I'll go to the gym today.

in workout •  7 months ago  (edited)


I'm going to eat dinner outside. Then, I'll have a break time before going to the gym. I don't work on weekend. So, I can workout even late afternoon.

I ate 4 boiled eggs today. I think eggs are very good nutritional food.

By the way, I measured my body fat ratio yesterday. It's 18.9%! I'm so pleased to see that. Additionally, my fat mass is around 13kg. My target fat mass is less than 10kg by this winter.

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You need to stick with it for a long time. Keep going!


I used to be someone who didn't like exercising either. However, seeing my mental state constantly low and feeling unmotivated, I decided to start running in the evenings. It was tough and tiring at first, but I persisted for about half a month. I then realized that I seemed to enjoy the state after exercising, which made me very happy. Later on, I got a gym membership, learned how to swim, and fell in love with cycling. During this period, I met many people, some of whom became my friends. Now, I am increasingly fond of the person I am becoming.

加油 我也希望能像你一样 拥有好身材