in running •  7 years ago  (edited)

Several of my fellow Steemian runners have asked for a post about winter running. Four Season running is joyous, but winter in itself is a whole new journey in character building. There is something magical about running when it is snowing. Being that first set of footsteps in the new fallen snow or the crispy crunchy sound on a cold sparkly morning. Running in twilight as large snow flakes float through the stillness offers a certain romance. You could actually build a snowman and consider this a certain type of cross training.

If you dress properly winter won't be so long and arduous and you will get so much more out of it. It is a fact that those cold winter days will build character -- the kind you can use in the late stages of a long run. Or completing a half-marathon or a marathon. If you are feeling rough at 19K or 32K think back to the challenges you overcame during those long winter runs.

The best thing is to always watch the temperature. If you see the thermometer dipping below -30C(-22F) or colder, my suggestion is to not be a hero. I have tried this on several occasion and had to be rescued. It's just to darn cold. This would be a great day to try cross training indoors.

  1. Always wear three layers; base layer, insulating layer and windproof shell.

  1. Try to keep all extremities covered, do not expose too much skin. ie., ears, hands, wrists, ankles, neck. Your nose and mouth will stay warm because of the breathing going on. However you could use a balaclava and or a buff.

  1. Wear proper merino wool running socks, or Thorlos.

  1. It is a good idea to apply Bodyglide or another type of body lubricant to exosed skin to help protect it from the
    wind and the drying effects of the cold.

  1. Wear proper winter running gloves and hats.

  1. Also run close to your home or auto in small loops. That way if is getting unbearable you will not be too far away
    from shelter.

  2. Bring your I.D. cell phone and cab fare.

  3. Tell someone where you are are going and give an idea of your approximate time of arrival.

  4. If you detect frostbite, seek shelter immediately and warm up. DO NOT STAY OUT ANY LONGER.

  5. If its too snowy or icy, wearing Yaktrax is a great idea.

  6. If the sun is bright on the snow by all means use sunglasses.

This article was meant to be simple and to illustrate the clothing needed to enjoy winter running. I will cover issued such as frostbite and hypothermia in the next blog.

In the meantime get out there and run happy and enjoy the scenery that unfolds before your eyes.


Source: Goggle Images

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This is great and incredibly timely. I've been in a bit of an indoor winter treadmill rut which has been hard to breakout of. Thanks for the tips!

glad u liked it. thanks for stopping by

Didn't know about using the lube for a wind protection, thanks that's great. I can use all the help I can get :)

When temperatures are below -30C (including wind chill) I treat it as a 'stunt run', and have a set of protocols which must be met before going. Protocols will be different for different people/conditions, but it is worth writing them down.

Any conditions are good running conditions, if you have the time to figure out gear.

Want to come run?

Beautiful, that requires snowshoes by the look of it.

This good info. I will resteem this and add it to my @runningproject 5k training post next week since there may be some newbies that could use help and motivation to get out there in the chilly weather. I agree that winter running is all about having the right clothing. And I have also made the mistake of going out in the low 20s. My doctor says its not how it works, but I swear that's how I ended up with Raynaud's Disease in my fingers and toes. I thought it was frostbite for the longest time.

Thanks for stopping by. Its hard to get motivated in the cold weather that is for sure. Raymaud's Disease is an Auto Immune disease. You can do things to help it along a bit so its not so severe. I am a Holistic Nutritionist. Have questions? I may have some answers.

Thanks! It actually was much less painful this winter. I’m guessing if it’s autoimmune then it can improve over time? I haven’t done anything intentional but it’s a lot better than a few years ago.

there are several things you can do, you can google (natural treatments). Glad that its getting better...

Great post, very informative. I want to be able to get out there and run but I just don’t have the correct clothing or footwear for the weather we are getting in the uk at the moment! It is getting me down as I don’t like the cold weather and not being able to get out and run is just so depressing! Whoever said running was a cheap sport lied! xx

aha true. it is cheap if you live in the tropics and all you were is shorts and a singlet. But here in Canada I have to be equipped with multiple clothing alternatives and many shoes. urgh. thanks for stopping by:)))

It's been getting cold here in the UK this week, but I'll still run. Looks like you get it colder than us

aha yes I think so. :)))

You are so right--it really is all about the layers! It's hard to get out that first chilly day, but then you learn it's usually not that bad. Though to be fair here in Atlanta it's rare I have to run in weather too much below freezing. 😉

ah I have been to Atlanta. I love Georgia and the peaches and the beaches and the islands. next to God's country and beats Florida in a heartbeat. :)))

Wow Amazing , Thank you very much @marionbowes, i really like it, we need it all to run around in winter ...



uemm the scenery is so beautiful, I've never seen anything like it, it's really beautiful, I want to go there and enjoy it. is it all close to your house?

yes...very close I live close by here

Wow .. it would be great to enjoy the beautiful scenery every day.
Very beautiful, I really like snow..
I swear I really want to go there ;( ;((

smiles are depicted this way :)))) and frowns this way :((( so now you decide if you like snow or not.. its pretty, but cold and can be messy and hard to drive and not so nice to shovel. there is a ying to the yang

Yes .. I am sad because I really want to feel it but in aceh the snow will never go down so I am sad.
Honestly I really like snow, I really want to go there, but it's like impossible for me to get there .. :( :(

Then you will have to see it virtually on the computer screen. You can put water in the freezer and then touch the ice when you see the picture. Might help :)) enjoy

Wah Hahahahah.. you are so funny :) :v


"When you cross the finish line, your life will change forever."

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Well now I have got virtual frost bite. Thanks for that Marion. You Guys must be as tough as old boots or mad as hatters. I think though its the former. GladnI don't have to buy thoes sort of clothes 😎💜

Well the cure for frostbite is a drink. I am sure I read that somewhere in a journal. Yes we are tough and yes mad too. I have been called that. I have been out in a storm and that, shit you are a nut. But pretty wow. I love winter for the most part. The warms coats, I love coats, and sweators and soup and a fire ..However it is far too long. Winter in Canada either makes you tough or stuck to your couch. I prefer the former. Yes I have a LOT of running clothes. LOTS, did i say LOTS...hmm makes for a good blog.

Yep a hardnut lol :)))

tired of it all this year for some reason, not enough snow way to much rain and dullness. warmth is needed now. all the coats and boots can fuck off. :)))