Summer Running Check {Finding Balance in Fitness}

in runningproject •  7 years ago 

Hey there everyone!  I hope you all are enjoying the weekend.  It has been a few weeks since I did a running check in, so I figured it was about time.  This summer has definitely been a struggle to stay consistent with my running.  The temperatures and humidity always put a bit of a halt to any distance running for me, but I've also had a few other interruptions making it an even bigger challenge to keep up consistency.  The beautiful thing about fitness, though, is there are many forms of it which means I can always find ways to be active even when my running is not at its strongest!

I think I am averaging about 2 runs a week for the last month or two, which really is not terrible since even at my peak I usually only run 3 times weekly.  I do very much enjoy my running, but also love my time in the gym which means I try to find a balance between the two.  As I get older (not that I am old by any means, haha) I find it is even more important to maintain not only cardiovascular endurance, but also strength, stability and the biggest chink in my fitness armor--flexibility.  No matter what your favorite activity is it is important to make sure you are including a little of each of these elements of physical health into your weekly routine.

Though I may not be improving or really working towards my running goals at the moment (I feel a bit slow right now, as you can see from my latest times above), looking at my recent activity I think I am quite pleased in the balance I have found for this time in my life.  After having a flare up of a recurring hip/back issue a month or so ago I have really incorporated more functional core work to try to help strengthen up some muscular imbalances.  I teach a corporate core class once a week that I started jumping in and doing it with the employees that come down and join the fun.  It has been a great way to be able to get in at least one solid core workout a week, and I think they enjoy seeing me actually do the challenging workouts I put together for them. ;)

I have also been finding more time to try to continue to improve my mobility, flexibility and mindfulness through yoga and meditation.  Yes, I think meditation can actually count as part of your fitness routine!  It is not "active" in the traditional sense, but it can be a great tool to help you get more out of your workouts and to help train you to take time for self-care.  Many of us (myself included) just go through the motions of exercising without really focusing on what we want to get out of a particular session.  Being more mindful of your long-term goals and short-term for what you are looking to accomplish for that hour of activity can vastly improve your success in hitting those goals and also your enjoyment of the process. I haven't tried it yet, but the app that I use (Headspace) has even created a specific series of meditation just for running!

As a final note, I may have an opportunity to grow my local wellness business in a way that could encourage me to get back out on the trails or the pavement on a more regular basis.  Though I have worked in the fitness world for years, I am finally taking the steps to create my own business to supplement my work with the awesome studio I have the pleasure of working in.  I love having a wonderful home to do my personal training in and partaking in the corporate wellness opportunities that the studio provides to some local businesses.  However, I have been getting a little antsy to branch out a little more on my own to focus on the supporting the local plant-based community.  In addition to adding different nutrition and wellness coaching, I am thinking about taking my business outside a little more and possibly hosting some run groups!  Our local track club is really great and has a ton of membership, but as an introvert myself I know there is always a need for some smaller and possibly more flexible options for people who may not be as keen on joining in with a large group.  I also really like the idea of being able to bring together other runners and athletes who also follow a plant-based lifestyle!

It is a little scary working on the business end of things, but I have a lot of great support all around to help me work on these new professional goals.  I will definitely look forward to sharing with you how things go as I start to bring my ideas to reality!

Speaking of support...check out the totally amazing design my dear friend @woman-onthe-wing made for me!  It incorporates so much of what I was hoping to evoke in choosing my particular username and now company name.  Having made so many wonderful friendships and gained confidence on here has definitely helped with my motivation to continue growth in all aspects of life. :)

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*Don't listen to your mind: open your heart and run for sensations.

Resteemed by @runningproject

Good luck getting your business ideas to life, I'm looking forward to read about them. You are right about the meditation. I believe the idea that over many years it will be seen as important as working out and eating healthy when it comes down to it's benefits. It is on my list of things to try out but I'm having a really hard time to do it for a longer period of time consistently to really experience the benefits.

