How to strengthen willpower and determination?

in life •  2 months ago 

Here are few methods to boost your willpower.

First, prioritize your difficult desires. Consider all the goals you want to pursue but haven’t yet started, like dieting, getting up early, avoiding processed sugar, reading a book weekly, picking up a guitar, quitting smoking, or exercising daily. If you attempt to tackle all of these at once, you may either fail at all of them or partially succeed, which can hurt your self-confidence.

Establish your priorities and create a structured plan. For instance, since winter allows for more indoor time, you might choose to focus on reading. You could aim to finish six books in two months and wake up an hour early to read instead of feeling sleepy at night.


After this period, you could then shift to two months of no sugar and daily exercise. Alternatively, if you easily lose interest, you could dedicate the first day of each month to a different area of willpower building.

Next, identify your motivations. Ask yourself why you want to achieve your goals. For instance, if you wish to exercise daily, your reasons might include wanting to be healthier, breathe better, look good, reduce mental fatigue, and wear clothes you enjoy. Nietzsche stated, "He who has a strong enough why can bear any how."

Understanding your motivations helps prevent your emotions from taking control. If you have a tough day at work and don’t feel like exercising, remember your goal of reducing mental fatigue. Keep reminders of your true purpose visible, like a doctor’s note about your health needs.

Begin by recognizing the excuses you might make. Saying you'll start a diet on Monday? Research shows that diets starting on Monday often don’t last. It might be better to begin on a Saturday or Tuesday.

Procrastination and excuses are major obstacles to willpower. Write down potential excuses for your goals. For example, if quitting smoking, you might think about wanting a cigarette when you’re out with friends or hungry.

You might also use smoking as an excuse to take a break at work. Acknowledging these thoughts can help you stay focused on your objectives.

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