My Thought Process Today and An Opportunity for You to Tell Me How Good It Looks

in life •  6 years ago 

Hello and welcome to another blog post produced by me, @NoNamesLeftToUse.
Today, like many other days, you'll get to see my latest creation.
Plus, you'll get to hear me talk by combining the words I write and the voice inside your head.

NoNamesLeftToUse - My Thought Process Today.jpeg
My Thought Process Today

My brain made that!

Did your brain make anything today?

It is a cold day here in, The Canada.

I'm not sure what the exact temperature is.  My guess would be about -1 °C.  There's a light dusting of snow on the ground and it's not melting; goodbye summer, forever.

I know, there's always next year.  You don't understand though, unless you live here.  Summer flies by, I guess, because we're having fun.  Winter is like three years all wrapped in one.  It just goes on and on and on and on.

And on and on and on and on and on.

And on and on and on and on and on.

And on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

But I refuse to lose my mind so early in the season.

I must remain calm.

Some people think, "Oh look!  Snow!  How pretty!"

I don't know what kind of medication they're on but it sure would be nice if they sold me some.

Soon enough, there will be a blanket of this stuff on the ground, about two feet deep.  It would be deeper but every time it gets windy, the stuff blows around.  I'd hate to be on the other side of the wind.

Eventually, there will be snowbanks higher than ten feet tall in many places because of this wind.  Then we put our children on the top of these naturally forming snow piles and push them so they slide down, for fun, and it's not even considered child abuse here.

Soon, all of the ponds will freeze over.

Then we lace up the skates.  If you don't know what skates are, simply imagine a boot with a sharp knife glued onto the bottom.  That doesn't sound crazy at all.

We even strap those onto our children and it's not considered child abuse.  Everyone has two knives and nobody gets hurt unless they fall on their ass.

Then we drop the hockey puck on the ice and smack it around with sticks.  A hockey puck is a small black disc that easily fits into your adult sized hand.  An inch thick, three inches in diameter, weighs six ounces, and hard as a rock when frozen.  Yes, we do allow our children to get hit by these pucks but don't worry, we wrap the children in specially designed pillows first.

For the more adventurous types, we have snowmobiles.  If you don't know what those are, simply imagine one track of an army tank with a seat on top, two skis on the front, and an engine (sounds like a dinosaur) powerful enough to reach speeds of 100 mph or more.  I've been driving those since I was seven years old and somehow, I'm still alive.

I guess winter isn't that bad.

And the kids get to have a lot of fun.

Give me a beer, a chair, and a beach, though.  Why can't that last for three years?

Maybe I need to move.


Please don't forget to support my work here.  I've decided I want to move somewhere warm.  Until then, I guess I'll just freeze my balls off and continue to produce the awesome eye candy you saw above this mess of thoughts.  I hope you enjoyed it.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"He shoots! He scores!"

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.

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I am going to have to teach my daughter to skate this year. Only problem is... I can't.

I learned when I was four, didn't learn how to stop until I was about seven. I played hockey as a teenager. These days, after an afternoon on the pond, I can barely move the next day. An entirely different set of muscles gets used and they stiffen right up after.

Maybe instead of teaching her, you both can learn, together. Don't forget the helmets.

I can skate 'okay' if I have a stick and puck. The only way I stop is to spin :)
don't ask the Australian to teach skating

A pro player friend of mine was meant to do the teaching but he moved back to Sweden.

I don't feel right on the ice in skates without a hockey stick. It's like what do I do with my hands? The few friends I had who went pro no longer speak to me. I guess they're too important now, or maybe just busy driving fast cars.

what do I do with my hands?

THis is why I have to skate at night.

The few friends I had who went pro no longer speak to me.

THere is a difference of Pro in Finnish leagues perhaps :D

Your best players come here. I think it has something to do with, money.

They only play for the love of the game, much like steem users.

Bush League Bloggers.

I never thought of skates that way “a boot with a sharp knife glued onto the bottom”!

We're just used to it. Totally normal!

Haven’t put on a pair in eons.

