The first Methodist Church in Kang Keong and the Resistant Movement against the Imperialist Japan.

in travel •  7 years ago 

As going to the hill of Kang Keong city, the small traditional house came into my eyes. It was something strange at first glance. At first, it looked like a ordinary one, but slightly different from the ordinary house hold.

At that time, I could notice the standing board. There was written the history of that house. It was a first Methodist church in Kang Keong.

It was moved to the different place. People had preserved this church as a legacy of modern history.

I was curious about the inside of that church, but door was closed. There was nothing to do for me to get into the inside. So I took the pics of the inside through the window.

The scene through the window was looking good.
The photos below were the results.





This church was moved into larger place and rebuilt.
During the Japanese rule, this Methodist Church was a center of anti-Japanese Movement.

Actually the militant anti-Japanese movement in Korea was all but impossible. The Militant resistant movement was moved into the Manchuria and near the Vladivostok.

Non-militant resistance was an only way for Koreans. Besides Mahatma Gandhi’s non-resistant thought of India had influenced strongly on Korean Intellectuals.

Under these circumstances, the students who were in the Methodist Church in Kang Keong didn’t accept the orders of Japanese colonial government.

At that time, the Japanese imperialists had forced to worship their traditional religion Shinto.


a Japanese religion dating from the early 8th century and incorporating the worship of ancestors and nature spirits and a belief in sacred power ( kami ) in both animate and inanimate things. It was the state religion of Japan until 1945.

But the pupils in middle and high school refused to worship Shinto. The most of pupils who refused to serve the Japanese shrine were included in the Methodist church.

Japanese officials threatened the students oust from the school.
But those young students never had surrendered.

Finally this incident was compromised with ousting one female teacher from the school.

The monument below was built to memorize this incident.





The small pillars were the symbols of the teacher and the students who had resisted the order of Japanese officials.


It seemed that the fish style bottom meant the Christian’s worship.



Thank you for reading

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Thank you for posting @slowwalker.

Lovely photographs.....appreciate your persistance in obtaining photographs of the inside...which appears immaculate.

Interesting history of Christianity in your country.

As bleujay unstands it...the story of the symbol of the fish is as johnjgeddes has written. A symbol for the believer in Christ Jesus which communicates to other believers their faith in Him as Saviour.

Yes....when Christianity is under pressure as a belief it does bring more people to Christ.....historically.

Religion can seem confusing but God is not the author of confusion.

Religion is man seeking God through his works.
Christianity is a relationship with God through the work of Christ on the cross. Faith alone in Christ alone for salvation.

Wishing you all the best....God's best. Cheers.

Thank you so much for your comment.
Yes, fish means the believer in Christ Jesus.
It is interesting how religions in Korea are living with peace.
Sometimes the struggles among the religions are out of my understanding

When I read the post of @slowwalker it gives me more knowledge about religions of other country.. but its more nicer to read a comments from a Christian world.. :) God blessed everyone..

Great work bleujay

Very good

Nice church

ah ah! even today I have put churches ... all catholic though ... Nice to see the differences ..

thank you for stopping by.

Such a cool church. Wish I could see it for myself but thanks for documenting a great experience!

Very cool photos

A very interesting post today, @slowwalker, about the history of Protestantism in Korea.

Ironically, the word Protestant itself means protester and conjures up images of rebellion and resistance. Historically, the Protestants were rebelling against some of the abuses in the Catholic Church, and so they wre determined to reform it but ended up separating from it.

Without opposition religious beliefs gradually mellow, but persecution and adversity fans the flames of belief like adding oxygen to a fire. Such was the case of these Korean Christians.

The fish symbol at the statue's base was actually a secret symbol for Jesus Christ. It's called the Ichthys, and is an acrostic of Greek letters standing for, "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour".

Early Christians, under persecution by Rome, would often use this secret symbol as a code to identify themselves to other Christians.

It seems that strong beliefs always lead to opposition. Hegel would have liked that and saw it as a dialectic ultimately leading to a compromise.

Thesis - antithesis - synthesis.

I suppose that's how we make progress

Thank you as always.
Your comment is always broadening my understanding on the world

you're welcome, @slowwalker :)

muy buen post y muy de acuerdo con usted, de verdad me gusto tanto la publicacion como su explicacion en el comentario, saludos y un gran abrazo desde Venezuela.


Its nice to meet people full of knowledge...keep up the good work and keep sharing ...


Thank you! I now understand the fish symbols. I knew about Ichthys, but just knew its connection with the fish symbol and code the was use for.

you are welcome :)

Loving this post, a great information and knowledge,your photography skill is up level.

Very interesting content
Thank you

Very interesting & nice photos!

Thank you for posting

느낌이 있는 사진
의미가 있는 글들 늘 잘 보고 있습니다.
구글 번역기에게도 늘 고맙게 생각 합니다 ㅋ
저는 오늘도 숨쉬는 글을 썼네요

댓글 잘못달았습니다ㅠㅠ

Very nice..

marvelous wonderful photography @slowwalker, Thanks for sharing travel photo. i like your post and following.

