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Ok I get it. Steemit is not a perfect site and you are trying to push the flaws to their limits in an effort to prove the site is not viable or something. What's the point? Why can't you leave it to everyone else who wants to make good content, and fight for a site that is worth visiting?

Are you fucking kidding me right now? This post has over 150 VALID comments and at the time of writing this 775 views. Whatever point you were trying to make is moot.

Bernie is there a way you will sell soup here on steemit? I will give it a try Lol ...wish you all a nice day.

I take off my hat with your ingenuity, just such a simple question and it has generated so many comments, when reading it immediately in my mind came the image of the fried fish soup my dad prepares for me. A delight!

Without a doubt my favorite soup

well majority here are ass lickers of whales.. so they lick his ass because of his steem power. steem is becoming i lick urs n u lick mine, just like the real world...

That is stupid, I know bernie for a fact will check out your blog and upvote it if it doesn't suck if you had the balls to flag him in place of spam his comments.


I support bernie because he makes this place fun and he hands out votes to hundreds of users.
And I see your blog, crypto shit post and your no value added to the system wallet. You started before I did and I have given 65% of every SBD and STEEM I have earned away to users smaller than myself.

For some reason Berine is in a happy mood today and skipped telling you , forgot or just didn't care but I'll do it. Fuck off, you bring nothing to the platform, you add nothing to the platform and you have invested just that so why are you here?
Screenshot-2018-2-23  veerall.png

so u just see my 1 post on crypto and judge? did u even read it? at 800 bn $ MC i made a post to sell everything when all those famous youtubers were telling to buy and showing their wealth and posing with a cigar with fake attitude, and many such posts where i explain trading to the point, look at the levels too. i make more money trading, here i only share my thoughts. what have u shared? saw ur content... u have invested $$$ in steem, i have invested time. unfortunately its becoming all about money here and ass licking. anyways no point arguing with scums like you, another ass licker.. what ever steem i made here is only by posting content, not buying steem.

THIS IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION. i too use to support berniesanders, look at my older comments, but later started seeing that he is doing the same thing...

Unless you are covering losses made by someone following your advice you are a SCUM FUCK posting anything about crypto's.

I am part of curie, promo-mentors I support the steem poker league.

I suck at trading, I haven't worked in almost 3 years. I only bought steem to replace the amount I earned and gave away. I bought it to power up my account because accounts are made to help reward other users with votes.

And I agree this is freedom of speech and it makes it easy to identify the assholes like yourself.

Why can't you leave it to everyone else who wants to make good content

I believe that everyone knows about the Bernie/Haejin saga (and many others). So if we choose to comment on his post and/or upvote his post, that's the awesomeness of the free market.

The value of a post is up to the users to choose. The value of a post with many bots upvoting is also up to the users to choose.

I'm almost embarrassed to admit it but this post is actually more interesting than Furious Pete anouncig on dtube powering up.


Look at the trending posts

There is no such feature all I get is bought and paid for posts.

Haha, exactly, why even the distinction between promoted and trending, as an end user It shouldn't make a difference if it is promoted or upvoted by a paid bot. Those should be relocated into the promoted category

The current difference is those who buy votes basically get their money back in an up vote from the bot, those who use the promote option do not get their money back it goes back into the reward pool unless unique users give them an up vote.

I also didn't like him at first. Meanwhile I'm convinced that he plays an important role for the balance of Steemit's ecosystem. How thought provoking a small post about soup can be! By the way my favourite is "Leberknödelsuppe". That would be called "liver dumpling soup" in English. ^^

Haha, that reminds me of a story with a friend at school long time ago, ordering Leberknödelsuppe at a Viennese wurst stand. The seller looked at him like at a maniac and it took him a while until he realized that he actually meant to say a Leberkässemmel :) Somtimes we all have those lapses.

XD LOL! I am from Bavaria, I grew up with this soup. Why don't they know it in Vienna? But a Leberkässemmel is also a good thing!