I put them on every year. This winter I'd like to be able to get out every day. It's great exercise, good for the heart and lungs.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Definitely, this year I’m going to try riding my mountain bike year round! 6km to work. And no I haven’t moved out of Saskatchewan!

Do they make winter tires for bicycles? Maybe someone should invent a pedal powered snowmobile.

They do sell studded tires, I’m just deflating the knobby tires a bit for extra grip, we’ll see how it goes..

I'm taking this opportunity and yes! It looks good. I'm such a great supportive guy. So i won't tell you about the endless summer here where it never rains and it's blinding sun everyday. Over and over and over and over. I won't mention the skin cancer on my face or any of that other nasty sunburn stuff... Oh crap i've really gone off the deep end when i was trying to supportive and instead my thought process went south to the dark side.

Maybe, since I'm half frozen, I'll keep longer and won't go rotten.

Brilliant! Why didn't i think of that. We will just keep a long sleeve shirt on you and a safari hat and you will probably keep for at least six months!

I'm originally from Vancouver B.C. but i dried out back in the 70's here. My cousins come to visit and we have to wrap them up so they don't turn into fried red tomatoes

I'm talking about a Saskatchewan winter. It might as well be the arctic.

I just got a shiver thinking about it. My dad was from Saskatoon and my uncle drove trucks for a living. The stories were pretty wild. Stuff like people disappearing and they wouldn't find them until summer when the ice melted. You know, great stuff the adults tell kids!

My dad said when he was young, they couldn't afford hockey pucks, so they'd step on horse manure, flatten it out, let it freeze, then shoot that around with my uncles.

Classic! And buffalo chips for fuel!

Now I know what “blue screen” means.

That's the blue screen of the un-dead. That sounded so cool in my head.


That's fancy. Totally me, in winter, trying to warm up the world with the source of power contained within my hands.

I love the change of seasons it makes me appreciate each one more, but you are right having such long winters makes it easy not to like the cold.

-40 will be here soon enough. I like to experience the cold, but not in excess. Going somewhere warm for a vacation, then coming back, that's hard on the system and the mind; makes it worse. You can get used to it, and I suppose in many ways it's more comfortable than sweltering heat; it's just too much.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

"Oh look! Snow! How pretty!"

That lasted for 5 seconds. I took a photo and posted it here. As soon as Christmas is over, the snow is welcome to leave.

You shouldn't depress me like that. I forgot to comment on your art. I like it! Blue alien insectoid creatures, but they're probably blue from the cold. From now until spring, please use warm colours.

I've been thinking of doing a red one like this. I'd say that's half painting, half sculpting. It kept my mind busy for quite a few hours and I'm really impressed with it, even though it's cold and dreary.

I'm teasing about the blue being cold but red is more typical of you. Yes, it is half sculpting. What do you think of having little greenish animal eyes all over it?

I did start to apply fuzzy-like little blue patches within some of the spaces but it became too much so I deleted those layers. I also tried to sandwich another color between two of the blue layers (that each consisted of many flattened layers) but it lost the feel I get from this simple mess of blue. Even the black is actually about the darkest shade of blue in existence.

How many layers is it?

The way I made it, I could easily say each line is a layer. I merge several together, as I go.

But in the end, how many are there?

End the end everything was merged to one layer, then polished up.

Blue is my favourite colour.

The skates and the snowmobiles are fun, but they loose their interest pretty fast when the winter keeps going

on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

I like blue, but I see red better, if that makes any sense. The different shades of red stand out more in my eyes, so it's easier to work with.

I prefer walking on ground that doesn't threaten your life with every step and the dirtbike is a lot more fun. Leaves on trees. I miss leaves on trees. No bugs though!

Maybe with all this lovely snow to come you could try an make something from it. We don't get much here in Ireland so I have to travel to get my fix.

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I might be a grown ass man but I still enjoy building snow forts.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Fuck snow.

Give me a beer, a chair, and a beach

Yes, and I'd stand if I had to.

Fuck shoveling snow. Fuck drinking beer in a snow cave. Actually, that's kind of fun.