Thank you so much

Helloo @slowwalker
I'm asking for your permission to resteem the historical posts in your steemit account. In my opinion, the post has historical value. Hopefully all other Steemit accounts also think so. thanks. #menulissejarah
Greetings know from me @menulissejarah

Good post @slowwlker

amazing place love to see the historical places and amazing photography...

Thank you so much

Wow amazing photography all the snaps are awesome.... perfect click....thank you for sharing with us.... keep sharing more

Good post, so good in it, although no one care, even still shiny inside.

Thank you

its all about respect we give respect someone else gonna respect us.

Wow!Excellent photography.You are really creative photographer. Please stay with photography. how the beautiful natural view is! Very color full also. this see world good to traveler.

Thank you so much

The small pillars were the symbols of the teacher and the students who had resisted the order of Japanese officials.
it was a beautiful artwork recipe. You commented on the net. @slowwalker

Thank you so much

Helloo @slowwalker
Me, @writing history #writing history
I see articles and photos on your post, have historical value. This post is certainly very interesting to add insight in the field of history.
If you do not mind, I will resteem this post in my account. I will wait for this reply from you.

Great pics. The snow adds a great natural artistic "touch."

wow!amazing photography,,travel is very nice..thanks for sharing of luck.

This is wonderful and it takes great faith to get it done.

Wow!!!.. so beautiful your photography, i like this travel. personally i choose korea country. i want your next post for sharing us. all the best my dear......

I would like to plan my next tour to Japan,
Do you have any other area suggestions for enjoy my tour.


what it is...???

Hi dear.. Post is interesting.. You are doing hardwork.. Hiw you knows all history and thingz so deeply.. Are you phd of all historical pkaces?

great view
Japan is among the best countries I have ever dreamed of visiting

that's a great story about people retaining their faith when faced with adversity

Real nice looking photos slowwalker.

very good post friends, I really like going to vacation.

Nice picture!! Some day i'll travel but not in the known place but to virgin places and show them to the world

I have never been to a Methodist Church! Interesting post! Keep up the good work!

Thank you @slowalker for this article and photos

@slowwalke Such a great article & nice photography

Though you couldn't get inside, the window shots are still beautiful.
Thanks for the history class.

I love this beautiful photograph

It's really good to preserve the historical places. Great idea! I love your photography.

wow....excellent photography, very nice travel, beautiful post, thanks for sharing

are you history student ??? or politics :p

wow..nice photography and history lesson..i still wonder that what is the point of building a monument like that..the shape of it is not very common..i have not seen that shaped buildings..

Thanks for sharing the traditional house. It looks great especially in the snow. Behind the house there is such a deep story, dark old days.

Those students were very brave to resist it must have been a hard time, the history lesson is incredible and the pictures are wonderful, I can't imagine living in that time and how things were, excellent post!

Thank you so much for comment

When are you putting a post with you and your mom? I love those❤️

The students' action against Japan can be honoured. They are the most adorable people.

I upvoted you please donate upvote me please please 100%" upvote me

i would love to travel to japan someday ,, second picture reminded me to an old movie . beautiful and interesting architecture

Awesome post, really love to see historical places. Following you now

It looks that the old church is still in use because of the musical instruments inside. Great post my friend

In my guess, sometimes, not often.

I loved the photos, and to define something, this is why I love Japanese culture, despite the passage of years repeating their traditions and characteristic buildings in their culture, we can learn a lot from this culture if we take the best parts of the same

Great research @slowwalker and make us a beautiful history.

I really enjoy reading your last posts :). I find fascinating anything that has to do with faith, religions and the power they have on humans!

If I would ask your opinion on why you think these students didn't convert what would you say?
Was it because of their strong religious belief in the Methodist church or had to do more with their ethics and the differences with the Japanese?

great travel sir, that's the best thing to do in life worshiping the creator of our life. :) hope you can visit my travel too sir :)

Did not you dare enter the church? That would have been interesting....

I've always loved Japanese culture, it's impressive I've seen many programs of this culture and I like the way you live, eating the only thing I do not like is like sleeping on the floor hehehe but you have to respect every culture. Everything is full of a lot of history as we enter and relive the story

아는 목사님으로부터 교회가 중심이 되어서 일제 저항 운동을 하였던 것을 들었지만, 따로 찾아보거나 알아보지는 않았었습니다. 덕분에 한국의 소중한 근현대사를 알게 되었습니다.

한국 기독교와 현대사는 뗄래야 뗄 수 없는 관계라고 하겠지요

It looks like normal home at the first picture if you didn’t show inside.

Yes it looks like an ordinary house

Oh my god.
Too much present for me.

Thank you so much.

