[GEC #69] 9월 24일 비트코인 가격 맞추기 (20만 스파 풀보팅 상금) | Guess the BTC price for September 24, 2021

in guessearnclub •  3 years ago 


매일매일 20만스파 계정에서 풀봇을 받을 수 있는 게임입니다. 500 스파 임대, 200 GEC 토큰 홀딩 조건만 만족하면 매일매일 참여 기회가 부여됩니다. 오늘부터 3일 후의 비트코인 종가 가격을 맞추는 게임으로서, 정확도 기준으로 상위 top 10 댓글에 @guessearn.club이 풀보팅 합니다.

  1. 참여조건 - 200 GEC 토큰을 민트클럽에서 구매 후 지갑에 갖고있기 & 500 스팀파워@guessearn.club 계정에 임대하기 (방법 잘 모르시는 분들 이 한글 메뉴얼 참고)

  2. 미션: 3일 후인 2021년 9월 24일의 비트코인 일 종가 가격 맞추기!

  3. 참여 방법 - 이 GEC Post 글에 풀보팅 & 리스팀 후에 댓글로 참여

  4. 댓글에 달아야 하는 내용 - 1) USD 금액의 비트코인 가격 (소숫점 두자리수 까지 적기), 2) GEC토큰 갖고있는 BSC 지갑 주소, 3) 민트클럽의 GEC토큰 페이지에서 본인 보유 GEC토큰이 보이도록 스크린샷 찍어서 첨부 (아래 예시댓글 참고)

  5. 댓글 참여 마감 → 2021년 9월 22일 UTC 기준으로 10pm (아마 한국시간으로는 23일 7am 일겁니다).

  6. 상금 → 종가가 결정되고 나면 (코마켓 기준) 상위 10명을 추려서 해당 댓글에 @guessearn.club 계정이 풀봇합니다 (운영자도 게임에 같이 참여합니다 ㅎㅎ).

  7. Rules → 글 하단에 영문이지만 꼭 읽어보세요. 가장 중요한룰은 댓글을 절대로 한번 단 이후에 수정하면 안된다는 겁니다. 이유 여하를 막론하고 댓글에 edited 표시가 되어 있으면 탈락됩니다. 혹시라도 완전 똑같은 가격 제출자가 있을 경우 먼저 달린 댓글의 랭킹이 더 높습니다.

GEC 65회차 우승자 (GEC #65 Winners)

Closing BTC price of September 20, 2021: $42,843.80

Steem IDGuessing priceHolding 200 GEC?Delegating 500 SP?AccuracyRank

Instructions in English

Guess Earn Club is a simple prediction game for the future Bitcoin price with no-loss of deposited tokens. Anyone who holds GEC tokens and Steem Power can join the game, and can have a chance to earn full vote prizes everyday.

How to join the Club (entry condition)

  1. Buy 200 GEC tokens on Mint Club and just hold in your BSC wallet 👉 https://mint.club/GEC/r/9uaz0rc
  2. Delegate 500 Steem Power to the @guessearn.club account.

Guess the closing BTC price for September 24, 2021

  1. Resteem & do a full upvote of the daily GEC post
  2. Leave a comment on this post with the following information (DO NOT EDIT your comment once you post):

    1) Guessing BTC price (in USD dollar with two decimal places) e.g. $32,102.22
    2) Your BSC wallet address
    3) Screenshot of your GEC token holding → only acceptable with the Mint.club token page

Comment due time → September 22, 2021, 10pm UTC


After the closing BTC price has been determined, we will calculate the accuracy rate of the valid participants and make the full upvote on the comments of the daily top 10 only.

Standard price that we will use → https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/historical-data/


DO NOT join the club/game if you don't agree with the following rules:

  1. Only the comments on the daily GEC post that are made within the due time will be considered for the upvote. The time stamp is based on Steemit.com's time tag. You MUST make the comment BEFORE the due time.

  2. You MUST NOT edit your comment for any reason. In Steemit, any edited posts have the edited tag on the post. If your post has this tag, your comment will be disqualified.

  3. When we collect the entries and make the upvotes, your comments will be ignored if you don’t maintain the entry condition (200 GEC tokens and 500 SP delegation).

  4. If you did not make the resteem and full upvote for the daily GEC post, your entry will be ignored.

  5. Please note that you MUST check the law in your jurisdiction and do your own research before joining this game. You are solely responsible for your legal obligation.

  6. Any abusing attempts or actions disturbing the operation of the Guess Earn Club will lead to your account being blacklisted. If you’re blacklisted, all your entries will be ignored even if you meet the entry condition.

  7. The Guess Earn Club operation can be halted at any time due to operational/personal issues. In this case, the announcement post will be published at the https://steemit.com/@guessearn.club blog channel.

  8. The Daily GEP Post can be skipped without any announcement if the operator has any personal issue. No Daily GEC Post means no game for the day. You CANNOT receive any compensation for a skipped game. If you aren’t satisfied with the operation, you can simply sell out your GEC tokens and undelegate your SP.

  9. When there are the exact same price predictions, the earlier post will be ranked higher.

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  1. $42,855.55
  2. 0x21fb5121eF636261fB6a0ee1861aA78824Cde686


  1. $42,800
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1 $42,500.50
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  1. $41,120.00
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  1. 41,300.30
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  1. $43,632.11
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  1. $43,611.11
  2. 0xc9Dcf0Af57f9015A999f95DAa84483C20456DCEB


  1. $43,600.7
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  1. $42,000.00
  2. 0x0c9703f9472c397E54A9F4FC87be47dd332Db327



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  1. $43,710.15
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  1. 44,300.00
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  1. 43,300.00
  2. 0xeD3c5A44A568f7155b768264eC2ff2C6f9F5a4B7
