understanding and recognizing what our emotions are

in life •  4 months ago 

Understanding and recognising our emotions helps us cope. Without awareness of our emotions, it's hard to understand them.

Knowing the names of more emotional states than only angry, joyful, sad, startled, and afraid can help us identify them.

In Positivity, psychologist Barbara Fredrickson describes the most prevalent positive emotions. Many studies have shown that this list changes people's life. Observing when and how you feel them should increase their frequency.

Joy—Remember your best moment. You felt protected, cheerful, and calm. That was undoubtedly a happy time. Joy from good and loving experiences increases calm when we feel light and energetic.


When we appreciate an advantage, we feel gratitude. Gratitude is feeling grateful for something or someone in your life.

When everything is good, peace comes. You feel calm and peaceful. Your mind is clear, so you can relax. You find peace when you can just “be” in the moment.

I've always wanted to learn new things and discover fascinating things, therefore interest is vital to me. Curiosity and connection spark interest. Curiosity draws you to an object of interest. Interest makes you more receptive to new experiences and want to explore.

The belief that all will be well is hope. It's knowing that our issues are temporary and that the future is bright despite them. Hopeful people feel they will get what they desire, that things will improve, and that they can change their condition.

Pride - We are proud of our achievements. It's about taking pride in doing something socially important, not self-satisfaction. Our accomplishments can give us purpose and significance, which can boost our confidence and make us believe we can do more.

Entertainment—We have pleasure when we laugh and play with others. Fun can be had by laughing at a joke, seeing a hilarious pet, or playing a fun game. Fun fosters relationships.

Inspiration comes from stirring, emotionally arousing encounters like seeing true kindness or an unusual person. Incredible intelligence, power, and agility can inspire. A moment of inspiration is captivating and amazing.

Awe—reverence for anything great and valued. Fredrickson says it can also happen from the Grand Canyon, a sunset, or ocean waves. It can also come from amazing art or powerful events. These moments make us feel small and ordinary in the big universe around us.

Love combines the above emotions. Love is a deep sense of affection and personal connection, as well as favourable feelings towards another person. Watching someone achieve something, laughing and having fun, or doing kind and thoughtful things together can boost this mood. Our lifelong feelings form love.

This list should help you consider the many positive emotions you experience daily. Choosing to feel these feelings is crucial. Choose to allow for inspiration, joy, and intrigue while remaining open-minded as you nurture hope for the future and thankfulness for the present.

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