** this was supposed to be posted with my @byebyehamburgers account.

Thank you for the well wishes on my new endeavor! I am definitely excited to have new things to share soon. :)

I still have trouble with consistency in meditation and yoga, but overall I am getting both in much more often than I used to. I'll take that as a win. I also can really tell a difference when I do, so it is motivating to try to fit it in. Even if it is just a quick session of each. Sometimes 5 minutes of meditation makes a world of difference!

I hope that your business will grow the way you would hope for 😊

The design is beautiful! ❤ It's exactly how I imagined it to be!

Thank you so much! I'm excited to see where I can grow and challenge myself!

Didn't she do a fantastic job? It was a wonderful surprise to see such a lovely design!

Are you back from vacation now? Can't wait to see the next post you do about your travels!

I will check out with her if she could do something for me too 😊

We have just arrived back home. I'm so tired from the travel but I will try to make another post tomorrow 😊

I could do one for you if you like @delishtreats!

Really? Wow! Can you please contact me on discord? :) My ID is delishtreats#6850

Thank you @woman-onthe-wing! :)

Good luck with the business venture @plantstoplanks I would love to make the switch one day too, so its great hearing about your work and future success.

Thanks Vince! That's the cool thing about the wellness industry--it does lend itself pretty well to working for yourself. I'm lucky that I have the opportunity to explore my own adventures while still having the security of sticking with my current gym for the personal training side of things. :) I will definitely keep you all posted how things go!

What a fabulous post full of positive spirit and encouraging and exciting news!!! GO GIRL!!!! You are looking positively RADIANT too. iTs funny you don’t some like an introvert ☺️ I thoroughly agree about meditation being a great muscle to work too. 🤗 The regenerative capacity of spending some time in ones silent inner space cannot and should not be underestimated. Without balancing ones energies regularly nothing else works to it’s true potential and is therefore somewhat wasted.
I look forward to hearing about all your wonderful plans coming to fruition one by one. Delegate a little of the business side of things if possible too, it’s an epic ingredient in the recipe for success, and I love your design at the bottom of the post, absolutely spot on.RESTEEMED🤗😍🌈💛🦋🌴❤️

Thank you so much! I am definitely an introvert, but I have found my passion which makes it easier to want to share with everyone. That's where meditation really is so key for me--it is a really great way to charge my batteries so I can continue to give.

I think I always hesitated in the past thinking if I started my own business I would have to do it on my own. Little did I know how much others are willing to give to help you succeed! I am so blessed to have such a great community around me--in person and cheering on through the internet! I will most definitely be relying on the help of others on the business end of things as that is not my area of expertise, so thank you for the tip! 😄

I am so excited for you, branching out to incorporate plant based eating with fitness. Really smart!! I wish I had known about plant based eating years ago. You will be an awesome coach, too bad I don't live near you. Love the new design :)

Thank you for the support! Definitely a little scary trying to dip my feet into a new adventure, but I think I'm up to the challenge! I'm still working on some of the groundwork and just trying to move forward a little bit each day. Onward and upward to bring the message of good health to as many people as possible! 😊

Many thanks for sharing your post with #makeithealthy... It has been featured in Issue #11 of the Make It Healthy Curation Magazine!

Thank you so much for sharing!! 🤗

Oooh I'm so excited to see you included the logo I made!!! And such lovely words, thank you very much, I'm glowing inside! :-) Am so happy you feel it suits you :-) I always thought it was a brilliant username, and very catchy as a company name, a good all-rounder!

You could have put together a stick figure drawing and I still would have been excited that you took the time to think of me, but even more so that you really did capture a piece of me in such a wonderful piece of art! I feel like you probably get me more than just about anyone I interact with in person. Hopefully growing my business and putting myself out there more locally will help me not only professionally but also help me find some other like-minded people around here. Although you will always be my number 1 #spuddy! :)

Aww your lovely words give me a very pleasant start to the afternoon :-) I'm certain we'd get on very well if ever we get chance to meet in person... and I hope we do! I also feel we click more than most people in my life. Nice to make a good friend and for the rest of my life every time I cook potatoes I'll be thinking of my #spuddy haha!

Ireland is very high up on my list of places I would love to visit, so I need to hustle with my new business focus to make some extra money and make it happen! :) I would love to make potatoes with you in person, ha!

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