SteemWorld / Developer Log / #1

in steemworld •  4 years ago 

Developer Log

Welcome to my Steem Developer Log! These posts are created to keep you informed about my planned developments and recently achieved goals. As I have been working very silently on my coming Steem projects in background over the recent months, it's now time to talk a bit more about what's really going on in my world :)

Recently Done

  • Complete Account History and many more Steem requests are now being loaded from SDS node (SteemWorld will soon be completely independent from other Steem nodes)
  • Layout Editor (alpha) finished, testing in process, release in the upcoming weeks, may blow your mind ;)
  • Preparations for switching to the new improved 'Coming Rewards' section (data will soon be loaded from SDS node, so there will no longer be any waiting period when calculating the coming curation rewards)

Coming Next

  • Transfer new SDS databases (made many optimizations) to the main server
  • Implement and test the new SDS APIs in frontend (includes instant coming rewards overview)
  • Coming Beneficiary Rewards (already done, will be implemented when SDS was updated)
  • Implement TRX rewards in post overview, coming rewards, vote amount calculation
  • Adding helpful Steem/SteemWorld tutorials in the new 'Tutorials' tab


  • SteemWorld Payments API ( / big one / ~75% done / will be used in many future projects)
  • Bookable ads for Steem communities and posts on SteemWorld (uses / ad frequency will be determined by paid amount)
  • Shop system for trading (mainly virtual) goods on Steem (uses / your Steem account will become a shop where you can offer products that can directly be bought with STEEM)
  • Post Editor / Finder / Feeds
  • Open-sourcing SDS (Steem Data Service based on Node.js)

Have a wonderful weekend and Steem on ~

If you like what I do and you want me to be your Steem witness,
please vote for @steemchiller on or

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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I would like to report a bug on Sign up page.

This was brought to my attention by 3 to 4 students of mine whom I am training to get people onboard.

The phone number field is giving Invalid number Error while they are trying to sign up. This problem has started today and I have been being contacted by my students and non of them is able to sign up.

I am attaching one screenshot of the error.


I hope you can find a solution for us so I can keep promoting steemit in my area and keep bringing new people on the platform.


The issue should now be resolved.

Respected Sir

I got it checked by couple of my students. Both of them said phone invalid error still exist.

Attatching their screenshots for reference.



Thanks for your sincere concerns and efforts to resolve this issue. I know steem dev team will sort it very soon.

More power to steem

Thank you for the feedback - I will pass on to Engineering again.

Sir my account has never been visited by @steemcurator01 not even once but I have never powered down my account

Thank you for your prompt response Sir. It is highly appreciated.

Thank you for your response. I will check it and let my students start joining steemit.

Great time to resolve this issue. I can have a bigger zoom sessions with new prospects now.


Thanks for your bug report. I will forward it to the dev team ;)

Thanks for your prompt response.

Actually I am a lecturer in technology college and have done zoom sessions to over 500+ students. I will be trying to get as many people on board.

I hope the bug got solved and they can start joining out great platform and bring their friends and family as well.


Any updates on this sir?

The bug is still there as I was told by my students that they still can't sign up to steemit due to invalid phone error.

The phone number verification is being done by a third party, so it's not directly related to a bug on the platform. They've reported the problem to the owner of the verification system.

Thanks for your response sir. I hope it will be solved soon so I can do my next zoom session.

regards @aril.hatake

Hello, @steemchiller
There is one suggestion in SteemWorld.

On the above page, Steem Power should be displayed as the SP owned by the SP.
Currently, the SP after delegation is displayed.


Thanks for your bug report! Yes, indeed it should display the own SP without the delegations. I will fix it with the next update ;)





Hallo Steemchiller ich habe ein Problem mit meiner neuen TRON-WALLET die in die steemwallet integriert ist
Empfangen und Senden kann ich damit das habe ich mit Chriddi getestet aber meine Rewards werden nicht dazu gebucht ich habe sie versucht zu verlinken auch das hat nicht geholfen wenn ich meine Rewards anfordere werden Steem und Steem Doller dazu gebucht aber auf meinem TRX Konto bleibt der WERT immer auf Null stehen.
Hast Du vielleicht einen Rat für mich?


War das schon immer so? Hast du die TRON-Adresse geändert? Wir hatten das ja schon mal eine Weile so gehabt, dass bei einigen Accounts die Beträge erst später gebucht wurden.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Ich habe eine neue TRX wallet vor 2 Tagen erstellt weil ich die alten Schlüssel nicht gespeichert hatte .
Senden und Empfangen ist OK aber die Rewards werden nicht geclaimt.
Das die alten verloren sind weis ich das waren eh nur nur circa 80TRX

@ety001 Can you help with this? The user changed his TRON wallet 2 days ago and since then he does not receive any TRX when claiming rewards.

Hallo @steemchiller and @ety001 ol OK !!!
like Ghost Hand three days later, the TRX Rawards ended up in my account.
Thank you for always having an open ear for the Community Steemchiller👍

The account balance for TRX distribution is insufficient. The recharge was carried out last week. It will take times for the transfer tasks to resume. Please wait patiently.

Thank you for the quick answer @ety001
I had a guess I did something wrong with the new wallet.
The first TRX Rewards were made good to my new wallet yesterday.

Does steemworld can create a new account at the moment while the Steemit signup is unable to do that because of the invalid phone issue?

Yes, can be used for that. The creator needs to claim Account Tickets with RC or pay with 3 STEEM. New accounts will not have any SP, so the creator should delegate some to get them started.

That's great - We have created a account for someone - thanks for the awesome tool❤️

Hi @steemchiller,

wünsche Dir ein gesundes und erfolgreiches 2022.

Ich überlege, in absehbarer Zukunft ein wenig Promo für meine tägliche Delegations-Verlosung zu machen. Was möchtest Du denn für das Promo-Feld oben rechts auf Steemworld haben, wenn mein Banner beispielsweise eine Woche, einen Monat oder vielleicht sogar das komplette Jahr regelmäßig gezeigt würde?

Danke Dir vorab, und Daumen hoch für das nützlichste Tool hier (zumindest für mich) - Steemworld :)

Moin, wünsche dir auch ein super neues Jahr! Ich habe schon viele Anfragen diesbezüglich bekommen und es wird daher in Zukunft eine Möglichkeit in SteemWorld geben, für eigene Projekte zu werben, die dann je nach investierter Summe (in daraus resultierendem Intervall) in der Promo-Box angezeigt werden.

