What to do When You’re Overworked & Exhausted

in life •  3 months ago 

Working late all week to finish a report. Pulling two all-nighters for the GRE. Leaving your job and now putting in 16-hour days to launch your business.

Do these situations sound familiar? If so, you may be facing burnout. Burnout occurs when you suffer a physical or mental breakdown due to excessive work or stress at home, work, or school.

Whether your stress comes from wanting to do better or from demands at work, burnout is serious. It can harm your health and well-being.

Are there ways to avoid burnout? You can implement strategies to manage stress and stay calm, even in tough times.

Signs of Burnout What signs should you be alert for that suggest burnout? Look for clear indicators like increased stress, fatigue, low energy, and lack of interest in work. Also note signs like frequent illness, forgetfulness, reduced physical activity (possibly leading to weight gain), and heightened self-criticism.


These symptoms hinder productivity and jeopardize your mental and physical health. Productivity may plummet, affecting your job and team. Creativity may suffer, and you might find excuses not to go to work. This often affects your personal life, impacting friendships and family relationships.

Tips to Prevent Burnout What can you do to avoid burnout? Here are five practical tips.

Remember Your Purpose. Why did you choose this job? What skills are you gaining? How does your work improve lives? If you can't answer these questions, consider changing your role for greater fulfillment. If that fails, you may need to find a career better suited for you.

Explore a Creative Outlet. Stepping away from routine can spark creativity. Engage in activities like painting, knitting, writing, or dancing.

Dedicate Daily Time for Yourself. Regardless of your schedule, spend at least 20 minutes each day on something that relaxes you. Paint your nails, read, or practice yoga. This personal time helps refresh your mind and boosts self-esteem.

Strengthen Your Support System. Identify people in your life who offer emotional support. Regularly connect with them to share experiences. Don't wait for a crisis to reach out. Enjoy quality time together, as these moments can help combat burnout.

Establish an Exercise and Diet Routine. When work gets hectic, healthy eating and exercise often decline. Commit to taking your lunch away from your desk daily. Find a gym near your home or office. Give yourself three weeks to establish this routine, as it takes about that long to form a habit. If needed, find a workout partner to help keep you accountable.

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