Yoga And Moving Meditation

in yoga •  6 years ago 

In my Yoga studio, we are fortunate to have nearly twenty different instructors to guide classes.  It took me a long time to get acquainted with the various leadership styles and to begin to develop preferences for my favorite teachers.

Not All Yoga Instructors Are Meditative

In fact, some of the teachers at the studio are focused on the physical form, the fitness, strength and flexibility of the body.  They offer outstanding cardiovascular conditioning and a great workout.  And this kind of exercise does help calm the mind - to a degree.

Yet a couple of the Moksha Yoga teachers guide the very same series of movements in the very same Hot Room, and at the end of the hour - I feel like I'm walking three centimeters away from the floor... calm and centered in a way that profoundly changes my emotional energy.

The Study of Moving Meditation

At the same time I began my intensive yoga studies, I also began reading the book 'Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself' by Dr. Joe Dispenza. More importantly, I began practicing his guided meditations from the Companion CD

As I started getting to know the different Yoga instructors at the local Moksha Studio - I started to follow around the teachers who provided an environment that best matched the open focus meditations that Dr. Joe was teaching.  

I started asking all the yoga instructors about their background; When did they become instructors? Where did they take their 1 month intensive yoga course? How did you get into Yoga to begin with?  Are you teaching Yoga full time? How do you know when you have taught a good session? What is the most important thing you think I should be working on in my Yoga practice right now?

Those Moksha instructors who's classes I liked best, also provided answers to my questions that matched closely to the principles that Dr Joe teaches in his work - which explained why I found their yoga classes provided me with true emotional energy changes.

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