Three Reasons to Meditate Daily!

in meditation •  8 years ago 

  More and more of us are awakening every day and it is very exciting to see the evolution of humanity finally taking place. It is almost as though we are waking up from a deep slumber. It is time to embrace direct experience which leads to wisdom and throw away preconceived ideas and ignorance.  Our awakening will change the world as we know it!

   1.) Intuition, insight, and an increase in psychic abilities and creativity

 If you want to get into a state of “knowingness,” then meditation will make a massive difference in your own life. There is a reason why remote viewers are more successful in their work if they meditate regularly. (If you wish to explore the topic of remote viewing then I highly recommend checking out the work of The Far Sight Institute on YouTube).  Through meditation you will gain insights into things that may change your life profoundly and in a very positive way. What I have found is that almost everyone who has started to question the system we live in and who discovers how crazy it all is, eventually starts to meditate. Why do they do this? As our own level of awareness increases it is only natural that we would wish to become even more awakened!  Intuition is like a spiritual and human form of Wi-Fi that allows us to tap into the vast information library of the universe. Where do psychics get their insights from after all? If you still doubt that psychic abilities exist then please research this field while keeping an open mind. There is a reason why police departments hire psychics when all else fails. They get results! You too can develop your own psychic abilities through meditation. I am still developing this ability, but what I have found is I have a feeling of knowingness in situations, for example, I will just know if someone is trustworthy or not even if I have just met them! I can get a feeling about their mental, emotional and spiritual state of being. The following is an example of my own experience of human Wi-Fi from meditation. Before I started meditating, I enjoyed listening to music. I have always loved it, but I didn’t write songs. In fact, I didn’t think I could even write a song despite the fact that I have always felt I was a creative type. Song writing just seemed way too hard! After I started meditating, something strange and wonderful happened.  Melodies, choruses, guitar solos and entire lyrics to songs just came to me in a flash! I was so surprised by it, that it was slightly shocking to me at first. Where did this ability just suddenly come from? It is mysterious, yes, but it is also amazing.  I would be taking a shower and a chorus and melody would just pop into my head, or a complete song that I had never heard before in my life would come to me suddenly in the middle of the night. If this happens to you, do make sure that you record it or write the lyrics down because I have lost songs believing I would remember them in the morning. No!!! Being creative will seem far more effortless with regular meditation and you can of course apply this to any field, whether it is starting a business, designing a product or creating art!

 2.) Break bad habits and harmful addictions

  Regular meditation will lead you away from bad habits and addictions. It is rare to meet a person who meditates regularly who is a drug addict or someone who is addicted to alcohol or tobacco!  Meditation will simply cause you to lose your desire for these addictions. I have met people who have given up the desire to smoke because they just got so turned off it suddenly, both ethically because they realized they were giving their hard-earned money to big tobacco companies that give their executives bonuses for selling this noxious poison, and also the fact that they realized that they were slowly killing themselves while polluting their bodies with chemicals that make their skin and breath smell like death! Their whole mental thought process changed in regards to their habit through meditation and this is far more effective than using nicotine patches because unless you change mentally and spiritually, the desire to smoke is still there! A patch is like a stop-gap measure. Smoking is just so uncool in 2017 anyway, because it reflects a person who has not yet awakened fully. They are like a chrysalis that has not yet turned into a butterfly! Sorry if I’ve offended you, but I used to be a smoker.  If you want to enjoy a drink or a cigar or a joint then that’s cool. What I’m talking about is gaining back control over your own life. Many people are living in a state of denial about their addiction and they pretend that it is not a problem by making up an excuse or excuses for continuing to do it. I have heard some good ones, “It’s the only thing I actually do for myself!” or “It relieves my stress." An addicted person is never fully in control of their life because they must feed their addiction constantly. Meditation will lead you to live a much healthier existence where you realize that you are in control of your own life; you have choices, and you do have control over your own future and destiny. You will begin to accept who you are and begin to love yourself. When you love yourself you will take better care of yourself and then your self-esteem will improve because you like what you see when you look in the mirror. Because you look and feel good and are confident in yourself, you will become a more attractive person! You will start attracting love into your life because you will treat other people right instead of being self-absorbed and caught up in your own vices and problems.  Now, that’s pretty awesome isn’t it? 

3.) Become more tolerant, patient and environmentally conscious

 When you begin meditating regularly you will realize how silly and ridiculous racism is! You will recognize that each of us has a soul, and believe me, if you go into a deep state of meditation and you have had some of the profound experiences I’ve had, you will come to realize that we are all one. I have been to a place where I could feel nothing but pure love and had the sense of a conscious intelligent and wise force. Call it “God” if you will. There was no hate or intolerance in that place, just blissful peace. We are all of the universe and part of the universe. We should celebrate our differences and even learn to delight in the fact we have bodies that look different and that come in different shapes and sizes and colors. That is beautiful don’t you think? Wouldn’t it be so boring if we were all clones that looked exactly the same? But the important thing is, you will come to the conclusion that each of us is a soul enjoying a unique experience in a human body.  Killing another human being is like killing yourself; harming another person is like throwing a fistful of dirt in your own face!  We really need to wake up. If the essence of who we are is indeed our soul, then how silly it is that we would discriminate against each other based on skin color, gender or sexuality. It’s ridiculous! It appears clear that there is an agenda which benefits the status quo involved in dividing humanity rather than uniting us all. It suits them as we are constantly bickering with each other rather than focusing on those trying to deceive, enslave and control us. You will find yourself becoming gentler and kinder through meditation and this will have a very positive effect in your life and in your relationships with others. You may still feel frustrated at times with people or in difficult situations, but by regularly meditating you will be slow to anger and have much more control over how you deal with difficult situations. You will be able to think more clearly, more calmly and stress will begin to disappear from your life. You will love and appreciate animals more and become more aware of their different personalities! People who meditate regularly lose their desire to eat meat or reduce their own meat consumption as they see all living creatures as sentient beings that deserve to be treated respectfully. They may also see the meat industry itself as unethical. You will realize that we should be living in harmony with nature on this wonderful planet, our home, not trying to constantly exploit it. As we heal spiritually so will our earth begin to heal. By evolving spiritually we change our reality.  

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Very helpful, thanks for posting.

Hi surf yogi! Surfers are awesome people. Thanks for your kind words!