Oh they know it very well, it's a traditional dish in Austria, you just don't get it at the Würstelstand :)

Oh I didn't know it's common in Austria! Honestly that's one of the best conversations I had here today! XD Thanks to @berniesanders grandious soup-post! There is value in all things, you just gotta see it. :-)

Hehe, and I thought it's exclusive to Austria, our Countries have more in common than we know :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I have no clue of what is going on. Can someone explain

He wants to know what type of fucking soup you like. He told you his favorite and was trying to be a good neighbor and get to know your likes.

Was a two line post of words to hard for you to read?

We have entered a new age, that a man can make a "blog post" with less than twenty words about soup and get paid over 300 dollars for it. I love everything about this site hahah. Much love bernie

Keep in mind, I also paid for some of the votes that are coming in. Also, keep an eye out for how many replies this post will get, I think you'll be impressed.

I was about to say the same things but yeah, late at the party. By the way, I hate minestrone soup, it is simply wrong. Broccoli cream soup is just amazing, I think God gave it to people!

Funny you ask that. I’m actually ordering soup right now.

guys thank you for the information, I like how you communicate, thank you very much

I am souper excited to see what people would say here

Much as I admire you and vote for you as witness, I'm tempted to flag you for that pun !

But puns are punny!

Don't give up the day job my friend ;-)

That is my day job.

Then Id suggest you need this upvote more than me lol

he complains about haejin, and does worst then him...

That was just retarded.

it’s not even funny someone come over and feed me soup :(...

@berniesanders on replies I'll join @randallstephens in watching out for the awesome replies that will flood this post like tsunami.

My favorite looks soup.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Initial investment is key though. You cant ignore that Bernie is pretty damn wealthy by any standard to begin with. Its basically like saying once you are already super wealthy you can do weird things with your money.

Like the Dollar Vigilante and his coffee enemas?

This is just a kind get a free up vote post for replying good whale Bernie normal community post.

Difference is you will notice he responds to comments.

It's nice getting to know something about the @berniesanders. Been digging through all the stuff you've been up to and it's been pretty entertaining; keep up the good, entertaining work on the platform.

I can dig it.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

This is a very highly valued post with basically no content....scratches head

AAAghhh!! I was gonna say that!! haha!


I like the picture that you threw off

Minestrone is sick
Lobster bisque
Tomato cream
Pea soup
Chicken noodle

Can you throw me a few fucking upvotes instead of this shit, Bernie?
I get that you are making a statement.

Maybe tomorrow he will ask what type of pineapple we like, I'd fucking pick you my friend.

I prefer Thai soup with lots of prawn and mushroom.. just had some the other day 20180219_205724.jpg

That look like Tom Yam khung :-)

I am sure you are a malaysian

LOL, no Miss I'm English, but I love mostly in Thailand :-)

Can't stand the stuff. It's like flavoured piss., but I'm looking forward to the catch here....

By doing this, Mr @berniesanders has achieved a couple of things. He's built himself a few quid which he uses for the greater good of the community, and he's used his bot army to give everyone who took the time to comment some free money and created himself some goodwill. This is more than many of us might earn in a day, and money that will not be available for the greedy whale fuckers to have in the future. Win-Win as far as I can see. Lets all just say thank you to him. Sometimes it really is that simple :-)


I hate it because my mom used to make it without pasta 🤦‍♂️. With out pasta!!!! Can you believe it??!! Wtf!! Like spaghetti and meatballs, without spaghetti!!😫😫😫I want to die...

This is so true!
I actualy loled

my best food is soup and garri
Okro soup to be specific

Hey bernie i like tomatosoup :D but i guess thats not what this about.

I totaly agree with the point you make

Hi @berniesanders, Just thought I drop you a note it appears that @randowhale is having some problems.

I sent sbd's for 4 posts 10 minutes ago and it appears no post has been upvoted for at least the last hour. Thanks for your attention.

My favorite soup is New England Clam Chowder.

