A Joyful Meditation

in meditation •  7 years ago 


She blows me away. Truly. It's not that she spends long periods of time in deep meditation, its that she uses meditation appropriatetly as a tool when it's needed....

For example, she was struggling to make a decision a few months back and announced "I will meditate"! She laid down on the floor, closed her eyes, and about 5 minutes later stood up and proclaimed the decision she had made with fierce confidence.

My sweet Stara is 6, approaching 7. She has been through a lot in her few years, which has made her wise beyond those years. She has known suffering, she has known joy, she has known busy and she has known still. Most importantly, She knows herself. There is such beauty in that!

In this photo we were visiting Casa de Luz in Austin, Texas and she found a meditation garden. With absolute joy, she sat down to be with herself and I instantly jumped to capture the beautiful moment. I am so glad I did, because this photo makes my heart sing.

Today I needed this reminder, sometimes I still get trapped in old energetic patterns and today was no exception. I spun out and behaved in ways I wish I had not. I used words I wish I had not. I felt feelings I wish I had not...

I am so sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. Ho'ohponopono

I can wish the experience away... or, I can joyfully take a moment to be with myself and reflect on the lessons of today. With GRATITUDE! Ultimately, this photo reminded me to smile, to be still, and helped me to snap out of a funk.

I love you Stara.

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Wow, great that she does that! Every child should learn to meditate. The future will be full of energy !

Thanks what a profound and fun example she sets! I’m also writing on meditation, feel free to check out my blog and followed list for some meditation resources you might enjoy

I think she somehow fits in.. like many young children do... they loose it when they get older :(

This smily face of her is very sweet, i had to smily by myself ☺
my follow you have, hope you like my pics too would be nice when you had a view

thats so great, teaching children meditation and having them experience it themselves is great for them to calm and ease some of their cloudy minds. Great lesson to teach to the kids!

I love her love for nature and her strong interaction with her outside world and herself.

Hi @catherineblesih
happy to see that your Sweet daughter Stara begin to start Meditation.
In INDIA it is quite normal to everyone. As we call it Dhayan
In our tradition History of ancient India and now also there are sages Sadhaka who do meditate to achieve supreme reality.!!!!

God Bless you!!!

I feel peace reading your post.
When you little girl start to learn a meditation?

cuty child

Love this story, I sometimes find myself learning more from my children, then they learn from me. 💜

This is magnificent!!!! We so often under estimate these beautiful souls!!! What a lovely story thanks for sharing!!!

@zainabsyarifah just naturally over the course of her life by watching me!