70 Days to go - The Great North Run

in running •  6 years ago  (edited)

Yay it’s Saturday

This means parkrun which is 5k (3 Miles) the plan says I have to run 9 miles (about 15 km). Oh no, what to do?

The solution- run to parkrun, run parkrun then run home from parkrun. It’s was going to be hard but I could do that!

I set off at 8am, it’s 6 km’s to the start of parkrun, I wanted to allow myself plenty of time so I got there on time. I wanted to take it easy so not to wear myself out for parkrun.

It was a beautiful day, hot, sunny with a bit of a breeze which was actually nice as it kept you a bit cooler. When I arrived on the seafront I saw a remarkable sight, a cruise ship in the harbour of Great Yarmouth. That’s not something that’s ever been seen before. The cruise ship has come from America and come all this way to a little seaside town called Great Yarmouth.


Sorry the picture is the wrong way can’t seem to turn it on my ipad

By the time I got to the start and met up with my family I was already sweating. Here’s the stats from the first run of three.



Parkrun was hard but fun, I could tell I’d already ran 6km so my legs didn’t want to go fast. It was hot and quite hard going against the wind but I was happy with my time. It’s so lovely to be able to meet up with lots of family members too.


Here’s the stats from the second run of three.


So now to run home, just a gentle jog! Here’s the stats for the last run of the day.



So a good day of running, just over 15km which is just over 9 Miles. Ok I didn’t do it all in one go but I’m getting the mileage up.

Thanks for looking
Happy reading peeps 🖤

Proud to be part of @runningproject and @isotonic

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*When someone tells you that what you want to do is impossible, change the word in your head to hard. What you want to do is hard. Hard is doable – it just requires dedicated work and effort and you can make it happen.

*Resteemed by @runningproject

Good strategy to get the run distance in =)