Drinking beer and watching the construction of the snow cave also high on the list :D

Maybe I should do a live stream.

Why not. Throw in a @meesterboom type beer review, Canadian style..

"This beer will melt your igloo, eh!" "Oh look! A moose!"

I wonder if that tastes better than Moose-Knuckle.

I am a little drunkish, so pardon me if I make even less sense than usual! Wait, I didn't write anything yet....oh yeah, that piece is beautifully freezing. Er, it's beautiful and it makes me think of icicles. Wait, maybe all the talk about ice skating did that...nope, that is definitely a winter piece! Me likes! I've been really into blue lately, usually I prefer red but blue has been striking a chord....I'll shut up now!

Isn't it nice though! I fucking love that piece and I'll be making more. I might even do a process type post because it's actually quite interesting and far more work than simply pushing a button.

It is, I love it too! A process post, no way! That would be really cool!

I love snow and winter. Were I am now will not have snow, I will miss it.

Snow, winter; on a nice sunny day, no winds, about -20, sure. Those days I can handle. Blizzards and -30 to -40 and a wind chill on top of that yet, not looking forward to it.

Sounds like it would be awesome if it wouldn't be so damn COLD XD

With enough layers of clothing along with the sense to just forget about it all when it's -40 and sleep all day, it's not so bad. Not good either though.

Makes me feel bad for living so long in the Caribbean with the beach 2 miles away... Even worst, I preferred the community pool instead of the beach... Hated having the A/C on all day because of 90 degree weather in January... Just sone perspective as at least you see some seasons... its a constant summer down here.

Summer, it's hard to live without A/C here. Winter, can't live without heat. Burning gas and wood all day. Go outside in shorts, your skin will literally freeze.

I really wish you'd just kept up the

and on and on

the entire post. I probably would have appreciated it more, though most of your readers would probably have killed you, skinned you, and offered you up as sacrifice to the gods of the winter to appease them and let them go back to sleep.

Hey! That sounds like a good idea. I'm gonna have to try that. But who should I slaughter? Going to Canada to reach you would take effort, and I don't like effort.

Hmmm. Oh yeah, I've got a brother lying around who I've been saving for just this purpose.


Moving on.

Then we lace up the skates. If you don't know what skates are, simply imagine a boot with a sharp knife glued onto the bottom. That doesn't sound crazy at all.

yeah, I've been joking 'round 'bout that with my family for years. Still, I never considered the "child abuse" side of things before.

And I miss skating. Haven't done it since that time I went with my family, my father spun out of the way of some idiotic kid who was speeding the wrong way, fell and broke his arm. My father, not the kid. Though that would have been deserved.

And by the way, I first saw the picture and thought, Oh, a blue mecha in the cold depths of space. Makes sense

Where I grew up snow was this mythological substance I saw on tv and read about in books. When I was a teen I moved somewhere where it snowed often and I remember being really excited. It got old really fast.

Can't even go anywhere without first digging the vehicle out of a snow bank, then scraping the ice off of every window. The car doesn't even warm up until you're finally at the destination. Go inside, come back out, do it all over again. Not one Canadian ever thought, "You know, I could make a killing sweeping cars off for tips." Because even though it would probably earn some guy a few thousand per week, it's just not worth it.

There is a mermaid reaching out for someone who has a spotlight on his head. Doesn't look like winter to me - looks underwater.

I once saw snow in April in the dessert. I was there and it was warm, and then suddenly it wasn't, a light bit of snow fell softly on everything, and then the cloud blew away. At least I think it was snow, I don't have any experience with the stuff, for all I know it was alien dust. My blood is thin, I'm not sure I can handle the big-kid version of snow.

There was this outdoor ice skating rink that opened up in my hometown for the holidays when I was a teenager. Seemed like a waste of energy keeping that thing running in above freezing temps. Anyway, my conclusion was that humans don't belong on ice.

Yeah, totally a spotlight in there. The light reflects off the circle but also flows downwards and to the right. I had the source lit up bright white, just a small dot, but it was overpowering.

