RE: Why I Love to Meditate

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Why I Love to Meditate

in meditation •  8 years ago 

Interesting post! What are your best guides to get into meditation? Keep the good work up!

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Thank you!

These days it is easier than ever to start meditating. If I were to start from scratch, probably what I would do is download either Calm or Insight Timer from the iOS or Android app stores. Each of these has great beginning sessions, stat trackers, and other things to keep you on track.

Calm in particular has an amazing meditation teacher named Tamara Levitt. You can also access it from It does have a monthly subscription though, so if you prefer a more free experience then Insight Timer is great.

If you really do not want an app, that is fine too. Just set a timer on whatever timepiece you prefer for something easy, like five minutes. Just sit quietly for that five minutes and try counting your breath. On the inhale count one, on the exhale count two. Do this until you reach ten and then start again. If you find yourself losing track of breaths, then just start again. That is the real point of it all, to start again and again and again every time you notice your mind wandering off. Just start again at one without self judgement or criticism. It is a journey, not a destination.

Okay, thanks for the answer :D I'll download an app.