Ich kann allerdings noch nicht sagen, wann ich dazu kommen werde, mich dem geplanten Werbesystem zu widmen. Zunächst geht meine gesamte Zeit in die Fertigstellung von SDS (das ich auch dafür brauchen werde). Bis dahin werden erstmal nur pennsif 's Steem News automatisiert angezeigt (wenn ich jetzt Weitere erlauben würde, würde ich zu viele Anfragen von anderen Interessierten bekommen und es würde mir zu viel Zeit rauben).

Werde mich nochmal bei dir melden, wenn ich besser abschätzen kann, wann das Werbesystem zur Verfügung stehen wird ;)

Alles klar... danke Dir für die Info.
Dann übe ich mich in Geduld. Da ich Ende 2017 zum ersten mal Kryptos gekauft habe, weiß ich ganz gut, wie das funktioniert ;)
Liebe Grüße

Hello @steemchiller

Nice to meet you, I'm @arul.ellyazhar Admin of the Steem-Environment Community

It is a new community, born of several thoughts with a complex background of environmental issues.

By this I mean to raise delegates or ask you to support posts in our community

@steemchiller - Do these words sound familiar?

I thought about tagging it for plagiarism but thought it'd be funnier if you found it yourself.

Priorities changed. We need a cheetah bot as fast as possible. I will collect some ideas and then contact you later tomorrow or so.

No idea what a cheetah bot is but good luck. I added you on Discord so will speak to you about it there. I hope you read my serious fraud posts, they're serious.

It's an automated system that detects plagiarism, informs the readers of the post with auto replies and starts to flag the user after x warnings. In Steem's early days we had @cheetah for that task.

Yes, I saw the posts. That's why I see no other way than building a new cheetah. I flagged as much as I could, but we need bigger guns for those. Also the booming accounts need to remove their votes.

Got it.

The booming accounts are at the centre of the fraud so won't remove their upvotes.

The onion rings and Lifestyle communities are being used as their tool.

They've slowly added more and more fraudulent accounts to steal thousands of dollars. Dozens of them now. Should be easy to unravel with your knowledge of the blockchain (assuming you can query it like you can a database).

I'll leave you with your other problem and speak to you when you're done with it.

Like I said, I've added you as a friend on Discord so speak to me there, I don't like some of what I'm finding being out in the open.

The booming accounts are at the centre of the fraud so won't remove their upvotes.

Votes gone ;)

Will contact you later on Discord.

Please do. I'm stepping away for a while because of this. Only been here a month and I'm gutted.

If it is possible to add something like words counter then maybe it will be more helpful because we can see who is earning more rewards with low quality posts.
Something like a rule your cheetah bot also comment on a post that is less than 100 words etc.

Wow, great stuff. I just discovered you here.
I had been active on Steemit 2 years ago but then slacked off. Been getting more involved again now but things have changed a bit. Trying to figure it all out again.

Is there (or can you develop) a plunging that can share my daily Wordpress blog posts to my Steemit feed? There was something that did this but it now leads to HIVE.

I mainly work in the music space and am looking to find active Steem users that would appreciate my content. Any help and ideas to get my content out there would be greatly appreciated.

I'm wondering if it really makes sense to post the same content on different sites. As in most cases will be seen as 'the big/real one' by the major search engine bots, it may have negative effects on your own site's ranking.

Additionally, (As far as I know) those Wordpress plugins do take ~ 10% of your posting rewards, because they set their own account as beneficiary when broadcasting the posts. Just something to think about...

I guess the best way to reach a bigger audience would be to start posting into existing music communities on Steemit or start a new one and connect with other music fans on the platform. Of course, this will require a bunch of work and will not be done in just a few weeks.

I've planned to add a post and community promotion feature on SteemWorld in the near future. That could help to bring some users to your community.

Maybe I can vote some of your posts once in a while to help you get started. Much luck ;)

Thank you very much for the advice. The plugins do make it easy but I agree with the problems with duplicate content and the rewards they take.

I am trying to add some time into my day to grow my music based community on Steemit and post more content. Consistency will always be the key.

Looking forward to more posts from you in SteemWorld.
Let's keep in touch

@steemchiller hey bud idk if this will infact reach you, but is there anyway to currently or maybe in the future change the displayed value of things in steem, and not usdollars?
i can see why usd would be a good thing to have, but shouldnt steem be the default value instead of usd?
" ohh u want to know what your vote is worth right now, check steemworld all u have to do is go to an exchange too and then multiply that number by the current price of steem and thats how u get ur vote value."
or ohh just check steemworld

I agree that the current display format is not perfect. Optimal would be to have it configurable in the account settings. What one needs to know is that the shown amount in the available UIs (for example, below a post on is not the true USD amount. It's STU (Steem Token Unit), which is based on SBD. For the blockchain, one SBD is always worth one USD, but on external markets it can differ quite a bit.

Currently, a post with a payout of $8.31 is worth ~ 21.60 USD. So you don't even see real USD amounts. On SteemWorld you can change your preview currency (Settings -> View -> Preview Currency) to 'STEEM/SBD/BTC/mBTC/Satoshi', but it will not (yet) display your vote's amount based on that setting (only the total sums).

#steem #sbd #stu #tutorial

Hi, Can you help me please? Where could I possibly locate a TxID of a certain transaction in my steemwallet? thank you. Your response is very much appreciated.

Hi, is the operation visible in Account Operations on SteemWorld (Dashboard)? If so, you can just click on the Transaction Info link at the bottom of the operation details:

And it will take you to the Block Explorer, where you can see the transaction id in the title of the operation:

#steemworld #tutorial #transactions #transaction-id #trx-id #tx-id

Thank you so much for your quick response. I also have another concern 😔 I would be glad if you have any idea about it. A while ago, i made transfer to binance @deepcrypto8, now my bad is that instead transferring of steem, i mistakenly transferred SBD. Do you have any idea if there is still a chance I can retrieve the SBd I transferred? Please help me.

Over the years many people lost their SBD in that way, because Binance does not seem to care about such customer mistakes. They always say something like 'the transfer type is not being supported', even if the coins actually went into their account. If you take a look at their SBD balance, you can see how many SBD they collected over the time by 'not supporting that transfer type': 25,973.300 SBD

If you do your transfers with SteemWorld, it can not happen, because SW will not allow to send SBD to @deepcrypto8 and show an error message instead.

