How to YOGA - A Pose A Day: Down Dog

in yoga •  8 years ago  (edited)

Good day, Steemit!

I love you, and I want to share other things I love with you. 

I'm expanding my love every single day, so this could easily become a daily exchange. 

I'll start with one of my greatest loves: YOGA.

Yoga makes everything better!

Yoga changed my life!

Yoga is one of the first miracles I remember experiencing. 

Yoga is the shit, as they say in the popular vernacular.

I'll gift you a yoga pose a day so that you too may have blissful, joyous, miraculous healing! 

This is DOWN DOG

AKA Downward Facing Dog  

AKA Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit 

(adho = downward, mukha = face, svana = dog, asana = pose).

Call it what you will; this pose is incredible.

Down dog is classic. 

Down dog is foundational for sun salutations.

Rodney Yee instructs to hold down dog for 2 minutes from time to time - 

when I first started yoga, I thought that was impossible, 

but I respected Rodney and his ponytail so I gave it a shot,

and I'm glad I did!

Now, I love down dog. 

Down dog is a relief.

Down dog is a staple. 

Down dog is my go-to when I need some yoga but don't have time to get full-on in it. 

Down dog gets all up in that root chakra.

 If you only do this one pose a day, you will reap major rewards.

This is whole body glory!

How to DOWN DOG:

  • Walk/jump feet to back of mat. Look, you're making a triangle between your body and the ground!
  • Feet hip width apart; hands shoulder width apart. 
  • Spread the digits.
  • Root down through the palms of the hands, activating all your fingers. Creases of the wrists aligned with each other.
  • Root down through the feet, growing long all down the back of the legs. It doesn't make any difference if your heels contact the floor; stretch into it like you're going for it.
  • Weight is evenly distributed between hands and feet - it feels like you're trying to split your mat in two by actively engaging your upper and lower body.
  • Lift the quads towards the sky.
  • Roll the shoulders open.
  • Feel the extension in the back body.
  • Focus on the navel (extra meaningless yoga points if you say it in Pattabhi Jois voice).
  • If you freak out or it's too intense, drop your knees. It's really not a big deal!

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Stay here as long as it feels yummy, 

or consider what B.K.S. Iyengar sez: 

"The pose starts when you want to leave it."

💛  Sara! ૐ

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Oh Sara Sara! So glad you are sharing your passion here. You are a really great instructor, and giving Steemit the treat of your is a really good pose. I also really love your Steemit t-shirt!!! Going to do down-dog. Thanks for the inspiration!

Thank YOU for BEING an inspiration! Your support means mountains to me. Thank god for @everlove!!

seen this yoga pose before. never know the name till now. thanks. :-)

You're welcome! Hope it encourages you to give it a try!

Actually I've tried this particular one but I'm more of a taiji or taichi person

Brilliant idea. I just did my yoga this morning :)

Using it to try to improve flexibility :)

Thank you! Yoga can certainly improve flexibility, and so much more

Yes! Thank you for pointing out....lots of folks don't know that this is actually a resting pose! 🕉

You're welcome! It's amazing how yoga is exactly what the person needs it to be!

Thanks for prompting our bodies to get flexible and unobstructed!

You're welcome! I'm glad you appreciate it!