Is the Rock juicing (using PED's)? Here's why it doesn't matter if the Rock is juicing

in exercise •  3 years ago 

...but you still shouldn't try to emulate what he has done. From years of bodybuilding on a lower level and from the watching of videos of people who are much more shredded than I am I would say that in Hollywood PED usage is almost certainly very common. Dwayne The Rock Johnson is around 50 years old and has a physique that I don't believe is humanly possible without help from drugs.


Now I have seen the videos that feature his work ethic and diet and I am not trying to knock that. The guy certainly puts in the work and deserves our respect for how dedicated he is. Yet the question of "is the rock on the sauce" always comes up. He denies that he has ever used steroids but let's be serious here pal.


He is the new Arnold of today and just like Arnold, I wouldn't say that he is a particularly good actor but it is his physique that brings in the top dollars for his films. I don't think that he has ever been in a flop movie even though all of this films are essentially the same thing. Cop - action - hero- saves -the -day is basically every movie he is in and this is fine. It makes him a ton of money and people enjoy the movies so do what ever you want. But would people want to go see this if the Rock wasn't in superhuman shape? Well we aren't going for his "rock" solid acting so I think it is safe to say that no, people wouldn't want to see him if he wasn't a beast.

The Rock is almost certainly on some sort of steroids and other PED's like HGH and testosterone.


Yet, here is why none of that matters but is still not a good reason for you or anyone else to attempt to mimic his steroid cycle.

  • He is a multi-millionaire and is able to get the "good stuff" and not just random black market crap of dubious origin
  • He can afford to have tests on his internal organs done on a regular basis and get prescriptions or supplements to fight off the negative effects that PED's have on the body
  • He probably has a team of people that are closely monitoring his bloodwork and overall health
  • He can afford any problems that might happen as complications in the near or distant future.

The big problem with most PED's is that yes they do work but they also come at a very big price in the long run. Damage to the kidneys and liver as well as a wide variety of other problems can occur. Most of the people out there that take roids don't even get their bloodwork done and are just "winging it" as far as their dosage is concerned. If the Rock is juicing, and I don't see any scenario where he isn't being viable, his dosage is probably carefully monitored by the best doctors and he is taking the necessary precautions that the average person like you are I can not do.

While technically illegal, rules are different for Hollywood and especially the rich and famous. I have no doubt that a ton of celebrities, especially action and super-hero stars are all on the sauce to some level but they can afford the right doctors and care that the rest of us probably can't.

Steroid do have a purpose in this world but unfortunately this is the "impossible body image" but for men. We always hear about it for women but it is true on the other end of the gender spectrum as well. I don't believe a physique like the Rock is possible without chemical help and while I realize that he wont admit to using, his job kind of depends on never admitting this... well, at least until he is old like Arnold and then the truth will come out. I hope no one is surprised when it does!

Basically I think that steroid and other PED usage is very dangerous especially if you aren't doing the necessary blood work to check on your internal organs. For me, I intend to stay away from the stuff even though I too would love to have the physique of Dwayne Johnson.

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from athlete in my 20's to fat ass in my 30's to the strongest I have ever been in my 40's. I lost over 50 lbs and kept it off by making small changes in my daily routine. I believe that if i can do it, so can anyone else

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