Thank you, some changes were made to the way votes were processed so we're going to take a look. Don't worry , we'll make it right!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Mushroom soup, chicken soup, fish soup, pork soup, vegetable soup, beef soup, lamb soup, mutton soup... who knows what else there are.

cauliflower soup, been soup, how could you NOT mention TOMATO soup :P,
broccoli soup, goulash soup,
lentil soup, pea soup, french onion soup, curry soup..

I too enjoy the soup

now I need a soup to gain more SBD than stamina LOL

you should buy a soup for all the money this post generates! that could become a very classy soup, and a taste for life!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Chicken soup? Meatball soup? Or in the hot summer days... TARATOR!

yes i like the soup of some big whales bones hehehe

I don't think you like soup as I love. I can kill for that stuff oo

Yesss.....instant soup tastes good....and wbu@berniesanders ???

It depends who is making it. Wor wonton is delicious locally here In v town, but homemade chicken noodle soup made by my love is especially delicious

There is this soup here, it is called "OHA SOUP"
One of my best .

I soooo love soup. partly because I have an ultra-sensitive stomach but also because it's a comfort food from my childhood

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I really like the soup, let alone enjoy the odd cold weather ... plus the hot soup ... It is very tempting

I like tits, and ass! My favorite are the Asian type. Let's see if this statement makes the same dollar value that BS has!

I voted for Bernie in the primaries in California, and this is the fruit of my sadly wasted vote...

Clam chowder for me.

Definitely, i love soup. Who wouldn't???
It's very tasty and quite healthy too.
In Nigeria, we have a particular soup we call pepper soup. It is very peppery actually with different condiments in it (catfish, beef, etc). It goes very well with beer!
Trust me, you'd love it

Yes I like soup. To be specific, I like Afang Soup
Try to look it up.

          @berniesanders, what a nice pleasant question. No drama involved in it, despite people trying to tie it drama and make it a dramatic full length movie. You asked a simple question, and we responded.
          I used to like "Campbell's Bean with Bacon soup", of course I had to have a peanut butter dunker to go with it. (for those of you who don't know - a lot of peanut butter on one slice of bread, folded in half then squished).
          We found a place in Homer, Ak that makes awesome Minestrone Soup, very flavorful, very tasty, but the homemade chilli is to die for. But being as we live quite a ways from there, now I am enjoying homemade lentil bean soup with veggies, and a little bit of chopped up beef.
          Just think, with this post you now have a sufficient number of responses, that you could write an article for the called "The top 10 soups of Steemians from around the World"

i surely do incase you wanna share it with me. boiling soup

Not all the soups. Im acutally in love with a certain soup my mother makes me. It has so much vegetables and tastes like heaven

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I like soup :)
I love carrot soup.

Of course. Soup is delicious and nourishes both body and soul.

Soup is good mate, just had chicken soup to start for dinner

I like the duck blood soup.

WE HAVE DIFFERENT KIND OF SOUP IN NIGERIA FROM EGUSI, OHA, PEPPER SOUP, AND SO ON...anyone you like, just mention the name and i will give you a heads up on how to cook it

I like soup especially egusi soup (vegetable soup). How about you @berniesanders?

Ahaan... @berniesanders ...i little i know about minestrone soup...i think it is italian vegetable soup....although i have never tasted...hope to have ut soon.....
Mine favourite us mushroom n chicken soup.....

Only if there is a kebab next to it.

I love my mama's recipe. My favourite soup is egusi and goat meat. Nice post

I love to make soups. My father used to say, ' There's nothing like a nice bowl of soup.' One of my favorites is... ready? Broccolini, white bean and hot Italian sausage soup.

I'm a Nigerian. My favourite soup is Egusi Soup with stock fish. Nigerians, am I communicating?

I like soup as long as it pays well, maybe a whale soup? :D

@berniesanders i like that you are trying to make a point, does this even work at some level? I mean do things change here are you making an impact?

Do you like the version with bacon or the vegetarian one?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Few people are old enough to understand this one.

funny photo

yes it is, If so, with lots of pig's legs

Mine is Atama soup made from palm kernel oil😋😋😋

Russians traditionally cook soup every day. Italians eat only minestrone

Well i have not tasted that before but i wish i can take that with you someday

hot chinese jumping chicken soup is the best try it

@berniesanders ....u should try mushroom soup as well.... M sure that u wont hate tastes WowWWW......thankyouuuuuuuu

I love soups too..especially "Afang soup" as called in my local dialect.

