Some of our members are more active than others when it comes to setting trails and in our midst, there are few that are more active than "Skid Mark." He is one of those guys that goes above and beyond when it comes to the inner workings of the Chiang Mai Hash and most events are better because of his involvement. That being said, he can be a bit of a jerk when it comes to the difficulty of the trails that he sets because it is almost as though he is intentionally seeking out the most difficult paths possible.
Terrain like this with very little shade and barely visible trails are just the norm with SM and I'm sure he will have a big grin on his face when we all take off into the distance to be tortured by his upcoming run. He claims to have scouted 10km of new territory and has provided us with only a few pictures. I will not fall for this again though, I feel as though his treachery extends into misleading us well before we even get there.
Photos like this make me laugh but also concern me because ok, that is technically a water feature and yes, that is technically a bridge. But these bridges are normally used by local farmers that weight about 1/3 what one of us do so when we get to them we have to be very careful and take the bridge one at a time lest we have our big asses go crashing right through it and then we have to find the farmer and let them know that we are going to pay to have it replaced and improved. This has only happened once in the past but the farmer just laughed when he saw the size of us and found out that we were attempting to walk across his bamboo bridge.
Other bridges like this one are equally dangerous but for a different reason. It looks solid so some people actually head towards these running, only to have the wind taken out of their sails when they hear the wood crackling beneath their feet.
This one looks fun as well. I absolutely guarantee that if we end up going over this that at least one person is going to lose their balance and fall in that lovely water. Skid Mark loves it when people come back wet and I think that is the plan all along.
Lord only knows that this is all about. Skid Mark has found some completely unnecessary facilities for us in the middle of the jungle. That being the case, I wonder what the inclination was for whoever owns this property to put 3 urinals on the back of a building that doesn't appear to be near any sort of business. I guess we are going to find out.
This sort of mystery is another part of the Chiang Mai Hash House Harriers CMH3 has some characters in it like Skid Mark that put a real twist on things and even taunts us with previews before we even get there. It will be the 1562nd run the Chiang Mai Hash has completed and this even is a Monday event and therefore is men-only. Sorry ladies, it isn't sexism, it's tradition. Maybe see you there!
On On!