amounts of food isn't usually the cause of weight gain.
Instead, it's usually caused by eating a tiny number of extra calories each day – roughly 100-200 more calories.
The good news is that by making simple changes to our diet or physical activity, we may be able to avoid gaining weight. According to a new study, consuming 100-200 calories less per day, or burning an additional 100-200 calories per day, may be enough to keep us from gaining weight in the long run.
This is referred to as a "small-changes method," which was first advocated in 2004 by James Hill, an American obesity researcher, to assist people in managing their weight.
The use of the small-changes method for weight management has been studied in a number of minor studies. We integrated the findings of these smaller studies into a broader study to arrive at an average (and statistically more trustworthy) conclusion for the effect of this technique on weight loss. We looked at 19 studies, 15 of which evaluated a small-changes strategy to weight loss and four of which examined it to avoid weight gain.
We looked at the data from over 3,000 participants who participated in weight-gain prevention trials and 372 people who participated in weight-loss trials. Participants ranged in age from 18 to 60 years old, with 65 percent of them being female.
Over a period of eight to 14 months, those who adopted the small-changes approach to prevent weight gain gained over 1kg less than those who did not. The 1kg difference was statistically significant, indicating that it was not due to chance.
While the small-changes method has been proven to be beneficial for weight loss, it has not been shown to be useful for preventing weight gain.
The trials we looked at used a variety of tiny modifications to help people avoid gaining weight. Here are a few of the successful methods employed in these trials:
1/ Take the bus one stop sooner and walk the remaining distance. You may end up walking for an additional ten to fifteen minutes, which could result in a 60-calorie burn. If you do this on the way home, you could burn up to 120 calories.
2/ Don't eat the chips that come with the meal. Hundreds of calories are contained in small quantities of oven chips served alongside main meals. Saying goodbye to these – or choosing for a salad or vegetables as a side instead – could help you cut 200 calories from your daily calorie consumption.
3/ Make the switch from a regular to a diet beverage. Despite the fact that it may not taste the same, switching to this diet could save you 145 calories. However, new research reveals that switching to diet drinks may not be the greatest way to lose weight - thus drinking water instead of your usual fizzy drink may be the best option.
4/ Instead of a latte, order an Americano. Because the milk in a traditional latte contains up to 186 calories, switching to an Americano may help you lose weight.
5/ During the cooking process, reduce the amount of oil by one tablespoon. For example, one tablespoon of olive oil contains slightly more than 100 calories, so using less can help you avoid consuming extra calories.
6/ Save half of whatever sweet you eat for tomorrow. For example, eating half a KitKat might cut your calorie intake by 102 calories, giving you something to look forward to tomorrow.
7/ Reduce the number of potatoes in your roast supper by one or two. One medium roast potato can contain up to 200 calories, so keep that in mind when deciding how many to serve.
8/ While walking, take phone calls. If you took a 30-minute phone call while on the way, you could burn an extra 100 calories.
9/ Sweets should be avoided. Saying no to cakes, biscuits, and other sweets might easily save you 100-200 calories a day — or perhaps more, depending on the item.
10/ Every day, take your dog for an extra 30-minute brisk walk. It will be appreciated by the dog, and you may burn more than 150 calories.
When it comes to weight loss, the small-changes method has a lot of advantages. To begin with, little changes are simpler to integrate into daily life than larger ones. It's easier to eat 100-200 fewer calories a day than it is to eat 500 fewer calories per day, for example (basically, an entire meal).
Small modifications are also easier to maintain over time, which is crucial for weight management. And, if people are successful in making these minor changes, they may be inspired to make more significant improvements in their lives.