Visible on Steem: To boost or not to boost

in hive-185836 •  4 years ago 



Hello my dear Steemians,




Recently, while going through the comments that I receive I stopped on one where the user asked me if a post the link was attached is abuse or not, because for such simple post with minimal content the user received about $49.64 in payout.




When I visited that blog and the breakdown of payout I found that the user is using two booster accounts and his post containing this text and drawing received this payout.





Or such payout with multiple boosters for this drawing:






You may ask why and if this is allowed or is it considered to be abuse?

There are few of such accounts that will give you boost of your posts if you can pay for that and it is not forbidden.




Of course seeing such situation many users especially the newcomer feel upset and this is a question that some of you may ask too: Can we downvote it?

My answer is: it is a free place people can Upvote or Downvote, but remember there are so many users using Booster, you will not have enough time and Power to do that. As to those user, they even will not notice it.




The next question is another logical conclusion:


To Boost or Not to Boost?

I believe everyone should decide themselves. But remember, having high Payout on your post does not automatically mean that you will receive attention of others and comments. But also that you have to invest first before harvesting your payout. As newcomer you may not have much and you need to decide what you want to do:

  • produce quality posts, but often to receive “peanuts”, or
  • to pay to boost your post


Would be great to hear what is your position to this topic, dear user.


Trenner groß.png


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png



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Das neverending Thema mit good/bad content :)
Nach einer "stalkingrunde" habe ich festgestellt, dass ich auch in deutsch antworten kann. Prima :) Egal wie viele oder welche Sprachen man mehr oder weniger gut spricht- Muttersprache geht in der Regel immer am Besten. Macht es einfacher.

Wenn der Spongebob da tatsächlich von demjenigen gezeichnet wurde, der das Foto von der Zeichnung gepostet hat...Respekt. Hätte ich nicht hinbekommen. Die Tomate vielleicht noch gerade so. Aber auch da gehört ja eine gewisse Art von Kreativität dazu, etwas zu zeichnen, zu fotografieren und dann zu posten.

Eigentlich müssten ja nur die Startseitenkategorien umbenannt werden. Artikel, die geboostert sind, gehören eigentlich in die Abteilung "promoted". Würden die "Trends" nach anderen Kriterien wie Voteanzahl, Kommentare, Feedback, Resteems, Sharings in anderen Networks (FB/Twitter/Insta...) etc gewichtet, dann würde sich da auch ein qualitativ anderes Bild ergeben.

Es spricht ja dann grundsätzlich nichts dagegen, dass man dann Geld in "Werbung via Bidbots" investiert, um seine Artikel sichtbar zu machen, wenn sie auch als solche zu erkennen sind.

Wer die Bots benutzt, weil er sich einen Profit davon verspricht, der kann das ja auch tun. Nur dürften diese Posts dann nicht regelmässig in den Trends sein. Das erweckt natürlich für neue User einen falschen Eindruck und dann ist die Ernüchterung oder auch der Ärger darüber gross.

Würde ja schon mal helfen, wenn die Artikel, die eben dicke Votes von den bekannten Bots haben aus den Trends raus gefiltert werden. Wie eine Dopingkontrolle - wer nachhilft, wird disqualifiziert :D

Aber vielleicht ist das aus Marketingsicht bewusst so gewollt, um neue User zu generieren. Ob die nachher aktiv bleiben ist erst mal egal. Hauptsache steigende Accountzahlen. Userzahlen sind doch heute das neue Gold. Da sieht das schon toll aus, wie einfach man mit steemit gaaaaanz simple an eine ordentliche Summe an Dollares kommt.

Grüße über den grossen Teich.

Hallo @peppermint24 , natürlich kannst du deinen Beitrag in Deutsch schreiben. Ich kann es mir gut vorstellen das es viel einfacher ist in der eigenen Muttersprache über so viele Sachen in so ausführliche Art und Weise zu reden.

Als ich diese Zeichnungen sah, hatte ich das Gefühl das der User damit sagen wollte: es ist total...egal was man postet! Wenn man dafür zahlt dann wird alles ( auch solche Meisterwerke ) ein großes Upvote bekommen.

Ich mag die Idee der „promoted“ posts, so wird sofort erkennbar dass eine Post geboostet wurde. Aber wie du schon selbst sagtest, die User werden es sehen und vielleicht auch solche Bots benutzen. Auf der andere Seite sind wir auf einer blockchain die Cryptos produziert und wollen auch neue Investoren anlocken. Die wiederum natürlich davon profitieren möchten, und nicht wirklich am Bloggen interessiert sind.

Vielleicht sollten wir es anders benennen ( DeFi ) und nicht als reine Social Media bezeichnen, denn am Ende ist es der Ort an dem die Leute belohnt (bezahlt) werden. Wenn jemand der Meinung ist das dies nicht der Fall ist, dann sollte er die Belohnungen auch ablehnen.

Das wird wahrscheinlich dann dazu führen, dass einige Leute wieder gehen werden, aber wer weiß. Vielleicht werden sich dann mehr Investoren anschließen, und das könnte den Steem-Kurs in die Höhe treiben. Und was passiert bei einem hohen Steem-Kurs……..all die Flüchtigen kommen auch wieder zurück.

Vielen Dank für deine Meinung und herzliche Grüße ins sonnige Paraguay :)


I am a new user to both Steem and this community. I joined during the end of May 2021 and I did not have an idea about the boost situation but this was insightful to read about. My hope in the long run is to organically receive attention and feedback in regards to my posts. Thank you for sharing this.

