Turtle magnet mosaic.

in hive-199903 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello friends,

Today we did another picture with our magnetic set. It’s a a turtle.

We like this set a lot, the only thing s that some pieces were missing and we couldn’t finish one of the pictures.

Do you like turtles? I was thinking about getting one as a pet but my husband didn’t want. He thinks it’s better to get a cat or a dog. Do you agree with that?


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Turtles are nice just really depends on what you want from a pet and the type of environment you can accommodate.

That’s what my husband was worried about. We live in a small apartment, and a turtle probably needs something like a terrarium, and some friends turtles. We decided to look for a kitten.

It would also depends on the kind of turtle some need more time in the water then other and also not all need turtle friends. Hope you find a nice kitten there are also many that need adopting.

I'd go for a kitten over a turtle any day of the week. Don't turtles 🐢 require really special care like temperature control and stuff? It's not like you can cuddle the thang and get love from it or anything. I hope you're not talking about a snapping turtle!

Thank you @gungho. Yes, turtles would need a special kind of care.
I don’t even know about snapping turtles, sounds dangerous😅. We’ll be looking for a kitten👌