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in workout •  7 years ago 

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Abs, abs and more abs. A lot of people wish nothing more than to have visible abs. But how would one achieve that goal? How to do it?

Your body fat percentage is too high

Let me first get this out of the way; Everyone has abs. Including you. Yes, even you, the one that’s eating a slice of pie while (hopefully) reading this article. Everyone! However, most people don’t see them. That’s simply because there is just too much fat on top of those abs. Through the years, you have probably structurally consumed more calories than you have burned. The result is pretty obvious; You have no visible abs.

It’s true that each person stores fat on a different spot on the body. One reason for this is the relation between beta-2 and alpha-2 receptors. Another reason is blood flow. These two factors make it harder to mobilize and clear fat for transport to be used as energy.

However, even if you are one of those persons that stores fat in the belly area, even you can make those darn abs visible! To put it very simple; You need to burn more calories than you consume. It’s that simple. There is no difficult math needed. There is no magic trick needed. Burn more calories than you consume. The end result is that you will start burning fat.

You can’t transform fat into muscle

A lot (And I mean a lot) of people seem to live under the impression that they can magically transform their excess fat into muscle. Let me get that out of the way right now; That is impossible. Just impossible. It would be the same as saying you can magically turn your articles into bestsellers. (Or can you?) Fat is fat and muscle is muscle. They are two different things and you can’t change one into the other. There is simply no process in our body that even remotely transforms fat into muscle. So how to do it then? You want to replace fat with muscle. Again, the way to do that is to burn more calories than you consume. A bit of workout might help as well.

The magic crunches

Crunches are one of the most commonly used exercises to “create” or train abs. A lot of people seem to think that doing crunches endlessly will help them make those abs visible. Let me help you there; No amount of crunches is going to make your abs visible and no amount of crunches is going to help you get rid of that thick layer of fat that’s covering your abs. It’s also very easy to execute this exercise the wrong way, which can easily lead to back problems. So not only are you still stuck with your layer of fat, now you’ve got a back injury on top of that.


  1. Every single person on this earth has abs, even though they might not be visible yet. You have to lower your body fat percentage. That’s the key factor. The easiest way to do that is to burn more calories than you consume. The best way to do that is change your diet. No magic trick, just start eating less or start burning more.
  2. Be very careful with crunches. If executed properly, they can absolutely help increase your core strength. However, it will not help you if visible abs is your goal. Proper and balanced out meals will get you there!
  3. Stop believing the stuff all these fitness gurus are trying to sell you. They are not out to help you, they are trying to increase the amount of money on their bank accounts. People like fast and simple solutions, so they come up with something that may seem like a solution but it actually isn’t.
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Thanks for telling it like it is! I'm in the midst of trying to get my abs back and am doing fairly intense training 4-5 days a week for about one and a half hours each time (~1200 calories or so my HRM tells me). I also greatly reduced my alcohol consumption. I'm 30 days in and am hoping at about 90 days I'll be in decent shape :-) I'm going to follow you so I can get more great posts like this!

Really good! The best way to achieve your goals is just go for it. Don't expect an easy fix for what most people have been doing wrong their entire lives. Bear in mind though that abs are created in the kitchen. Commonly used catch phrase, but it is actually true. I would go as far as to say that a healthy diet (lack of a better word) is the most important key. Good luck my friend, I will be following you back! :)