I Will NOT Be Using Busy.org To Post My Articles.....And Here Is The Reason

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

I am an ardent supporter of any project on this blockchain and will give anyone the benefit of the doubt.

That said, it does not take much to lose my support and Busy.org just did.

One of the nice features, so I thought, of that application was that it autosaved the drafts when someone wrote an article. In this day and age, it isn't that much of an accomplishment since you consider some browsers do that. Nevertheless, it is a handy feature when you are posting.

That is, until the feature doesn't work.

I was in the process of writing a post, had to change tabs, only to click on the wrong button, and lost a 1,500 word post.

I thought, okay, I will just go into the drafts and pull it back up. The thought was I might lose a few of the paragraphs at the end.

This is what I found when I went into the drafts section....

Two days? Are you kidding me?

This feature has been unaddressed for two days?

I am sorry, but to me, that is completely unacceptable. People spend a lot of time creating posts and, often, have to jump around within a browser or go to the desk to add other content. Whatever people have to do, there is the chance that a tab could get closed or a back button hit.

If the feature is not going to work, it is best not to have it.

I will have no problem openly promoting an application and urging people to use it. As I stated, I will even cut the apps some slack understanding technical challenges can arise especially when new. Yesterday, I wrote a post about parley.io and how I love the idea of a true Reddit competitor with similar layout. Since it is a new project, I am stating this knowing there will be some hiccups along the way.

However, Busy.org is not a new application and is meant to be an option to Steemit. When one is losing posts, to me, that makes an interface a lot less attractive.

As per my norm, I will visit Busy.org again in a few months to see if they got their act together. Until then, all my articles will be written on Steemit. At least there I know that the article is autosaved in there.

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The same thing happened to me today. I was quite angry, but then I thought " Hey... it's BETA !"...
Busy (2).png

Oh my I just figure that out two days ago too. I was surprise how busy.org saves posts as drafts even when they were posted. Huh? Yeah the saving feature on it is not as robust as steemit.com, however this maybe part of the reason why the site runs quicker than steemit.com. Just my guess.

Anyways there is so much features on busy.org that it is hard for me to just not ever use it again.

To prevent this I normally no write my articles on a word document. This way I have a copy of all the articles I've written along with the formatting and if I do click the wrong button it won't disappear! This also allows me to write more than one article at once.

Well, tbh this can and does happen with steemit or any other app too. Sure, it sucks, but that's the reason why I write my posts offline - something I would recommend to anyone. This even happens with Wordpress or with any other online app - things get lost or don't save correctly. No reason to stop using busy, even though I can understand that you're pissed...

I agree. Offline first is a good approach. If it is actually that long I might actually use Scrivener to organize my thoughts.

That would really suck. What was the post going to be about? From what I have seen everything on the steem blockchain has some glitches.

Unfortunately Steemit doesn't have drafts either, it just caches it. If you use a different browser or computer it will not be available.

This post made me cringe because I've had many near misses with losing work like that. To hear that it actually happened to you... ug.

A few times I recovered my work in Chrome with

Control Shift T

This brings back a closed tab. However, I'm guessing that wouldn't have worked for you. Honestly, sometimes when I've spent a lot of time on something I've straight up copy/paste/saved it into notepad because I was so paranoid about losing it.

That happened to me once too at busy. For newbies however, I still believe it’s worth if for the upvote and sliding voter under 500 sp!

I agree! However, the bot has been ignoring most of my posts lately.

Your anger is quite understandable. This needs to be fixed. I mostly prepare longer posts in text editors. Aside the draft feature (that steemit lacks at all), busy has just so much better user experience....

Well I always write my articles in word before putting it online.

Did you try "right click - reopen tab"?

Yes...I also think that is very much safer.

Thanks for the information..this is really useful

That's really unfortunate. I never had the same issue but I will pay attention to that in the future.

I write all my stuff in text editors, safer. I guess it is a case of trial and error, for both app makers and users. It would take a lot for me to switch away from the basic steemit interface.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I don't generally write my posts in an edit field unless they are short like this one. Too constricting. The same thing used to happen to me on Facebook (I have since shut FB down). My iMac has a Notes application that autosaves every couple of seconds. Then I just copy from notes into the posting field when it's time to publish. I know the blockchain is redundant and therefore acts as a natural backup system, but it's nice to know you have your own copies of your articles on the local machine.

Is quite frustrating to loose content you spend time to prepare .i encountered the same problem with the platform and i know how i feel that day .i think they should fix it up or else it will continue to loose attention of the users.

Never been to busy.org. I suppose I’m not missing out on much.

It actually is a very good interface with many features that are nice.

However, in this era, not having an autosave or auotrecover feature is very bad.