We have a local restaurant called "Darn Good Soup" that makes a cauliflower curry that is delicious.

I HATE SOUP but I will make it for you if you are sick or just hungry. 1000x's better than a donkey sandwich being served on the Relaxation Ranch.

We bred our own chickens for meat. What was left of the carcass we used to make chicken soup out of by boiling it up for hours on end then blending it down. The first time I did this, the lid wasn't on the blender properly and I completely covered the kitchen (and I mean COVERED) in chicken stock and bits of meat/skin/innards. It took hours to clean up. In fact, it's probably easier to clean up Steemit than it was to clean up that soupy mess.

Was bloody lovely soup though, even scraped off the walls.

Yes, I like soup.

My favorite is fresh made Char Siu Pork Ramen from AGU Ramen in Waikiki.

Yes, soup is very necessary for food as for my meal is concern. Especially if the soup is still new.

On a cold day soup is nice. Minestrone is alright. I like creamy soups the best.

I love soup myself
Pepper soup is my favorite

think my problem is mouth feel. Even if soup tastes pretty good, I hate the way it feels when it mushes in my mouth. This goes for more watery soups as well as more puree soups.

I like stew better because of the chunks of meat and vegetables. However, I tend to ignore the broth.

Can anyone recommend me some starter soups?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

WAO what a nice soup sir, i feel like eating the soup @berniesanders

I love soups that are tasty...I also like minestrone soup too
Hv u heard of chicken soup?u shuld try it too has a great taste

I do love soup too, in fact, my best soup is Oga soup, it's actually a native soup from Igbo tribe in NIGERIA, you would love the taste if you try it, trust me.. #winks

I am a friend of good soups, here one of my favorite recipes:

"Real Saxon Potato Soup" as my grandma used to cook, very important to use fresh ingredients.

600 g of potatoes
100 g of celery
100 g carrots
50 g kohlrabi
1 bunch of spring onions
1 liter vegetable broth
½ bunch of chives
Pepper salt
hot dog
The vegetables (carrots, kohlrabi and celery) are cut into rough pieces. Some oil is heated in a large pot and the vegetables are sauteed in it. In the meantime, the raw potatoes are peeled and also cut into rough pieces. The sliced ​​potatoes are now added to the vegetables in the pot and sautéed briefly with. After 5 minutes, the vegetable stock is added to the pot. Now season with salt and pepper. The soup must now simmer for 20 minutes. After the cooking time, the soup is mashed with a hand blender. There should be no larger potatoes or pieces of vegetables left in the soup. The soup can now be taken off the stove and the previously cut Wiener sausages are added. Now the soup is still tasted and refined with parsley. As a decoration also cut spring onions can be used.

I love soup spoon much. Especially in the winter. The cold making you shiver while the soup courses down your throat like lava, coating your insides with warmth. Yum!

My favourite is vegetable soup

@berniesanders can you please tell me your favorite soup? Am curious to know

I feel like the soup is a lie but I don't know why....

Love soup, it's a cultural experience to see how they make their local soups and dishes all over the world.

Are you a fan of italian cuisine in general?

Or is minestrone soup slang for immafukamadafakaup soup?

I love oxtail soup, is there anyone ever tried it?

I love asparagus soup and sometimes enjoy mushroom soup too:)

The soup is not just good taste, soup has different kinds and tastes like chicken soup, cold soup and more. I also really like the soup, especially now where I live is raining @berniesanders

Soup is the best on a cold day! Egg drop soup for lunch sounds great.

Ooh, who doesn't like soup? Cos I sure do.

Give me vegetable with fresh onions

@berniesanders can you also tell me your favorite soup? Or do you want me to guess?

I like @sweetsssj and @haejin soup, helps with the mood

I forgot to add
I love vegetable soup too😉