Quick and easy, yet powerful 2 minute guided reading meditation to let go of what is holding you back!!!

in meditation •  7 years ago 

This is a super quick, powerful 2 minute guided reading meditation to help you to identify issues, and to rebuild your crumbling situations in life with a clear picture...

Take 2 minutes to get some clarity. You deserve it!


Come with me...

Take a deep, full breath in, all the way down to the bottom of your
lungs feeling your belly rise with air...

Notice your breathing gently with detached awareness.

Now take another deep full breath. Feel your lungs stretch out with the quiet path of your breath. Each breath that you take now is release more of your tension and tightness, relaxation is flowing in with the in-breath, and tension is released with the out-breath.

Picture a shimmering light come in to the top of your head and with each breath it will slowly go down your body relaxing you as it moves into your neck and chest, down your arms, going down further now with the out-breath into your hips and legs going into your calves and out your feet.

Now picture in your mind a tall building.

This is your situation, your relationships, your work, your life.

Now watch it crumble to the ground whether through a large explosion or just a slow wearing away.

Now calmly search through the wreckage before you, sifting through the pieces until you see the breaking point that started the crumble. See the point or the moment or the event as a glowing piece amidst the shattered pieces.

Now pay close, detached attention to these pieces you see as being the reasons for the buildings fall and watch as they are each strengthened and the building is slowly reassembled right before your eyes. Those pieces you identified as the destructive factors are now glowing in a red light with shimmering green sparkles.

Healing is occurring and the building grows even taller than it stood before. Imagine now the amazing future of your rebuilt structure you call your life and see just how far it can go...

Now when you are ready, be back here in the room, relaxed, rejuvenated, and at peace.

Be present knowing that you are on your way to wholeness.

Just be.


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Awesome dude! Glad to see more of your posts!

Expect a stead stream of enlightened expeditions!!


Nice post
@larryphang pls help to resteem my post...its not getting the attention it deserves...thanks

I recommend making genuine connections to get attention for your posts. It's a little tough to want to help when you're posting for an attention beg on someone else's post. Just a kindly suggestion friend. XD

Wonderful induction, I’ll follow along for more. I’m also writing on meditation techniques, feel free to visit my blog for some resources that may be useful for you.