Get to know our team - [@historiasamorlez]

in celfmagazine •  5 years ago 

Luisa Valencia



My name is Luisa Valencia, I'm 33 years old and I'm from Lima, Peru.
I studied pre-school and primary education at a private university. For 4 years I worked as a teacher, until I was promoted to director of a school. For 3 years I directed 500 students and 35 teachers, then I was again appointed supervisor of principals and teachers, a position that I currently hold.

I create tourist and gastronomic content of my country. So that authors from other parts of the world can get to know a very personal aspect of Peru's cultural content and be encouraged to get to know it or experience flavors through their food.

@historiasamorlez in @celfditorial y @celfmagazine

  • Curation team

To have Luisa as curator of the project is a great privilege, having chosen her had a lot to do with her strong cultural commitment on the platform, and as she says, in life. Being the cultural diffusion of Latin America one of the main objectives of the project we cannot think of someone better to value the content of art and culture on Steem as Luisa.

Why is curation so important at Steem?

"Curating is a process of valuating the work of the authors that also allows them to generate income through adding value with their content. This process is very important, as it brings economic value to the work of those who create and share on Steem. Everyone who votes for a publication understands that he or she is a curator and this is relevant because it is a matter of winning and growing as a community".

Some of her most recent comments:

Captura de pantalla 2019-07-23 a las 6.09.12 p.m..png

Captura de pantalla 2019-07-23 a las 6.10.13 p.m..png

Captura de pantalla 2019-07-23 a las 6.09.59 p.m..png

  • Personal work

Restaurante Paseo Colón / Ruta gastronómica del Perú #09 (Restaurant Paseo Colón / Gastronomic Route of Peru #09)

"Paseo Colón, is a restaurant of Peruvian food in fusion with diverse foods, like the American and Italian. The menus were already attractive from the outside and wanting to know it became more and more important.."

Todo llega, aun cuando ni lo esperas - Publicación #06 (Everything comes, even when you don't expect it - Publication #06)

"That day I couldn't sleep from the emotion and it's not because we made an impeccable presentation, well I only did the graphics and statistics, because I never speak... I never do; she was the one who shone that day explaining every detail.."

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The honor of mine as part of a great team that promotes culture and education on the platform. Thank you very much for such a beautiful mention, let's keep working.

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Thank you! :)

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Que linda!!! este es el rostro de Historia <3 es un placer conocer a la trabajadora y amable curadora de celfmagazine :)