More churches and more history lessons. It's getting fascinating bro! I'm super stoked what's coming next now. I might be coming to Korea sooner than what I thought although I might not necessarily go to a church, nice Korean bar would do! Thanks @slowwalker! :)

hopefully the trip is always safe friend. please log in my blog once friend yes,

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Imperial of Japan should liberalize religion aspect in such away that every citizen of the country should practice the religion of there choice, forcing people to traditional religion or practice one religion can lead to religious war. Impressive content keep it up.

Hello dear friend @slowwalker
Thank for sharing this history is useful and interesting for all steamians.
visit my blog also hope you like it.

Nice arsitecture

I liked your post so i have upvote your post

I pay homage to your history and culture. I think the value of good publishing will continue. thank you.

Thank you so much

Great history to tell the other friends and I enjoy your travel photos. I like to follow your blog. I hope you visit my blog. Thank you @slowwalker

I would like you to show great curiosities from there!!!!!!!!!

A very awesome picture @slowwarker.
Thank you for posting today. I like it...🤗

Very interesting history between Korea and Japan. Interesting how a population that practiced Shinto could have been so violent and power hungry, especially in the 20th century.

Nice pics and commentary as usual. Seems like a lot of walking though!

So fascinating! I had no idea about any of this history.

a very extraordinary holiday kawan and kore is one of the beautiful vacation spot, @slowwalker.

hopefully his journey is fun yes my friend .. please visit my blog once my friend yes

your post is very good and add my insight

there is no snow here tukey

Hi Im @wotjsozm
I like your steemit and your posting
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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I couldn't notice anything as I looked through the entire article, but were the photos you've taken through the window? Haha~ Now you're talking about Imperialism of Japan.

Oh wow, you wrote about Shinto, as I said yesterday (I'm not sure you remember it or not :) since there are soooo many of comments below your article) but anyway! The most interesting things about Japanese Shinto is that they worship animals as a god of something like rice, nourishment, fruits, etc. And the types of 'Kami' are sooo various, so we can take a trip only searching for Shinto IMO. Maybe I can write about it someday. Thanks for great insight^^

Thank you for comment.
I am reading almost all of comment and replying.
I am waiting for the posting on the Shinto.

Methodist belongs to RCM or protestants?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

At that time, I could notice the standing board. There was written the history of that house. It was a first Methodist church in Kang Keong.

It was moved to the different place. People had preserved this church as a legacy of modern history.

Wow! This is really historical.
The church has withstood many things and still standing, also adding to the the fact that is was a center of an anti Japanese movement.

It's also astonishing to know that it is the first Methodist church in Kang Keong.

Thank you @slowalker for this travelogue and historical enlightening article.

Happy Steeming

Wowwww......very nice.

오랜만에 올드스톤님의 포스팅에 방문합니다. ^^ 영어가 부족하여 한글로 댓글 작성하는점 용서하세요 ^^
어제 제글을 읽으시고 큰 선물 주고 가주셔서 감사합니다.
묵직한올드스톤님이 글이 그리워 저도 모르게 이리 슬로우워커계정에 불쑥 방만하였습니다. 헤헷
행복한 하루 되세요 ^

There are a lot of stories about brave resistances against Imperialist Japan. If you just ask about Yoo kwan-soon(유관순) to any Korean in the city where you are(Cheonan천안), you will know the bravest girl in whole Korean history. She was from there.

thats a nice history behind the monument

I really liked your photographs and give it a

You are overpaid and maybe you should walk a bit slower so that others can be seen and not always you. Don't you have enough money already?

Hmmm, this is wonderful.. All glory be to God

Nice photo

Way to go @slowwalker 😉... Doing a good work dude keep it up...

That looks amazing thanks for sharing

번역기 돌려서 겨우겨우 봅니다ㅋㅋ
항상 잘보고 있습니다ㅎㅎ

hey @slowwalker i like your shots on this one. the shots through the window are a very different angle than usual. great! would be cool to see more shots like this in the future!

i did not know that non-resistance was important in korean history. thanks for sharing you usually don't learn this in europe.

There are some good, auto-biographical books written by Christian missionaries and such people who were persecuted in Asia. One of the books about Korea is called the Korean Pentecost, and is about the early Presbyterian missions.

If you read that book and like it, then there is another book about Cambodia called Killing Fields Living Fields might be interesting to you.

Wow amazing photography all the snaps are awesome.... perfect click....thank you for sharing with us.... keep sharing more

Wao so great work keep it up

Hello and welcome to the community. I followed you and would appreciate a follow back. I'm looking forward to see more posts! Have a great day and have fun. Welcome!

Please upvote, comment, resteem and follow @yashu
get back to back in touch for upvote

Thank you for sharing
Wonderful picture

Thank you. This photo shared this photo is very nice. This is an awesome photo, and you're really a good photographer.

This is quite a historical monument, even though it was moved from its original place and rebuilt.

Yea, so it was designated as a legacy of modern history

Wow....i never knew Koreans love and believe in Jesus Christ. I can see you guys are having peace in Christianity. Am also a Methodist from Ghana