I do not know that you can transfer your steem and sbd thru steemworld. If it is not too much to ask, do you have an article or something tutorial about how to do it?

It's quite simple. Just visit your Dashboard:

Go to section 'Balances' and click on 'Transfer...':

If you have STEEM and SBD in your account, it will ask what you want to transfer:

Then the transfer form will show up. Just enter the target account, amount, memo and click on 'Transfer':

Huhuhuh i am so devastated. Yeah, that's what I thought also. It went tru their steemit wallet, therefore they can really transfer it back thru steemit wallet to steemit wallet. I know the 22SBD i have mistakenly transferred is nothing compare to their big asset, but for us ordinary and small time steemians means a lot to us especially this time of pandemic😭

hey bud yea that makes sense. ur site rocks first and formost. just a little confusing to determine values but i know thats not in ur power so just thought id bring it up . thanks!

Buena herramienta de mucha utilidad @steemchiller, gracias por su buen trabajo en la plataforma.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Hello @steemchiller Could you help me, can you give me your discord to ask you some questions?

Hi, you can contact me via steemchiller#7203

Just a curiosity concerning the difference between SteemWorld on the desktop, and SteemWorld on the mobile. I've noticed for a long time now, that the value of a 100% vote is shown very differently between the two. For example, at this moment on my PC, SteemWorld shows my 100% Upvote as having a value of $ 0.40 while on my phone, it shows the value as $ 0.24! Big difference. Is this a bug?

When I'm testing on mobile it shows the same values as on desktop. Did you try to refresh the page (via the menu)? If that should not fix it for you, please tell me which mobile browser you use. Thank you.

Another idea: Is the 'Simulated Payout Amount' the same on both devices? You can set the payout for the calculation with the 'Sim. Payout' button on the right.

I have noticed this for a very long time, but have only now gotten around to writing you. Yes, the Simulated Payout Amount is the same and I'm using Chrome on both the PC and the mobile. I have even changed my mobile and it was the same glitch on the other phone. It's nothing major, but a bug is a bug, and good programmers (in your case, great programmer) don't like bugs, so I thought I would let you know. I believe the PC values are the correct ones and on the mobile they are always wrong, usually 50% less. Thank you always for the excellent work you do!

This is what appears on my phone. All of the Vote Amounts are much lower than on my PC.


I'm facing almost the same problem the last few days. Steemworld shows that 100% vote of mine is 0.31$ now.


But actually its much lower than that. The screenshot has been taken a minute ago and now I'm giving full upvote to my comment. See the difference.

My SteemWorld shows $0.21 for your 100% vote (when excluding your vote on the comment), which is exactly the amount you voted (The $0.22 you see on Steemit are rounded up). Can you please click on the 'Sim Payout...' button and tell me the payout amount that will show up? Thanks.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Oh now I understand why it was showing 0.31$. Few days ago, to understand the "Sim Payout" feature, I had put 10$ in the box.

I couldn't find out what it meant and also didn't notice that it changed my voting value.

Now I changed it back to 0$ and its showing the real value.


Thanks for helping out and sorry for bothering.

Thanks for the details, this helps a lot! Now I know that we need a small description inside the dialog to make the feature better understandable.

@famigliacurione I guess this will fix it for you too ;)

Great work! Yes, maybe a small note in the description to remind the user to reset to zero, or an automatic reset upon the next visit.

My desktop was set higher than my mobile, which was on zero. Now I have both matched up. It's always a joy finding solutions! Until the next bug... ;-)

Hallo lieber Chiller,
vor einigen Tagen habe ich über SteemWorld meinen Recovery Account (und die zweier Accounts, die ich verschenkt habe) geändert.
"Change Recovery Account", Eingabe des Owner Keys, fertig. Für eine Weile war dann auch unter "Account Details" alterrecoveryaccount ---> neuerrecoveryaccount zu sehen, doch nun wird wieder steem bzw. chriddi angezeigt.
Nach Überfliegen diverser Anleitungen bin ich zu dem Schluss gekommen, mit ein paar simplen Klicks alles richtig gemacht zu haben. Habe ich etwas übersehen?
Danke im Voraus,
LG Chriddi

Hi Chriddi, du hast alles richtig gemacht und es gibt eine Erklärung für diese verwirrende Anzeige. Man kann den neuen Recovery Account nicht über die normalen Steem APIs auslesen, wodurch bis zur tatsächlichen Änderung noch der alte Account angezeigt wird.

Da beim Start von SteemWorld die Account-Ops der letzten 7 Tage geladen werden, kann ich daraus den neuen Account ermitteln und für eine Weile anzeigen. Ich werde mir mal Gedanken dazu machen, wie man das besser lösen könnte. Ich denke, man sollte die Steem APIs um eine Methode für das direkte Auslesen (+ Zeitpunkt der Änderung) erweitern.

LG, Chiller

Wow, das hört sich großartig an! Am meisten freue ich mich auf den Editor! Aber auch die Transfer- und Handelsmöglichkeiten mit TRX und Steem sind spannend.
Puh, ich kann es kaum glauben, dass du über Monate alleine an solch großen Projekten herumbastelst. Aber diese Art scheint ja sehr effektiv zu sein. Hut ab und DANKE!!!
LG Chriddi

always thanks ! :) 💙

GodSpeed ! SteemWorld ! 💙


GodSpeed ~ 🎉

I am in the process of voting for the 30 witnesses I can on my account, and I am doing research on each one.

I think it's great everything you are doing, I vote for you almost with closed eyes.

I will follow you to continue to see your work.

I would also like to know if you have a discord where I can find you?

I've been here for almost 4 years, and I was never consistent enough on the platform to generate a niche that I could belong to and reward us adequately. The little that I generated I was taking it out and now that I would like to have more voting power, I don't have it.

I post a lot about spirituality, daily reflections, yoga and meditation (I am a Yoga and Meditation teacher). Yesterday I was watching, among the few who are left on the platform that write similar things and their rewards are very low, unfortunately I can not do anything now because I have very little capital, little by little I would like to go putting something, although I would really like to generate more with what I publish in my personal account.

I'm also an engineer and I love numbers, and that has led me to really like trading and investments (that's why I co-founded the @erarium project which is dedicated to curating financial, economic and tech innovation and blockchain content, although we haven't done very well here on the platform with that either).

