The Benefits of Forgiveness and How to Do It

in life •  3 months ago 

Life can bring pain from the actions and words of others. Friends may betray your trust, relatives might criticize your choices, partners can be unfaithful, or bosses may take credit for your efforts.

These emotional injuries can lead to feelings of anger and bitterness, even a desire for revenge. Though anger may feel good at first, failing to forgive could harm you more in the long run.

Choosing forgiveness opens the door to peace, hope, gratitude, and joy. However, forgiving others or yourself is often more challenging than it seems. Understanding the health benefits of forgiveness can guide you toward better physical, emotional, and spiritual health.


Before exploring forgiveness further, it's important to define it. Forgiveness can have different meanings for different people. Generally, it involves a decision to release feelings of anger and the desire for revenge.

Forgiveness is seen as a voluntary internal process where one lets go of harmful feelings toward someone, including oneself. According to psychologist Margit Nooteboom, the journey to forgiveness can take time and effort.

Despite the inner struggle it may create, forgiveness can lead to positive changes for you, the person who hurt you, and those around you.

It can boost self-esteem and allow you to view yourself differently when you show kindness to the one who caused you pain.

The hurtful words or actions may linger in your life, but forgiveness can reduce their impact and give you freedom from the control of the offender. What can you gain from truly forgiving someone? You may feel understanding, empathy, and even compassion for that person.

If you’re ready to start this journey, keep in mind that forgiveness does not mean forgetting, excusing the harm done, or becoming friends with that person. Instead, forgiveness offers peace that can help you move forward with your life.

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