30 day meditation challenge

in meditation •  5 years ago 

I have suffered from anxiety in the past, and meditation has always helped reduce this. However, it is something I have struggled to sustain and often anxiety comes back.

For this reason I have decided to do 30 days of meditation in row to try and make it a habit and part of my daily routine. Because I am a beginner I will be sticking to 10 minutes once a day.


By sharing my struggles and sucesses I hope to be accountable and also have others sharing my journey. If people are interested in meditation type content I might create a tribe (if one hasnt been created already...?).

There are many apps out there for meditation and for the moment I will be using insight timer. I may test out others and share my results.

Wish me luck everyone!

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Very nice. 10 minutes a day is a good starting place. I have found that finding a deep deep meditative State is something quite difficult to reach and sustain. I wish you luck on this journey to enlightenment 🙏🏼

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks! I have done it in the past but hard to get past the initial hump and keep going with it