Is there any way you can help me achieve this? Maybe a small delegation to help me generate more income to put into the SP and be able to vote better on the accounts we own: @karmadorje (for spiritual, meditative and yoga content) and @erarium (for financial content).

There are some requirements to be met for being successful on Steem:

  • Power up more than you power down
  • Don't post the same content on different blockchains (Steem mainly rewards unique, original content)
  • Build your community through interaction with other Steemians
  • Invest in STEEM (not essential but the easiest way)

You seem to be a very talented and interesting guy, but as long as you post the same content on Hive, you won't get any support from people like me ;)

Thank you very much for that advice, it is very valuable.

I will take it into account in its entirety.

I will make different content here than in Hive, that will be the first thing I will do from now on. And secondly, I will dedicate a few weeks to enter as much as I can in Steem Power in order to have more visibility and strength on the platform.

Again, thank you sincerely.

great .. my favourite "Implement TRX rewards in post overview, coming rewards, vote amount calculation"

Thanks @steemchiller for always delivering a top quality product filled with excellent features! You're one of very few developers I have met who actually understands how people use online services and build a very high level of usability into what you do. Thank you for that!

And also, cool to see updates from you, again.

Finding your posts about how to use is near impossible with all of the resteemed posts to look through. There used to be a link to 'hide resteems' but that has been removed. Your link to 'tutorials' within Steemworld still says, "Coming soon...".

I'm interested in creating new accounts to help onboard new users. They wouldn't want me to have their passwords. So, I'm wondering how best to create these new accounts. You have links to USE MASTER PASSWORD or USE EXISTING PUBLIC KEYS. I'm confused about which to choose and how to go about setting up new user accounts. Can you help me with this? Thanks in advance.

Yes, I did not yet find time for the tutorials tab, because some priorities needed to be changed. I've planned to add links to posts/comments that contain certain tags like #tutorial in there. Not yet but will come for sure ;)

The 'use existing public keys' feature would be perfect for what you want to do. I guess I've never explained it in detail, so we will need a new tutorial for that one too.

The journey starts with SteemWorld's Key Generator Tool. On that page you will find a small description:

In case you want someone else to create your account without handing him your Master Password, you can generate one with this tool (do not forget to store it in a safe place!) and just export the derived Public Keys by clicking on the 'Export Public Keys' button below.
The creator of your account can then import the exported file with the Account Creator Tool and create your account without knowing any of your Private Keys.

hello @steemchiller i want to ask you if our steemit account forgot the password how do we get a new password can you help sir

Hi, if you have lost your master password and you don't have access to your private owner key, there is nothing that can be done. In that case I would recommend to start a new account and keep the new keys in a safe place.

thank you @steemchiller for the information and I will keep the account password safe so it won't be lost again

Oh wow! Thank-you for the quick response.
If I understand correctly, the new user can use the Account Creator Tool without logging in, generate a master key and its public keys, export those public keys to somewhere, copy the public keys and send them to me. Then I use the public key(s) to claim an account for them? Then they can log in and use their account on Steemit?

That would mean each time someone generates a new master key, they are actually creating a new key ON THE CHAIN and not just creating a string of numbers and letters that COULD be used as a key... they really DID make a key... just that it has not been activated yet into a verified account?

So the generation of a key is not like suggesting new passwords where you can keep generating a new one until you get one you like?

Some things you should be aware of:

  • Your account will automatically be the new users recovery account. So you may need to take care of the recovery process for those accounts in future.
  • The new account will not have any SP, so you may need to delegate some to get them started.

That would mean each time someone generates a new master key, they are actually creating a new key ON THE CHAIN ...

The blockchain does not know master passwords or private keys. It only knows public keys. Otherwise developers could see other peoples private keys.

So, when generating a master password, it is not known to anyone and just happening locally on the side of the generator. The only purpose of master passwords and private keys is to ensure that a user has access to a string that is able to produce the required public keys.


Many thanks for this additional information. I had no idea that the master key was not used on the blockchain. That would mean the created public keys would need to somehow be reproducible so that when a master key is used, the chain can 'know' it was the one that produced the public keys. This whole key-creation idea is amazing and mysterious to me. I'm amazed that a machine can decode any of the keys given to it and 'understand' that those keys came from a particular master key.


I want to report an account. He's continually downvoting others without any reason having 18k+ SP and has a delegation coming from another account too. Even aliko and Steemcoffeeshop too downvoted by him. Many users are complaining. Account name is clvr.

There is not much we can do at this point. His accounts do not post anything and everyone is free to upvote/downvote whatever they see fit best. One thing the community can do is to support each other, when such downvoters appear (clvr is not the only one).

If you should see any good posts that have been flagged by them to zero payout, just add a link to this comment and I will try to compensate the losses.

Okay thank you for your response. I'll tell you if I see any from now.

Andddddd today I have upvoted my 2nd witness vote to you Respected dear @steemchiller :)
And I have one question regarding my account that I created my this account in 2018 but at that time I didn't worked on it and after the gap of 3 years I rejoined it in April 2021, and I forget it's gmail and contact number on which I created my this account,this thing makes me little nervous as I have worked on my this account and in this regard still process is being continued ! But at the same time missing my Gmail and my contact number on which I created my this account makes me little sad !
Does number and Gmail still matters, although I have saved my all passwords ,In this regard need your suggestions please thanks 🙂

Thanks for your vote! If you have all information that is needed to recover your account, it should be fine. If not, you should at least set your recovery account to someone you trust and who you can contact outside of Steem in case you need to initiate an account recovery.

Dear Respected @steemchiller I have secured my all keys of this account but the thing I couldn't managed is it's contact number and Gmail on which I created in 2018,now I am so worried that why I re activated my this account 😐
And already my recovery account Steem is setted,but what good if I set my recovery account to Steemchiller ? :)

You could do that, but first you should add me on Discord (steemchiller#7203). I won't start any account recovery requests, if I don't have you in my list outside Steem.

Done it.. I have sent you friend request on discord 👌

Hallo @steemchiller danke für deine Arbeit hier
Und das Du uns Steemwwold zur Verfügung stellst mir ist noch nichts begegnet was es annähernd damit aufnehmen könnte .
Sehr übersichtlich durchdacht, unendliche Möglichkeiten und auch ein ansprechendes Design, Aufteilung super.
Ich weis nicht wie oft mir ein licht aufging wenn ich mich mal wieder an den Funktionen von steemwold versucht habe der ah Effekt ist einfach super
Schönes Wochenende
Gruss atego

Does Steemit have any sort of "police force" to watch out for scams? It looks like is attempting a phishing job.


