New: successesAll contenthive-129948hive-196917krzzansteemhive-183959hive-180932photographyhive-166405hive-185836uncommonlablifehive-150122hive-183397hive-144064bitcoinhive-188619hive-139150krsuccesshive-103599hive-124908hive-101145hive-109690hive-180301hive-184714TrendingNewHotLikersroselinepro (3)in positive â˘Â 11 months agoPositive Habits and Mindset1. Establish a morning routine. 2. Cultivate positive affirmations. 3. Practice positive self-talk. 4. Replace negative thoughts with constructive ones. 5. Break bad habits gradually.âŚcryptocheta (67)in hive-101145 â˘Â 2 years agoíëě¤ ěě ě댏íëě¤ë í´ě°ëŹź ěëŚŹëĄ ě ëŞ í늰 ěě ě댏뼟 ě¤ëšíë íëśí ě íľě ę°ě§ęł ěěľëë¤. ěŚę¸¸ ě ěë íëě¤ ěě ě댏ë ë¤ěęłź ę°ěľëë¤. ëśěźë˛ ě¤(Bouillabaisse): ě´ę˛ě ë¤ěí ěě , 쥰ę°ëĽ, ěźěą ë° í ë§í , ěí, ë§ë, ěŹíë, ííĽęłź ę°ě íë¸ëĄ ë§ë ě íľě ě¸ íëĄë°Šě¤ ěě ě¤íě ëë¤. ě 덟ëě뼴(Sole Meunière):âŚcryptocheta (67)in hive-101145 â˘Â 2 years agoě 꾏뼟 ęł ěšë ě¸ ę°ě§ ë°Šë˛ë¤ěě ě 꾏뼟 ě댏íë ě¸ ę°ě§ ë°Šë˛ě ëë¤. ě 꾏 ęľě˛´: ě ęľŹę° ëę° ę˛˝ě° ę°ěĽ ę°ë¨í ě댏 ë°Šë˛ě ě 꾏뼟 ęľě˛´íë ę˛ě ëë¤. ě 꾏뼟 ęľě˛´í기 ě ě ěĄ°ëŞ ę¸°ě ě ě ęłľę¸ ěĽěšëĽź ëěěě¤. ęˇ¸ë° ë¤ě ě¤ëë ě 꾏뼟 ě ęą°íęł ëěźí ě íęłź ěí¸ě ě ě 꾏뼟 ě˝ě í ě ěěľëë¤. ě´ë¤ ě˘ ëĽě ě 꾏뼟 ěŹěŠí´ěź í ě§ ě ëŞ¨ëĽ´ę˛ ë¤ëŠ´ ěĄ°ëŞ ę¸°ě ě¤ëŞ ě뼟 íě¸íęą°ëâŚcryptocheta (67)in hive-101145 â˘Â 2 years ago죟ë§ě ěŚę¸°ë ë°Šë˛í´ěęłź ěŹěśŠě : ëëëĄ ěŁźë§ě ěŚę¸°ë ę°ěĽ ě˘ě ë°Šë˛ě ë¨ěí í´ěě 졨íęł í´ěě 졨íë ę˛ě ëë¤. ěą ě ě˝ęą°ë ëŽě ě ěęą°ë ě˘ěíë TV íëĄęˇ¸ë¨ě ěě˛íě¸ě. ěë뼟 ëŚěśęł 긴ěĽě í ě ěë ęśíě ëśěŹíěěě¤. ë¤ëĽ¸ ěŹëęłź ě°ę˛°: ě ë íí°ëĽź 죟ěľíęą°ë ë¸ë°ěšëĽź 먚ěźëŹ ëę°ęą°ë ę˛ěě ë°¤ě ęłííěŹ ěšęľŹ ë° ę°ěĄąęłź ěę°ě ëł´ë´ěěě¤. ë¤ëĽ¸âŚcryptocheta (67)in hive-101145 â˘Â 2 years ago죟ë§ě ěŚę¸°ë ë°Šë˛ę´ěŹěŹě 졨íĽě ë°ëź 죟ë§ě ěŚę¸°ë ë°Šë˛ě ë¤ěíŠëë¤. ë¤ěě ěěíë ë° ëěě´ ëë ëŞ ę°ě§ ěě´ëě´ě ëë¤. ěźě¸ íë: íě´íšě ę°ęą°ë ě§ě ęłľěě´ë í´ëłě 밊돸íęą°ë ěě 깰뼟 íęł ěě° ěěě ěę°ě ëł´ë´ěěě¤. ë°ě ëę°ě ě´ëě íë ę˛ě ë§ěě ěŹěśŠě íęł ë§ę˛ íë ě˘ě ë°Šë˛ě´ ë ě ěěľëë¤. ěëĄě´ 졨미뼟 ěëíěěě¤: 죟ë§ěâŚmadridbg (69)in hive-175254 â˘Â 2 years agoRESILIENCE: CHANGE AS A DRIVING MECHANISM FOR SUCCESSAuthor: @madridbg, via Power Point 2010, using own domain image. Alex Shute Greetings and welcome dear readers, by means of the present delivery I would like to share with you, a fewâŚhelices (30)in successes â˘Â 3 years agoPhilosophy 01023Our best successes come after our greatest disappointments #HenryWardBeecheranibalferrua28 (30)in hive-142013 â˘Â 4 years agoComenzando otro aĂąo, espero que estĂŠ aĂąo sea de muchos ĂŠxitos y bendiciones la vida ...... es un caminĂł de muchas experiencias que estĂŠ aĂąo estĂŠ llena de ellas. PDTA: Este aĂąo cumplo 18 aĂąitos đĽşâĽď¸đđcenok30433 (25)in way â˘Â 4 years agoNeves has gone on to be worth every penny and is now a regular member of the Wolves team in the Premier League, scoring some great goals along the way.Next in the biggest Championship transfers we come to Britt Assombalonga. If Neves has gone from strength to strength since his big transfer to a Championship club, the same cannot be saidâŚsteemit-stats (67)in accomplishments â˘Â 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Do You Feel Successful and Have Accomplishments?!Steemians! Another day means we have to focus on our successes and reach our goals. If you dwell in the past, youâll never get out and