Update on steroid using friend who got injured

in exercise •  3 years ago 

So it looks like this situation is going to be very bad. According to doctors he is not going to be able to have any sort of useful functionality with one of his arms for at least a week and is being told to not even try to do so.

So this guy went from motivated beast mode dude to someone that has no choice but to just sit or lie down and not move as much as possible. Of course just like most people after a couple of days he was already leaving the house because there is only so much Netflix that a person can do but when he is out, every now and then he will do something like laugh or just turn in a certain direction and all off a sudden he is hit with some very intense pain.


He tore muscles by trying to do too much in the gym and I had some time to talk to him candidly about it. Unfortunately, instead of talking about not ever using steroids ever again, he is talking about continuing to use them, but more conservatively, once he is healed. At the moment the only thing he seems to be concerned about is that the is going to lose the muscle mass that he gained and that just kind of makes me sad. He doesn't seem to be all that concerned that this muscle tear, which could end up being something that recurs in the future, happened specifically because of the steroid use and nothing else. I've been lifting with this guy for years and we've never had an injury like this.


I understand why people want to be ripped, especially once they get older when achieving that is increasingly difficult and rare, but as it turns out multiple surveys have been done that show that most women, who my friend is obviously trying to impress, prefer "dad bods" over guys that are super ripped. I don't know why that is but I think they probably mean people that are veiny and huge and scary looking. I don't know if my friend is aiming for that, but maybe I should show him that survey.

At the moment he tells me that he has difficulty sleeping because the only way he can do it is if he is on his back since rolling either way results in a strain on his torn muscles. He is on a mix of drugs including pain killers, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and ironically, a steroid of some sort.

I'm disappointed that after all of this discomfort that he is experiencing that he would even be considering going back on the juice once he recovers but at least for now that seems to be his game-plan. He won't be back in the gym for a while though because at the moment he can't even open jars of things at his house on his own and is basically one-handed.

When he first went into this I was genuinely intrigued to see what the results would be but it only took a few months for him to severely injure himself and I would imagine that this is probably true of most people who use steroids for bodybuilding. I fear he is already addicted because he knows that the gains he experienced in those 3 months would not be possible using any other methods. I guess I just don't understand how someone can severely injure themselves, know exactly why it happened, and then return to that same thing as soon as they possibly can.

I suppose we'll have to wait and see. In the meantime I keep trying to talk him out of it and also kind of poke fun at him because I'm still in the gym.... and he can't go.

Another thing that I don't like is the fact that he seems almost proud of his injury and fails to see the shame in it: The only reason that he is injured is because of the PED's yet he wears this injury like a badge of honor.

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