Things You Can Only See When You Slow Down Your Life

in life •  3 months ago 

Modern life can be intense. We receive vast amounts of information from various sources, making it hard to filter everything. Days pass without noticing the small things around us.

Have you ever considered what you might observe if you took the time to slow down? By doing so, you can appreciate the finer details.

Hidden beauties that often go unseen due to distractions can come into focus. Here are four things you can only recognize when you take the time to slow down.

Relationships resemble a campfire. Haemin Sunim, a former university professor and Zen master known as the “Twitter Monk,” explores this idea in his book "Things You Can Only See When You Slow Down." With a million followers on Twitter and over four million copies sold worldwide, he has a deep understanding of this topic.


Sunim, a Korean Buddhist monk based in Seoul, shares wisdom on various life matters, including love, friendship, work, and spirituality. His insights help individuals find tranquility in today's hectic environment. He explains that slowing down allows us to enhance our relationships.

He compares relationships to a cozy campfire; if you sit too close, you may feel overwhelmed or burned, while sitting too far away means missing the warmth. Even good relationships need balance.

To give and receive love, whether romantically or platonically, stepping back is sometimes necessary. With a clear mind, you can better understand your relationship and identify ways to strengthen the connection.

Different cloud types. When you look up at the sky, you see clouds of all shapes and sizes. Some are low, and others are so high that planes struggle to fly over them. Have you ever taken a moment to really observe the sky?

If you do, you might be amazed at the various cloud types. They can be classified into categories like cirrus, cumulus, stratus, and nimbus. Bonus: many find watching clouds meditative and calming. You can try this simple mindfulness exercise:

Imagine your thoughts as clouds. View them without judgment or expectation. Let them drift by. Notice how your mind becomes peaceful. Slow down and give yourself permission to simply be.

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