Many thanks @steemchiller for doing such a tough work.

I do not know whether this is the right place to ask a question that for me is very intriguing, although I also suspect that for you could be naïve.

I saw many people sending steems to an account named @deepcrypto8. May you explain what kind of transactions they make?

I will understand if you do not respond.

Sincerely @xaviduran

Hi, it's the official Binance exchange account. So if you see people transferring to that account, they are sending STEEM to their Binance wallet for trading or withdrawals.

Thank you for your service, as always.

Pay and Ad are in particular promising.

Your post has been upvoted by Steem Sri Lanka Community Curation Trail.


Join With
Curation Trail For Better Curation Rewards

Von mir ebenfalls ein herzliches Danke!

Your post was upvoted by the @art-venture account after manual review. Support of Visual Artworks and Photogrpahy on Steem by @stef1 and @art-venture


Where can I get information about programming to consult block data?


#onepercent #venezuela #affable

Hi, here are some links to get you started:

If you are working with JavaScript, you can use the official Steem-JS API:

There are also many tutorials for working with other languages like Python and Ruby to be found at the Steem Developer Portal.

If you should have any further questions later on, just let me know ;)

and to send data, write or respond to comments on steemit?

In case you are using the Steem-JS API, you will find all you need at:

For example, broadcasting a Steem post or comment in JavaScript is as simple as:

    function(err, result) {
        console.log(err, result);

hello @steemchiller, I want to ask something and also some I want to ask if you have time can save my contact sir

regards @jcorner

I make any call to the api, of any function, and I get the same result as if I just query in the browser this:


I don't understand why?

I have to do a previous step before making a query to the api? I want to just query the new votes, without reading that it has an account.

I guess there is something wrong with your request method. The target endpoint would be '' and you need to make a HTTP POST request with the request data in JSON format like:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"condenser_api.get_accounts", "params":[["steemit", "alice"]], "id":1}

The request in this example would return the account data for 'steemit' and 'alice'.

Thank you @steemchiller for your usual and kind support

I got it to work.

Clarify me a doubt please, what would be the function to get ONLY the unread votes that an account has?

this function bridge.account_notifications

this function returns me votes, and other things, but votes and the value of each one.

But I want to know the votes that have not been marked as read, the votes that have not been read.

How do I get that?

Just curious, have you had any success with Steem? If so, I wish you luck.

If not, you might have a better time with:

It's not Steem, but it's where the talent is. Broader story here:

Greetings my friend @steemchiller.

Thank you very much for the work you do on this platform.

Hello @steemchiller, thank you for the wonderful things you have been doing in this platform.

Please, I would need your help. For days now, I have been trying to perform some transactions in my steemitwallet - like powering and tranfering of SBD/Steem but they having been working. Also, I am unable to see my payout rewards and claim them. I can't also see my Tron coin.

I have tried to figure out what could be the problem but to no avail. So, I decided to check out on you and believe you could help me out. I would really appreciate your help in finding a solution to it.
Thank you.

Hi @maxwellmarcusart, I don't know why the Steemit wallet isn't working as expected currently. I guess they are in the process of implementing a new feature or so. Did you try a different browser and cleaning your temporary internet files? A few weeks ago I had a problem on Steemit and after hitting F5 (refresh the page) all worked fine again.

To be honest, I use SteemWorld for all the stuff you mentioned... ^^ When claiming my rewards with SW the Tron rewards are also being claimed automatically, so I rarely need the other wallet.

I did talked to two of my friends, They said their Steemwallet are working very well. Then I wondered why it is only mine.

I have tried different browsers. Still the same issue. Though I haven't tried clearing my temporary Internet files.

I have been using steemworld to delegate my SP until the end of last year when I couldn't login to my dashboard and view my account information/transaction anymore. Anytime I try, I only got a blank bage.

The last transaction, which was a tranfer I made was yesterday with steemlogin. I wish I could get such code to power up my little token.

The tron wallet did not work when using Keychain, so you must log in using your active key for tron-related transactions. As for the other transactions you are attempting, it may be a stupid question, but are you logged in with the active key or the posting key? Only the active and higher keys allow moving money around.

The idea of using my steem account as a means to purchase goods virtually is a really great. I can't wait for steem world to be up and running so I could give it a try.
Well done.

Bester Mann... vielen vielen Dank für Deine wertvolle Arbeit. Ohne die Steemworld könnte ich meine Projekte hier auf der Chain bei Weitem nicht so komfortabel überblicken.

Many thanks to you @steemchiller who continues to develop more tools for us.

Without Steemworld, I actually do not know what I would have done, Steemworld is the first thing I log in to when I turn on the PC.
I look forward to seeing the new tools.

Thank you again for everything you do

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail

join the World of Xpilar Curation Trail, info can be found here

Hello @steemchiller, yesterday I used your tool to change my master password and keys, and everything seems to have gone smoothly. I have never done this before, so this is my first time attempting this experience. I followed the instructions and generated my new password and keys, and copied them to a safe place. I used SteemLogin to sign the transaction, and that also went well. I entered my new master password into the Steemit Wallet, and it works fine; however, my new keys do not work. In fact, I still have to use my old keys to do anything. My public keys are still the old ones as well, and unfortunately I did not keep a copy of the new Public Keys because I assumed they would be visible after the change. I'm not sure what went wrong, or if I missed a step. I hope you can help. Thank you!

Hi, I checked your Owner Key History and it shows only one entry, which means that you did not change any keys yesterday. The account_update operation from yesterday also shows that no keys were changed. I guess it is a bug on SteemLogin. Before signing the transaction, you should check the operation's data that will be displayed on that page.

There is a new section 'Owner Key History' in SteemWorld's Account Recovery Tool where you can watch all Owner Key changes:

Thank you for always being so generous with your time, especially considering how busy you are with so many important projects. I will try again using only SteemWorld. I have to confess that this process of changing password and keys is complicated, and I feel anxious and nervous that something will go wrong. But I have to learn these things in order to protect my account. Thank you for adding yet another feature to this very powerful tool that you have dedicated years to developing. Knowledge is Power, and SteemWorld is super rich with Knowledge!

