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You workout while distracted? Be careful!

Damn nice result! Nearly 6 miles in 30 minutes thats good!

Haha also mostly watch poker streams when working out in the gym. Following your post lately I saw you are playing poker. Do you also play on lucksacks?

Nice one, keep working out and keep staying fit.

Keep that sweat going ;)
What limits are you watching there? Do you still play?

i see a 20k$ guaranted 6-max tournament with unidentified buy-in(top left), PLO200 (bottom left), a unidentified tournament (bottom right) and a bearded man (top right).

Haha you taking over man

Nice idea, I love music when am doing anything time permit to do

Great one Knircky,
everybody got its own motivation to get it through...
I love listenic to crazy music during my sessions :)
Stay strong,
johannes (:

nice!keep working out.

great!! when you manage to make a habit the thing becomes easier!

Are you playing or just watching?

How do you run and play 3 tables :D I think you should use the training time to clear your mind and set your psychology. however everybody has their methods :)

Ohh Great post @knircky bro

hehe casino+workout.

Funny and interesting