BlogHide Resteemsresteemedswagata21 (81)in hive-129948 • 3 years agoDIY-এসো নিজে করি: বাচ্চাদের উদ্দেশ্যে কিছু চিত্র অংকন//১০% পেআউট লাজুক খ্যাঁক-কেনমস্কার বন্ধুরা, আশা করি সবাই ভালো আছেন, সুস্থ আছেন।আজ আমি আপনাদের সঙ্গে বাচ্চাদের জন্যই উদ্দেশ্য করে কিছু চিত্র অঙ্কন করে দেখালাম। বাচ্চারা আঁকতে খুবই পছন্দ করে কিন্তু সেই আঁকা যদি…resteemedgeorgitsachev (64)in hive-185836 • 3 years agoSpring flowers #1Spring flowers. Primrose. click to view picture! Sofia, Bulgaria - my hometown.resteemedsummonerrk (67)in hive-185836 • 3 years ago#CLUB5050 - "G-Man's eyes" (original sketch on a craft paper)Hi guys, how are you? RuslanKorosArt here! Do you have a favorite game? I am sure that you will think about it and in the answer to this question you will say that there are several of them.…resteemeddon-t (71)in hive-185836 • 3 years agoinside view from the village | Einblick in das innere vom Dorfresteemedchorock (77)in hive-119463 • 3 years agoSimilarity Between PolyCub and Cub PriceIt is 5th day of PolyCub. Price reached 15 USD after launched as CUB. There are lots of similarities between PolyCub and CUB Price chart. Even CUB is inflationist, PolyCub is deflationary token.…resteemedredfox9 (66)in hive-101145 • 3 years ago돔(DOME) 마블라점쿠웨이트 매직 옆에 있는 DOME(마불라점) 키즈 카페로 유명한 곳이라서 쿠웨이트 엄마들이나 한국 엄마들도 자주 찾던 곳입니다. 코로나 방역으로 2년 간 문을 닫았다가 얼마 전에 오픈 했습니다. 어린아이가 없어서 그동안은 이곳을 무심코 지나쳤는데 우연히 밖에서 커피 빈 매장을 발견하고 건물 안으로 들어왔습니다. 키즈 카페…resteemedgreentree (83)in hive-101145 • 3 years ago선택선택의 의미를 알았을까? 그 의미가 갖는 무게를 느꼈을까? 느끼고 선택했다면 본인이 책임을 질 수 있을까? 진다한들 책임을 질 수 있을까? 아니면 아무것도 모르고 보고 싶는대로 한 걸까? 그렇다면 이건 뭔지 생각이나 했을까? 이도저도 아니었을까? 그런 날이다.resteemedthevpnboss (78)in crypto • 3 years agoThe dream of crypto passive income in 2022Yes, I am dreaming of generating as much passive income as possible. Cryptocurrencies and DeFi makes it possible. But, which are the best programs and protocols and blockchains for earning passive…resteemedrealmankwon (83)in hive-101145 • 3 years ago[개발] SteemPunks 서버 설정 중안녕하세요 @realmankwon 입니다. SteemPunks 개발이 막바지에 이르러 서버 셋팅을 하고 있습니다. 도메인을 구입하고 AWS 서버와 맵핑을 한 후 HTTPS 를 설정을 하고 있습니다. 일단 HTTPS 설정을 위해 nginx 를 설치하고 SSL 인증서를 받았습니다. 이후 80포트, 443 포트를 실제 서버 포트와 매핑을 하는 작업을…resteemedjustyy (83)in tool • 3 years agoMerge File/Video Segments into One (Showing the Latest Results)I have now added the "Latest Merged Files" in Files/Videos Merger so that in case the browser crashes, you can still view the latest files (keep tracking of the files). For video segments…resteemednudgesy (80)in kr • 3 years ago...