I think I'm in big trouble! I tried again on SteemWorld, and when I went to get my Private Owner Key, I noticed that it began with an S, while the other keys begin with a 5! I never saved my Private Owner Key. I mistakenly saved the Public Key in its place. I went to my Steemit Wallet to REVEAL the Private Owner Key, but when I enter the Master Password, nothing happens. All these years, I never had a need to use the Private Owner Key, so I never noticed this mistake. Am I doomed???!!! What's also odd is that the @future.witness SteemLogin accepted the Public Owner Key for the transaction that went through yesterday. That must be the bug.

If you have the Master Password for your account, you can derive all other keys from that. The blockchain does not know Master Passwords. It's just being used by the apps and front-ends to calculate your set of keys in combination with your account name.

You can use the Key Generator Tool on SteemWorld to see all your private and public keys. It does not even need an internet connection (in case you do not trust it). Just enter your Master Password and it will show you all you need.

I'm really sorry to keep bothering you about this situation! You have been very patient and helpful, but I really don't know where things went wrong, apart from my silly error of not copying my original Private Owner Key.

I followed your instructions and this it what I got when I entered my current Master Password:


I tried to use the Private Owner Key to change everything, but it was rejected. This time I only used SteemWorld.

I went to check steemd to see my current Public Keys and this is what shows up (my old Public Keys):


I then tried entering my old Master Password in the Key Generator, and got a completely different set of keys:


So in essence, I have a new Master Password, but with my old Public and Private Keys; of which I'm missing the Private Owner Key because I did not copy it down correctly.

What a mess!

You can't have a new Master Password, because you did not change any of your keys. Also your account operations history does not contain an account_update operation with any key changes in the recent days.

I then tried entering my old Master Password in the Key Generator, and got a completely different set of keys

This is impossible, because one Master Password (in combination with the correct account name) always results in exactly the same set of keys. Of course, you should not use the 'Generate Random' button, because it then will generate a new random Master Password. Just entering the old Master Password and your account name without pressing any button should show the table with your current keys.

If it does not show your current keys, the old Master Password is not the one that belongs to your account.

You're an absolute HERO!!! Seriously, your patience is commendable, and your knowledge is why we keep you at #1!!! When I read "This is impossible..." I punched the computer screen and yelled, "NOOOO SteemChiller, this time you're wrong!"

And then I calmed down and looked in the mirror, and said, "SteemChiller wrong? No, can't be." So I broke out my password stash and got my HIVE file. I know, I know, I should have changed them last year! But I looked and the Master Password was different than the one I used today. I popped it into the Key Generator and all the correct Keys appeared, including the lost Private Owner Key! I then popped the Master Password into the SteemitWallet, and everything is back to normal. You were right, Bro! Thanks again!

Is there anything SteemWorld can't do... apart from cook me dinner and take my dogs for a walk!


Hi : @steemchiller

Our user named -gingfriend20ph had his MasterKey password stolen by clicking on the scam airdrop link and the person who stole the account changed her MasterKey password. I need your help in recovering our user's account. Can you help me about this issue? We can communicate via Discord.

Hi, @gingfriend20ph's recovery account is 'steem', which means he must use the account recovery feature provided by Steemit (only the recovery account can initiate an Account Recovery Request):

Thank you. Steemworld is great project

Good news..

@steemchiller Hello, I've sent you a friend request on discord, because I have an issue!

How can I get your support @steemchiller sir?

Hi @steemchiller .. I don't what is my accoun not give upvote for me of leader other. I trying to make a post how to be good but ....

Merhaba @steemchiller.
Lütfen bana yardımcı olun. Hesambımdaki bütün gönderiler silindi. Paylaşımları mı göremiyorm. Hesabımda tuhaflık var. Kimden yardım isterim ne yaparım bilemiyorum. @habercitr

Hi @habercitr, I will try to find out why you are on the blacklist ;)

Moin @steemchiller, das wäre echt nett von dir, das ist ein Mitglied unserer Gemeinschaft und er hat alle seine posts sozusagen verloren. Kannst du uns mitteilen wie wir den jenigen kontaktieren können und wer dafür zuständig ist. Es ist eine Katastrophe bei solchen Sachen niemanden erreichen zu können. Viele grüße

ps. wo können wir diese blacklist sehen

Moin, ich habe noch keine Antwort erhalten, aber der Fall wird wahrscheinlich morgen oder so geprüft werden. Seine Posts sind auf jeden Fall nicht verloren, nur ausgeblendet, weil er auf der Blacklist steht.

Die Liste ist aktuell noch nicht öffentlich einsehbar, aber ich hoffe, dass wir dafür bald eine bessere Lösung finden werden. Ich würde es auch begrüßen, wenn auf der Accountseite des geblockten Users eine Info angezeigt werden würde. Am besten gleich mit einem Link/E-Mail zur direkten Kontaktaufnahme im Falle eines Fehlers.

Na ja, mal sehen, was daraus wird. Ich melde mich nochmal, sobald ich mehr weiß.

Seeing my articles again made me very happy. :)Thank you very much for your interest.big man :)

vielen dank für dein einsatz, ja das wäre echt gut für die ganze community wenn jemand weiß was er verbrochen hat und nicht einfach so zack weg. das wäre eine super sache für alle. am besten mit 3 verwarnungen vor dem ausschluß. wie bei youtube. freue mich von dir zu hören vielen dank nochmal

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Dear Mr. @steemchiller,
can I ask you a small favor, as you already know, here in Jordan we are not allowed to buy or to sell cryptocurrency, and I am trying to upvote and to increase my account value through internal market aand with the aid of you and other members in Account Booster 👍 but it is too long and it will take from me months or years to reach any goal more than i have now.
So, please can you delegate to me as a friend some of SP to keep upvoting the members of the Account Booster 👍 in the payout directory as this will give them good chance to write more and to stay in the Account Booster 👍.
it is up to you, I am sorry for asking like beggin but this is my only chance to keep surviving in the steemit communuity for longer time.
I can daily upvote all the members in the payout directory as if you are doing so , and your supporting me in some of the SP will make a difference i swear.
if yes or no you are still my legend hero of steemit.
thank you
samer - @red-rose

I wonder why you are delegating 1235 of your 1243 SP to services (like tipu or boomerang) with the goal to increase your SP. The best way to increase the own SP as a curator (aside buying STEEM and powering up) is by voting (good) posts as early as possible (optimal would be after ~ 5 minutes).

Real curation is not about voting all posts in a specified group. It's about finding special ones and voting mainly the things one likes the most.