I hope busy.org corrects this error

Well, I have experienced that too. I can be very annoying and depressing. It doesn't take much to clear hours to hardwork. They surely need to do something about that.

I now use esteem for my typing work when on mobile and external editor on my computer. My work are safer that way.

Sorry about that. I hope they fix that soon.

Oh, I would be pretty angry to lose that much amount of work... I often missclick on the tabs and close down the wrong ones. The missclick sometimes happens to close the steemit tab where I'm writing a post. But I never even have a second thought if I'm going to lose my post or not. I'm always certain that it will be there.

Damn, sometimes I even leave the draft overnight and I have no doubts it will stay there. I didn't know busy.org didn't have this feature. They need to fix this for sure!

I know @trendo.

In this day and age, it is baffling to me. Autosaving is basically a standard feature that is required. Now I can understand if there are bugs and they are trying to fix it but, as I wrote, two days without.

At least if I am aware the feature does not exist, I can copy what I write to a text or word doc periodically to ensure backup.

I have been posting my articles from Busy for the last few months. I don't really use the drafts feature though. I have a tendency to frequently want to hit the Ctrl + S buttons from having used Word back before auto-save. Because of that I normally write my posts in Word, and then copy/paste into Busy where I format and post.

I'm sorry you lost your post though. That really sucks. It's hard to deal with when you've worked for hours on it and then it's gone. I started copying comments before I posted them because sometimes Steemit and Busy wouldn't post them. Seems like that has gotten fixed, but I still copy...just in case.

I'm excited for parley.io. I can only see snippets of your posts from Steemit. If I try to view in Busy, the page is completely blank. I haven't actually read your parley post yet because you have to go to another site for that. I tend to just stick on Steemit (or busy). I already have 100 tabs open, so it's important to stay put. Ha ha. Hopefully they'll integrate it into the platform soon.

I use stackedit to write and store my articles. I can also sort them into folders. It's by no means flawless, but I've found it good enough for most things.

This happened to me too, so now I write everything in StackEdit and then copy and paste it! Hope they fix it soon!

It is really a weird thing about such a famous project.

Yeah.... I had pretty much the same experience. This is something the steemit website does quite well, but one still has to be careful with weird corner cases. I always recopy a text on instinct before I hit the send button, because it is possible to send a post into the void and not have it actually post. Yipes!

Busy does have some cool features though, so I'm still posting with it. But often times I'll draft in steemit or hack.md and post in busy.

I tend to do first drafts on my iPad using Notes, a boring but dependable text editor. Then copy-paste to Steemit or Busy. I know that there are all kinds of other options that allow for easier formatting, but the Luddite within is fine with hand-coding the HTML and Markdown as needed.

I'm sorry to hear this. So frustrating when this happens as we sometimes rely too much on technology. I personally after auto-save on another application to write post drafts and sometimes I may be pulled to doing something else and I am sure that I will not depend on a failed internet or wifi connection. I also allows me to hold soft copies on an offline drive in case I am traveling. Hope they correct this in the future.

busy isn't perfect - but it's an alternative UI that provides a few features that steemit doesn't provide by default.

And I think we need to remember that it is open source, and from time to time some things will break and be fixed - the few developers that work on it would no doubt be putting attention into this if they are in fact aware.

The better solution would be to head on over to the discord and chat with them if you haven't already. I don't believe SteemIt provides draft functionality so you're not losing that feature by using busy.

It happened to me as well and was stunned so much that why was the auto save system not working that I rage-quit. I am kidding haha.

But I did close the browser and went out for a walk and then when I was a bit calmed down reopened the browser and lo and behold it was there. Can't understand why the drafts are not saved through and now after I start a new post I delete all unsaved drafts and the system saves the new file.

Then as another step I used hacked MD to create my post first. It has great functionality and then just transfer it to busy.

Thanks for the information, it is good to know, because it is very unpleasant that after working so much, all the material is erased.

I have been creating my posts in Remarkable (Markdown editor) and pasting them into steemit or busy, then I just have to insert images. I have never trusted on-line editors. Also I am able to keep a local copy of any post I create.

Thanks for the heads up!

@themadgoat .... here's your answer about busy..

Yes, you may have saved many of us some grief. Appreciate it.

I realised this problem a few days ago as well. Luckily I didn't write thousands of words. It's truly annoying, hopefully busy team will fix it soon. They are good at updating, more than other steem UI I notice.

BTW, nice account, followed :p

Sorry you lost all that work! It does really suck. It happened with my first post on busy.org. i continued to use it for the 'slidy bar' feature which was GREAT 👍👍 but no posts!! Never again. Too frustrating for sure.