Some folks associate blue with cold. I only started talking about winter because I needed some words here to go with the art. That's just me rambling about stuff.

There's a desert of sorts here, southwest corner of the province. Small cacti grow there, very dry, but it still snows and freezes over.

Humans don't belong on ice without skates. People here drag small houses onto the lakes, light fires inside, get drunk, and fish through holes. You don't need skates for that.

Yeah, that downward light to the right seems to bring attention to the mermaid, and therefore giving the story two characters, in my mind anyway.

Your winter sounds like the stuff we see in children's books. It sounds wonderful and horrible all at once.

I was watching TV while I was in labor with my daughter, and there was an episode of a sitcom playing wherein the people are in one of those houses on a lake, and now I associate that image with pain :)

That show is probably still better than that alligator hunting show. Shoot him! Shoot him! Git em! Yee haw! Sorry. Had to.

Yeah, can't watch that. Shiver. Your talking about the one in the Louisiana swamp, where they give subtitles? I love those crazy accents. The most country Floridian accent can't touch that level of incomprehensibly.

I like the accents as well. Hilarious how they add subtitles to that show. I can usually understand them. There are few accents in Canada, on the east side; I can't understand them very well. Accent combined with a lot of local slang. It's own language basically.

I have a bit of trouble understanding the Eastern US the farther north too.

A Canadian moved in near me recently. She had a Canadian flag on her porch so I developed expectations. But she basically sounds like me when I'm making an effort to speak clearly. Occasionally she has a word with a different sound and I think - there it is! Lol. I was overall very disappointed.

I had a friend who lived in Ohio. Her accent was thick. I didn't know they sounded like that, there, until I met her.

"Winter is like three years all wrapped in one. It just goes on and on and on and on."

It is the other way around here it's hot as fuck for 9 months. It starts to cool down, we get 3 days of winter, and then it starts getting hot again.

Do you have to rub it in! LOL

I never got the hang of roller skates, but when I finally put on a pair of ice skates, I took off like an olympic medalist, like I had worn them my whole life. Reincarnation or something. I also remember how to snow ski, but never have tried it.

I like cross-country skiing, down a hill. Downhill skiing is fun, too. Everyone else goes side to side and enjoys their leisurely ballet down the hill. I stick my poles under my arms, crouch, and go as fucking fast as I can. They'd call me the flash if they could see me, but they can't. They just hear woosh.

Good old winter. Or rather, shit old neverending winter. I hate it, we get a wetter one but it's still miserable. Blergh and it's been hoovering around the zero degrees Mark here all week. Gaarr. I want a beach and a chair and a beer!!

There's literally only one word left to say about this whole mess. Beachairbeer!

That's my favourite word!

I can't wait until it's Beachairbeer Day. I'm going to call the Prime Minister and tell him this country needs a new holiday, probably in June, since there isn't one in June. You should go tell the Queen, or whatever.

I've got her on speed dial for the odd booty call so yeah, I will give her a buzz. She will get quite the fright when I explain I am not coming around with my magic wand looking for the golden snitch!

She'll just have to get used to it. Beachairbeer Day is far more important and everything must be put on hold. I mean, if they can legalize weed here, they can at least give me a day to celebrate being lazy and buzzed.

Do canadians have their own version of Game of Thrones when winter comes?

Hockey season starts. Is that the same?

Do people get stabbed, beheaded and betrayed?

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They get slashed, elbowed, and lose in overtime.

Move to Colorado, it's never snowy or cold here!

Did your brain make anything today?

No, but I'm glad yours did.

I heard they have mountains there, so of course there wouldn't be any snow.

Yes, due to Colorado's unique Mountain Weather Effect any precipitation that falls here is transmogrified into rain before it lands. The mountains work in mysterious ways.

In my part of The Canada it's actually been sunny and about 13 degrees today. That's strange because the temperature in The Canada is always supposed to be consistent everywhere, something must be up.

13 would probably be the hot spot today. Damn. That's t-shirt weather right there.

I’m afraid that sounds more like quidditch.

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