The essential qualities of a good friendship

in life •  7 months ago 

Our friends are the people we turn to seek solace when our hearts are shattered, the people with whom we celebrate both the relatively minor and the significant achievements, and the pillars around which we build our lives.

Friendships are formed, maintained, and offer a great deal of joy into our lives, regardless of whether we have known them for a lifetime or were only acquainted with them for a few months.

In spite of this, there are times when we are so preoccupied with the routines of our lives that we neglect our friendships, invest less time and energy into them, and wonder how we can "be the perfect friend."


A psychological researcher named Jessica D. Ayers, who works at Boise State University in the United States, carried out a study with the purpose of determining which characteristics of personality are appreciated the most in the context of friendship.

The findings, which were presented in April of this year in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, offer some insight into the characteristics that are appropriate to possess.

The job that the researcher did was broken up into a series of two different tests. Creating the "perfect" friend was the first step in the process.

A restricted number of "friendship tokens" were assigned to undergraduate students at a large public university located in the southwestern region of the United States. These students were asked to consider who their ideal friend would be.

Personality traits such as loyalty, dependability, and honesty appeared as the most prominent characteristics, and they are seen as essential components in the maintenance of this connection.

A number of other characteristics, including as indulgence, information sharing, and emotional intelligence, came out as particularly notable.

During the second portion of the examination, the 449 individuals who took part were given the opportunity to select one of two possible pairings of characters.

An approach that the researcher can take to verify the preliminary findings. When it comes to friendship values, gender does not play a role because both men and women gave the same responses.

"My long-term goals are to continue to understand preferences for friendship initiation and maintenance, and ultimately understand whether violations of these preferences lead to friendship dissolution or whether the story surrounding dissolution is also more complex,"

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