I would recommend you to first take back control of your own SP. With current market prices your vote would be worth ~ $0.03 instead of $0.00 ;)


Big Thx @steemchiller for your commitment respekt for you!! shame of @steemit this is a simple shutdown. Am very disappointed from @steemit.

whatever my mistake i would like to know.If I have an error, I try to fix it.looking forward to your return. thank you @steemchiller

Thanks for be interested. @habercitr is cool guy. We are very sad because of this situation. thank you

Sir @Steemchiller, thank you for your intervention. We were also worried for our friend and did not understand the incident. Thanks again for your attention, sir.

thank you sir!

thank you my friend!

that one is simply eliminated without warning is big crap. ashamed of you @steemit !!

Thank you @steemchiller for your commitment

Please help for @habercitr

  ·  4 years ago 

Hi~ steemchiller!
@bluengel has gifted you 1 SHOP!

Currently you have: 1 SHOP

View or Exchange SHOP Please go to

Are you bored? Play Rock,Paper,Scissors game with me!

I am curiously waiting for the news that will come from you. I hope my account gets better. If they told me what mistake I made, I wouldn't do it again. I hope you understand how sad I am. You are the only answer I can get. Thank you.

+1 witness @steemchiller
thank you for your work

A quick question... do you know of any other tool for auto upvoting and curation trails than the former SteemAuto (that doesn't work too well). ALso knew about, but that has been down for the last days. Are there any other options that you know of (since you are the big Steemit guru)! :)

Many people complaining about SteemAuto recently... I'm not 100% sure, but I guess there is currently no better alternative. For manually copying votes you could use, but it's not completely automatic.

Thanks for the idea of copy votes... :) I have a feeling you might be the best developer here on Steem, so let me know if you ever decide to create a tool for this purpose yourself. And to be honest, I would add a function meaning that anyone using the tool automatically votes at least twice per week with 50% power for your posts (if you post anything)... in that way it would be some blessing to you as well if you made it... and a minor sort of payment from those of us using it!

Hey @steemchiller: @wonsama told me that there was a cloud server issue (for @dev.supporters) and he is currently fixing it. The server is expected to run again in 24 hours, but as you already know it is not certain yet.

Thank you for the reminder again!

Thanks for the info! I would recommend to move the witness to a dedicated server (not cloud), because otherwise it might happen again.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

hello @steemchiller, do you have Discord or something. I want to ask you something
and also to be able to save contacts of important people like you

Or maybe you didn't message me if you didn't want to share your message in public



Ok, will add you next time I'm in ;)

thank you i will always wait for it.

Thank you so much sir @steemchiller for your kind support 🙂

@steemchiller sir,

Going through your blog ,
Reading both your comments on posts and your responses,

Your personality say it all( a great thinker)

And I most say you are the most influential on @steemworld

Way to go sir

If I need a help for anything I had love to call on you sir🙏

I am @gracellagift ( your secret admirer)
Thanks for all you do

Best regards
Much love

Why did you downvote my post?
Did I do something wrong to you?

You plagiarized multiple articles and plagiarism is not welcome on Steem. It does not shine a good light on us, if we let people earn by copying other authors contents.

So, who are you?
are you part of a steem investor?

I'm Steem investor, developer and top witness. Every investor should care about taking that what was invested in to the top. If the world sees, that Steem allows its users to copy copyright protected material to the blockchain and even earn with that, it will drive away the really big investors.

Oh, yeah! I've only seen investors with small power, and talk big.
I know a lot of steem investors and developers. But not with you.

this really helps

Hello there. I need help with my account where I can't see the tools of profile details in order to upload a picture, write a description and say my location. Someone told I made the mistake of login with the master key, but I was a very newbie user in that moment. Can I get some help with this? Thanks in advance. Regards.

Hi, sorry for the late response, I was very busy with my SDS stuff. Does the problem still exist? I heard about a similar issue recently, so I guess there is a bug on Steemit's profile configuration page in cases where the account's json_metadata is empty.

Yes. Now I can finally see everything. I guess it was the issue you mentioned. Thanks for the provided support too. 👍🏼 Regards from my part.

hello @steemchiller, do you have Discord or something. I want to ask you something
and also to be able to save contacts of important people like you

Or maybe you didn't message me if you didn't want to share your message in public



Hello @steemchiller, there is a situation at hand. A user, @furhevelinefusi was unfortunate to click on a phishing link and that made her to loose all her liquid earnings. I advised her to quickly change the master key. According to her, she changed it but didn't save thew new master key. What can she do about it? Create a new account? Or?

Please I will be waiting for your response

Hi, the user you mentioned does not exist. Maybe a typo in the name?

Nevertheless, the Account Recovery should work. The user just needs a private owner key that was active recently (does not need to be the newest one).

Opps, sorry about the typographical error. @fuhevelinefusi is the right one. Thank you so much for your quick response. I will let her know about it

I have been working on Steemit since 2016 and did not post anything from 2020 to 2021. Because the votes at my post are low. But I’m coming back again and thinking about working in new ways and starting work. And new updates are coming to TRX has been added and everything looks good

Hi : @steemchiller

Our user named -gingfriend20ph had his MasterKey password stolen by clicking on the scam airdrop link and the person who stole the account changed her MasterKey password. I need your help in recovering our user's account. Can you help me about this issue? We can communicate via Discord.

Sir i want to thank you for building such a great website.

Hello there. Happy weekend. I'm getting a little trouble in, where I now can't upload a video over there, due to the: Invalid tx, not enough vt. What does that mean? Where can I get help to solve this? Regards and thanks in advance. #venezuela #affable

Hallo lieber @steemchiller,
vielen Dank für deinen Support und das unverzichtbare Tool
Da du inside Steem die größte Kompetenz hast, kannst du vielleicht die Lösung für folgendes Problem liefern:
Seit einigen Wochen lässt sich unter nur noch die Sprache einstellen. Alle anderen Settings (Profilbild, Hintergrundbild, about me...) sind verschwunden.
Woran kann das liegen? Kennst du eine Lösung?

Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße

Sir have a look here CR Bangladesh Tarpan's account also have the transactions yesterday toward Molly2 and the Molly2 is still active and transferring funds from other users everyday. This time mostly new accounts were targeted.
Please have a look in the wallet of molly2.

Thank You so much

Hi! How are you?
I have a question that is needed to run a node to witness in steemit, I am planning to create a community but I am waiting to speak with remlaps to see if they want to join me in support.

