I’m beyond excited to introduce you to the two newest members of our family and share my boy girl twins birth story!
Please meet Frederick Edgar born at 8:50am weighing 7lbs 10oz, 19 inches long and Franziska Eleonora born at 8:51am weighing 6lbs 12oz, 19.5 inches long.
Freddie (boy twin) has blond/reddish hair and these big expressive eyes and makes the funniest little faces. Frankie (girl twin) has darker blond/brown hair and is feminine and looks a little like Ben did as a baby! Both are so beautiful and sweet
Something pretty neat that we could not have planned – ALL THREE of my children share the same birthday!!
Both babies were breach, meaning feet down, so they had to be born via c-section. The experience was completely different than with Ben. It all happened very quickly and was a more peaceful/chill experience. I didn’t know if I’d feel that visceral bond like I had with Ben (after 19 hours of labor lol) but the second they held up each twin and I laid eyes on them, it happened, an instant feeling of love. I teared up and just felt such relief that they were delivered healthy. The doctors kept commenting on how big they were for twins
When I introduced my son Benedikt and shared about the first week home with a newborn I didn’t really touch on how hard it all was. Briefly – Ben was in the NICU for a week right after he was born, so he was never in the hospital room with me/us. I was a few hours post giving birth and having to hobble over to the NICU and then I was over there and got discharged so I went and stayed in the NICU – where they had a little couch that turned into a ‘bed’ but didn’t have a bathroom so I had to walk out of the NICU and down the hall to the family restroom…not exactly ideal right after you’ve given birth. Then when we got home, oh my goodness, there was just issue after issue – finding the right bottles, finding the right formula, learning how things worked … just everything with a newborn
With the twins, oh my goodness, it has been a completely different experience in a good way. After delivering the twins, they came with us to my room on the mother and baby unit. They stayed with us the entire time and it was just a much more peaceful experience. I wouldn’t use the word ‘relaxing’ lol, but I’d say more ‘chill’. I got to hold them and it was so nice!
Ever since announcing I was having twins I wondered how Ben, their older brother would react. He came to the hospital and my heart absolutely melted. We introduced them to the twins and ever since that moment, he’s been the best older brother!
He knew to be gentle with them and when we went home and put the babies in the car seats (Ben’s car seat is in the middle of theirs) he holds on to each of their car seats.
Now that we’ve been home, he continues to amaze me with his kindness and sweetness. Whenever one of the babies cries, he points to their bassinets and gets one of us, he ‘helps’ with feedings by holding the bottle or reading a book to one of the twins. When we’re done, he says ‘all gone’ and takes the bottle and throws it in the sink. It’s so sweet.
It’s been a month now and life is so full of love – and babies! I definitely feel calmer this time around, even though there’s two of them, they’re very sweet and for newborn twins, they’re actually pretty good babies. Frankie (girl twin) is a little more vocal then Freddie (boy twin), but it’s nothing unmanageable.
I’ve been using ALL of the items on my list of baby products I actually use.
Having boy girl twins and a toddler is still so surreal to me! It’s amazing! It’s a lot! I feel so incredibly lucky and blessed, and I’m not just saying that, I truly feel it to my core! I’ll be sharing more updates in the coming months.
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