I don't often write about the Chiang Mai Bunny Hash because I am not allowed to attend most of their events. Just like the original Hash House Harriers in KL, Malaysia, the Bunny Has is gender-specific and if you are not a woman, you are not allowed to attend. There are exceptions though and one of them was the Cherry-Breaker event that took place last month.
I was there but didn't take a bunch of photos but someone provided me with some that shows how great the participation was.

You can probably tell by the bald spots that some of these lovely ladies are actually men. I have mentioned many times in the past that if you do get to come to one of these events as a man you will be required to wear a skirt and also have bunny ears on for much of the time. This isn't meant to humiliate anyone, it is just a tradition. And if you are the type of person that would get your feelings hurt by something like this you probably wouldn't be a good mix for the Hash House Harriers in a general sense anyway.

At standard events we only have 2 blocks of ice for people to sit on but because of the numbers at this one, we needed a lot more of them. It can be a bit tough to be an emcee at these things because while you might remember the Hash Names of all the people in your particular group, you most likely are not going to remember the names of people that are attending for the first time. Because we want to get everyone as involved as possible we will simply point at people and call them "you!"
People that come to these things are normally seasoned veterans of the HHH and they are aware that these things happen. It is a great way to bond with people and perhaps that is why hazing in certain organizations works so well when it doesn't kill the people involved.

Since we refuse to use microphones we have to get a bit creative when it comes to keeping people quiet for the speaker of the moment but we have our ways. Again, if something like this offends you, going to a Hash event is going to not be for you.
We love our Bunny Hash here in Chiang Mai and it is a real shame that they don't take off all over the world. There are very few Bunny Hashes in existence in the world whereas there are over 5000 mixed or men-only Hashes around the globe. I know it sounds like a broken record from me, but if you discover that there is one near you, you are doing yourself a huge disservice by not at least going out and checking it out.
Check out our holiday schedule and beyond by going to our official website