The strange things you see on a Hash run

in running •  4 years ago 

One of the best things about most of the Hash events that I attend is that since I normally will take the bus because I am well aware of the fact that I am going to drink in excess is that I normally don't have a clue where we are going, or what we are going to see there.

Sometimes you encounter some things you aren't expecting on a Hash run and although I was not on this particular run, it was nice to see that some of our Chiang Mai ex-residents got together for a run and took some photos of some things for us to revel in down here in Chiang Mai.


Most of the time, unless you set the trail, there is a better than average chance that you are not going to know where it is going. That is kind of the idea and every now and then the "hare" (person who sets the trail for the other runners) has you intentionally run by some rather odd or at least interesting places and things.


Overzealous equipment operators is a good place to start. I wonder how they are going to get that thing out of there? Probably with a larger version of the same piece of equipment if you ask me.


Having a run go by some street buskers is always a welcome addition but also very unlikely to be found in Chiang Mai since all of our runs tend to take place in the jungle and we rarely encounter a person at all. We might see a buffalo or some dogs here and there... but people playing the violin and accordion? Almost zero chance of that.


In Chiang Mai a "water hazard" is something we frequently encounter but ours are a tad less maintained than these ones in England and of course "B.U.F" (Big Ugly F**ker) used this opportunity to act like a little kid. This is another fantastic aspect of the Hash in general. Nobody is ever required to become a grown up and B.U.F. likely never will and we don't want him to either.


This wonderfully designed shirt is from one of the Chiang Mai Hashes in the past and it is oh so great to see it making the rounds globally. It turns heads the world over and probably not for the reasons that the wearer would prefer.

At the end of the day I have to say that I am a bit jealous of these Hashes that are going down in England at the moment. Our group sizes tend to be larger but yours certainly look a lot cooler. We are sweating like crazy down here and I don't see even a drop on any of ya!


While these pictures are from England anyone in Thailand is welcome to come and join us any time that you would like. We are still doing 3 runs per week and the full details can be found at our official website

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