You are welcome, it is a hard way initially but if you are active around and learning people, communicating that should make it easy to start up :)

Thank you Stef! That is good advice.

Hi @starrynightchild
I looked at your profile and saw that you are a creative person. It is very good.
You have already tried to enter the WORLD OF XPILAR Community Challenge. I invite you to become a member of this community.
On the community page, click on one of the blue buttons in the upper right corner. The button below allows you to create your post on behalf of the community.
In this case, I can include you in the newbie support program.
How do you view such a proposal?

Hello Bambuka!

Thank you so much for your response! Let me know if I understand this correctly but I just have to make a post as a member of the XPILAR community based on the instructions you mentioned and then get included in the newbie support program? Can the post be about anything as long as it fully matches the XPILAR community rules and guidelines?
If I understand you correctly, did you publish this post as a member of the community? And at the same time, do you agree to be a member of the support program? Have you read the program rules from my link?
You just need to post to the WORLD OF XPILAR community and show other activity (replies, comments, upvotes from other members).
You are ready?

Yes bambuka I published that post as a member of the XPILAR community! I do agree with all of the rules. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I am ready to be a part of the program.

From today you are included in the community support program and you have been delegated 50SP. Check your wallet.
Check again my post with conditions, rules and recommendations

All you have to do is be active in the WORLD OF XPILAR community and on the Stimit platform :)
It is for this opportunity that SP is delegated to you.

Thank you so much Bambuka! I checked my wallet and it is there. I will make sure to save the link so I can follow all the necessary rules from now onwards

You are welcome :)


Thanks :)

Muy bueno sigue así amigo @stef1

Thank you :)

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I remember a couple of years back, a new user came on and he started using boosts for every post of his, he was spending a lot of money, and he became practically the boosting guru, explaining in each post how boosting his posts was going to get him rich. In the end he did get to have a lot of Steem Power, but no more than if he had just bought the Steem, and eventually he left because his get rich theory did not work at all. Yes, boosting is an allowed practice on Steemit, but to me its usefulness is well over rated.

Hi @gduran, thank you for your comment. I remember that time, there were so many boosting bots and you are right some people had their own tactic how to earn more. I believe when investing small amount just to make the post visible for curation trials is probably the best way to be seen. Paying too much at the end is not profitable. But you know how we human are we need to experience on our own mistake :)

I , personally, have no problem with bidvots and their use; I've used them when I was a beginner on steemit because I thought my posts deserved more and they bring more money into the steem blockchain.
Anyway , we all can spot a low quality post, so if they want to continue spending, good for them.
It annoys me much more when a user makes a lot of steem with the support of the community and then all of a sudden powers down and cashes out, and their vote gives 0.00$

Thank you for your feedback @giuatt07, yes I can support you in this statement. There is a positive side of bitbots, I believe for those who just joined and not known it is a hard way to break through and been noticed. I only do not support those who perhaps wants to demonstrate that even shit posts can be on trending page if they are bought. That is a bad side of bot, people are paying the bots are pushing the payout :)


Thank you :)

I don´t really understand enough to judge but I do sometimes see very simple posts getting a lot of attention and I wonder how they do that, now I understand. I´m not here to just get rich or anything like that. It´s a social media platform to share interesting content and as a plus you get crypto likes. I´m happy to also be able to support those I like. As far as bots and so on I have no idea how that works.

Hi @romanie, I am glad to hear your opinion. You are one of those users who really dedicate themselves for blogging and communicating. Luckily there are few good bloggers who you really feel that they listen, read the blogs and responding appropriately. That makes me to recognize "Old Steemit users" good bloggers who either stopped of left.That is why you are one of those personalities whose blogs we love to visit :)

Hello @stef1, good topic! I was here for the circus of bid bots that were in use a few years back, and I always felt that it made a bit of a mockery of the whole idea of content creation and trying to offer something of value.

The equivalent for me was always the idea of someone running down to the bookstore to buy 100 copies of their own book in order to pass along the idea that their book was "selling well." It's an illusion, and it fools few people.

No, it's not "illegal," so I remind myself that a lot of people using this site actually don't CARE about the content, they just care about putting the maximum amount of money in their pockets.

Bright Blessings!

Hi @whitelightxpress, as always you meet the point, I like your comparison and can only support it. I believe the initial idea is not bad, even good for those who wanted to be seen. But as everywhere in real world there will be people who will abuse the system.

Thank you for stopping by and as always really enjoy to hear your opinion and thoughts :)

I had a friend who used to bid-bot his posts up.. he said it was profitable but a lot of work.. and then he started getting downvoted .. he lost money in the long run. That being said I believe anything that provides more transactions for the blockchain is a good thing...

That is something that in old Steemit, few curation trial and Old Witnesses did in order to protect the pool. Some people who boosting themself with too high payments and getting crazy payouts of course earlier or later will be noticed, that dropped bad reputation on bidbots.

I never had a problem with bidbots.. I think downvoting is bullshit.. definitely not a fan of how the "witnesses" acted in OldSteem. You should definitely be allowed to boost your post. It's called advertising

I also sometimes think the same, how is it possible for a very, very simple image to get a very large payout? But like you said, there are tons of vote boosters out there and we just don't have the strength to fight them.

Solution? Try to keep working until one point you will be disappointed and quit, thus concluding that this is not your place.

I believe if people use bitbots correctly and not exaggerating then it is acceptable :)

As Paracelsus said (if I am not mistaken in the name), everything is poison and medicine. The effect is dose dependent. I don't know if this will sound right in English, but I think the general meaning is clear))