공격을 피해 대피소에 모여서 잠든 우크라이나 아이들의 사진을 접했다. 폭격에 불타는 방송국 모습보다 더 가슴이 미어졌다. 팬데믹때문에 세계가 겨우 이제 숨을 쉬어보려는 시기에 이 무슨 미친 짓인가. 대선 마지막 토론을 지지자의 입장이 아닌 먼발치에서 객관적으로 들어보자고 마음 먹고 지켜봤다. 역시 그는 아니다 몇달째 나아진게…resteemedsteem.history (79)in hive-130095 • 3 years agoSTEEM effective steem power list(22.3.3)rank account effSP 1 upvu 32901342.803 2 steemcurator01 10698987.784 3 tipu 7820099.650 4 steemcurator02 4922330.207 5 upmewhale 4393665.130 6…resteemedsteem.history (79)in hive-130095 • 3 years agoSTEEM witnesses list(22.3.3)No Account Missed Version Vote(SP) 1 steemchiller 218 0.23.1 87,729,941 2 steem-agora 3918 0.23.1 85,230,545 3 justyy 1024 0.23.1 83,059,732 4…resteemedcjsdns (89)in hive-160196 • 3 years ago삼일절을 맞이하여...삼일절을 맞이하여.../cjsdns 삼일절 아침 비가 추적추적 내리더니 지금은 그쳤다. 103주년을 맞이하는 삼일절 , 삼일절 하면 제일 먼저 떠오르는 것이 나는 유관순 열사이다. 유관순 누가가 언제부터인가 열사로 바뀌었다. 이런 게 세월이가 하는 생각도 든다. 그러나 나는 열사보다는 누나가 더 친근하다. 누나라고 머리에 아예 박혀있다.…resteemedrme (90)in hive-129948 • 3 years agoIndian Museum ভ্রমণ -পর্ব ৪৬Indian Museum ভ্রমণ -পর্ব ৪৬ পূর্বের এপিসোড : Indian Museum ভ্রমণ -পর্ব ৪৫ হ্যালো বন্ধুরা, শুভ দুপুর বন্ধুরা, আশা করি সবাই বসন্ত উৎসবে দিনপাত করছেন । ইউক্রেনেও সবে বসন্ত উঁকি মারছে…resteemedcyberrn (85)in hive-136561 • 3 years ago20220301 | 삼일운동삼일절을 맞이하여 삼일운동에 대한 한국사 듣기. 오랜 만에 보는 황.현.필.의 한국사. 일제강점기 (독립운동사) 삼일절 노래 / Song of March 1st Movementresteemedrme (90)in hive-129948 • 3 years agoআমার বাংলা কবিতা "কবিতা এসো আমার হৃদয়ে"image source: copyright & royalty free image sharing website piXabY কবিতা : "কবিতা এসো আমার হৃদয়ে" 💘 ♡ ♥💕❤ কবিতা, কেন তুমি এলেনা আমার এই হৃদয়ে? কেন তুমি দূর্লভ হয়ে এলে…resteemedaxeman (86)in hive-185836 • 3 years agoThe World of XPILAR - B&W PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #103 - 20STEEM in prizes! - Submissions postWINNERS WEEK #102 1ST PLACE @quentindeschamps 2ND PLACE @meryn21 3RD PLACE @bonp HONORABLE MENTIONS @tezzmax @to-tru @luismasotillo…resteemedsuccessgr (86)in hive-101145 • 3 years ago[카카얘기] 220223 한라산 등반!!등린이에 첫 겨울등산을 한라산을 정했습니다. 7시 등산시작 4시30분쯤 하산완려 지금 온몸이 쑤시고 죽을 맛입니다. 현재 제주공항입니다. 김포로 돌아갑니다. 오늘은 간단하게 사진 몇장 올리고 내일부터 이야기를 풀어보겠습니다. 지금 온몸이 천근입니다. ㅎㅎㅎ 내일다시 찿아올께요resteemedcyberrn (85)in hive-136561 • 3 years ago20220222 | 감성아침에 눈을 뜨는데 뭐가 쎄에해! 누가 내 이야기를 하는지 귀가 간질간질~ 은퇴자 입장에서본 AC BC 시대에 대하여 [번외] 편에 제가 출연했네요. 책상 앞에 앉으니 누가 향수를 뿌려놓았는지 코가 씰룩씰룩~ 히야신스 꽃잎이 저와 있었네요.