I am doing a small power down to buy a server but I need advice from you. This is my discord ruzmaira#8537

Please contact me

Hi, I've sent you a friend request on Discord ;)

Thanks for adding me .. I already sent you for discord

Thank you very much @steemchiller

Hey how's it going?

Edit - sorry up to date on wallet situation

Do you know why our Wallets haven't been loading in the past 16 odd hours?

This is what i am getting

Hi, I don't know but I guess they are working on new features on the wallet page. Maybe @ety001 knows more about this...

Hello @steemchiller.

I don't know whether I can ask you this question.

"Is there any way to convert Tron to Steem? I don't really know how to do that?"

Could you please give me a direction?

Thank you.

Hi, it's not yet possible directly in the wallet or on SteemWorld, but you could use an exchange for the conversion and then send the STEEM back from there.

Hi there! @steemchiller

Why does it showing pending at the recovery account! Do I have to do anything else that I don't know?


I have created a new account for my small community from my main account via SteemWorld. and I have changed the recovery account @steem to @global-steem which I have created.

But it's showing pending in the recovery account section. So why is it happening?

My two accounts are:

Hi, that's a security mechanism in the blockchain. If someone would have control over your account, he could just change your keys and the recovery account. You then would not be able to recover your account after such a hack. So for security reasons changing the recovery account takes 30 days to complete ;)

#tutorial #faq #account-recovery #recovery #security

So I need to wait for 30 days?

Yes. For newly created accounts the recovery account is automatically set to the creator account. So it only applies to your own account in this case.

Hi @steemchiller, Good morning I need some guidance that today I made a STEEM sale in the Steemit market. There were 19 SBDs that were discounted, but the STEEMs are not loaded.
The operation is reflected in the steemworld. But it doesn't show up in my wallet history.

Hi @albenis, your limit order was successfully created, but it has not been filled yet. If you want it to be filled earlier, I recommend you to cancel it and create a new one with current market price.

You can cancel the order also on SteemWorld -> Dashboard -> Orders tab -> Open Orders tab -> Click the 'X' button. In the Orderbook tab you can easily create a new order.

Extremely grateful for your quick response, you are a great support for the entire community. I congratulate you, you do a great job. God bless you and give you long life and health.

Hello sir @steemchiller, trust you are doing great?

We at steemkids community will like you to join us and help us build the community. We have seen your numerous positive impacts. Your support will really take us to the new hight. I don't know in which way you will like to support us. But just help us grow. We have the following arrangement for support.

  • Delegate to us @steemkidss our official account

  • We have a curation trail


We will do better with your support sir.

Thank you for your positive response

Steemworld will be independent sounds really great. I'm already a happy user of 😊😇

Thank you so much for your kind support ❤️💕💖 @steemchiller


Sir, I am very happy to read this article of yours. May God grant you more success. This is my prayer
God bless you
Best regards

hello brother, if I want to be in your community, are there certain conditions?

  ·  3 years ago 

Hello sir, I am a steemit enthusiast and a development enthusiast. I have been learning the API of steemit and have just become a new witness. I hope to make my contribution to this platform. I have also seen your articles and paid attention to you. If it's convenient for you,I hope to get your support, because I see how many of you voted for the witnesses who have left, Thank you very much!


Please good evening how do i get your up vote

friends please support my steemit account

friends please support my steemit account

Hello sir @steemchiller, please I want to plead with you to consider delegating to steemkidss. It will mean a lot to me and to the kids community. Thank you in advance for your positive response

Hi @steemchiller
Can you help me, Am I currently having Trx issues with my account forgetting my password when I update it?

Hi, what exactly is not working? Did you lose the private key for your Tron address? If you don't have the PDF with the key and you didn't store the password elsewhere, I guess there is no way to access the tokens.

Servus steemchiller,

sag mal das steemworld Konzept layout und die Steemworld Funktionen sind doch von Dir entwickelt und entworfen worden, oder nicht?

Falls ja, wie kommt es, dass hive Dein Konzept kopiert und einfach übernommen hat. Haben die eine Lizens von Dir für das Layout und Konzept bekommen oder haben die einfach ohne Dich zu fragen steemworld für hive kopiert?


Falls letzteres der Fall sein sollte, würde ich an Deiner Stelle versuchen Schadensersatz einzufordern, für die Verletzung des Urheberrechtes, sowie Nachzahlungen für die unerlaubte Nutzung deines Betriebsmusters in den vergangenen 1,5 Jahren oder seit wann sie das immer am laufen haben.

Beste Grüße.

Moin! Ja, SteemWorld (Front- und Backend) wurden von mir entwickelt. Ich habe niemandem eine Erlaubnis erteilt, einfach das komplette Frontend zu kopieren und auf einer anderen Domain laufen zu lassen. Die Skripte greifen sogar tatsächlich noch auf meinen alten Server zu...

Jeder, der nutzt, unterstützt illegalen Software-Diebstahl. Ich bin noch nicht dazu gekommen, mich darum zu kümmern, da ich meine vorhandene Zeit lieber in die Weiterentwicklung von SteemWorld stecken möchte, aber ich habe natürlich über die Zeit einige Beweise für deren illegale Aktivitäten gespeichert.

Die neuen SteemWorld-Versionen lassen sich nicht mehr einfach so kopieren, da jetzt vieles über meine SDS-APIs läuft, deren Code ich (auch aus diesem Grund) noch nicht veröffentlich habe.

Kannst du bitte den link zu hivetasks entfernen (einfach das 'https://' weglassen)? Wir wollen diesen Kriminellen ja nicht noch Punkte im Suchmaschinen-Ranking verschaffen...

Hallo steemchiller,

starkes Stück von hive und deren Betreibern. Nach US-Recht ggf. mal einen Anwalt in Übersee einschalten und entsprechend das intellectuell property schützen lassen und Schadensersatz einklagen.

Viele Grüße.

P.S.: https wird natürlich entfernt.

Ein erholsames Restwochenende.

Geändert! ;o)

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Exactly, I lost the private key, but previously there but after renewing the base key does not float anymore

Can I restore @steemchiller with a basic key?

hello @steemchiller , did you have discord. i wanna ask something
and also to be able to save the contacts of important person like you

or maybe you can test to text me if you dont want to share your discord in public



Hi @arie.steem, I will leave you message next time I'm there.

thank you ....