see your true potential⌠âSTEEM ONâ my friends! MostâŚkowinnhtunn (48)in steemit â˘Â 6 years agoáááášááášá¸ áááášáťááášáˇááąááá˛á" áááášááášá¸ áááášáťááášáˇááąááá˛á " á áá¤áŹáá°áá˝áŹáąááŹáášáąáááˇá˛ áťááášááŹáťááášááŹá¸ááąááŹáášá áá°ááąááˇá ášááŻáášáá˝áŹ áąáá¸ááŹá¸ááˇá˛áĄáąážááŹáášá¸áĄááŹáááŻááąááŹáˇ - áĄáťááášááşáášážáá፠ááˇá˛á áá°ááąáá¸ááŹá¸ááşáášááŻá á áąááąáááá˝áŹ ááášááŻááášáąááŹáˇ áĄááŻááŻáááášâŚsenvi (32)in bds â˘Â 6 years agoTop 70 Moments of Solidarity & BDS for Palestine in 2018Hereâs a short-list of moments in 2018 demonstrating growing recognition of Israelâs crimes against the Palestinian people and inspiring efforts around the world to hold Israel accountable for itsâŚsdavignon (45)in life â˘Â 6 years agoRT @GemCrypto: If we magnified our successes as much as we magnify our disappointments, we'd all be much happier. - Abraham LincolnTue Aug 14 17:38:01 +0000 2018 @sdavignon tweeted.RT @GemCrypto: If we magnified our successes as much as we magnify our disappointments, we'd all be much happier. - Abraham Lincoln https:⌠youâŚrizaziz (18)in successes â˘Â 6 years agoVoluptatibus maiores alias consequatur.Dicta sunt, explicabo necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et expedita distinctio. Ducimus, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor repellendus velit. Iure reprehenderit, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatumâŚnyein0012 (47)in steemit â˘Â 6 years agoIf You Can Dream It ! You Can Do It ?If You Can Dream It !!! You Can Do It ? áá°áááŻáášá¸áá˛á áááá˝áŹ ááá°áááŻáá˛áˇá áťáá ášáąáťááŹáášáááŻáá˛áˇ ááášáá˝áášá¸ááşáášáąááź áááŻáášá áŽáá˝áážáááŤááášá ááášá¸áááŻáášáááŻáášá áŽáá˝áááŹáąááŹáˇáąááŹáášá¸ááŤááášá ááŤáąáááášáˇ áĄáŹá¸ááŻáśá¸á ááŹáąážááŹáášáˇâŚfeloranatekelv (25)in successes â˘Â 6 years agoQuam nihil impedit, quo voluptas sit.Minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut perspiciatis. Nulla vero eos et aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur. Accusantium doloremqueâŚanarchyland (35)in anachyland â˘Â 6 years agoCanning SuccessesI have canned two items so far and I would consider the first to be a home run. Watermelon Rind Pickles. Yeah! The white stuff we avoid eating is what this recipe is about using and it is theâŚnyeinchan (35)in steemit â˘Â 6 years agoááááźášááášáąáá¸áąááŹáášáťááášá¸áááŻáášááŹáááá˝áášááźáášááŹááşáŹá¸ááááźášááášáąáá¸áąááŹáášáťááášá¸áááŻáášááŹáááá˝áášááźáášááŹááşáŹá¸ ááášáĄáááš ááááźášááášáááš ááŤááşááášáťáá ášááášá ááášáášáááŻáášááŤá ááááźášááášááŤááşááášáťáá ášááŹááźááš á áášá¸ááášá¸ááşááš (á)ááşáášáá˝áááášá (á)á (áá˝áźáášáááŻáášááášáˇ) ááźáášááášáá°áťáá ášáááášáâŚsaungnwe (8)in successes â˘Â 6 years agoOur biggest block, which inhibit the success I have a fear of defeat.Our biggest block, which inhibit the success I have a fear of defeat. Most people missed the opportunity, without success, and success A major drawback is they are aiming for is already a defeatâŚchawchaww (13)in steemit â˘Â 6 years agoáąáĄáŹáášáťááášáťááášá¸ááŤá¸áá ášáąááŹááš ááŻáášá¸áąáááąááŹáášááŹááŤááᚠ⌠áąááá˛áťááášááášá¸áááŻá áá°.. áá°á¸áá˝ááášáˇááŻáášáá ášáąáááášáˇ áąááąáťááŹáášá¸ááŽááᯠááąááŹáášáááŻáášáťáá ášáąááąááŹáˇ.. áá°á ááášáąááşáŹáˇáááŻáášáááš..áąáááŤáąá áąááŹáˇ áąááŤáˇ ⌠ááŤáááŻ.. ááŻááźáášáááášáąááź áťááášáąááŹáˇâŚ