7. Recharge Your Batteries

in yoga •  6 years ago  (edited)


Relax, we will keep this short

We could write a whole article about how good it is to relax, take a deep breath and recharge your batteries. But instead, we ask you to do the work this time.

Here are a couple of words which you would have probably seen a thousand times already. But have you tried them? For real.

Mindfulness: You are not your thoughts
Yoga (Yoga with Adriene is our personal favourite)
Conscious breathing: The Bridge between Body and Mind
Quit walk on the beach in the early morning: How to unplug
Walk in the forest, just after the rain: Shinrin-yoku Forest Therapy
Meditation (apps: Calm, Headspace,…)
Listen to a positive/inspirational podcast or book. (Something that gives you energy, not taking it)
If you haven’t heard of them, or don´t know what they mean… Google it. Or Ecosia it. Just as a fun side note: “Searching with Ecosia is like searching with any other search engine, with one major difference. We use the profit we make from your searches to plant trees where they are needed most.” Cool right!


So, go inside, into your own being, into your own self. Your breath is so important. With each conscious breath you see to it that every cell of your body gets new energy.

Stretch out, be in this moment and embrace yourself. Smile and say thank you to this vessel that has been your companion all this time.

Take the time to acknowledge the fact that you do enough, that you are enough each and every single moment.


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Thank you for the ideas for relaxation. I’ve had a lot of luck with Tai Chi as a method for winding down. I’m also writing on some meditations, feel free to check them out for some other ideas. Enjoy, and welcome to Steemit!