How did my journey on the path of Natural Medicine began?

in abundancetribe •  4 years ago 

Since childhood I had this pattern of failed relationships and I used to feel a lot of negativity around. When I was small I witnessed problems with my parents and then almost all my childhood I lived away from them. In the growing up, I would see I most of the time had conflicts with people at mental level. When I got married there were issues with my inlaws and also with my hubby. I had issues with people at my jobs. I had very few people in my life who I could talk to. I always had this feeling of not being understood.

These issues were also spreading in other areas of my life. I would feel disconnected from the whole world itself and also had a lot of these suicidal thoughts. My life energy was very low, I did not have much of inclination to live. I had gone into the victim mode, feeling that life is just so unfair to me and nothing every right happens in my life.


Almost 12 years ago I had a new neighbor shift in at my Mumbai residence. She was all into Healing and Tarot Reading. I started getting to know her, talking to her and she started sharing her wisdom of Life with me. I somewhere felt she was sent for my help, for me to get out of the rut and move forward in life. With her guidance I slowly started with Meditation and Yoga practices. It was like she came into my life as a breath of fresh air. I gradually started getting intrigued on this path. I was feeling good. And more then anything I started noticing the difference in my life. The practices were soothing me down, calming me and giving me a new vision.

Gradually I noticed I was getting better with my relations. With my Hubby, in-laws, at work place, in my extended family. I felt like acceptance was coming in for me. Before that I always had this feeling no one loves me, but then I started feeling that love and care of people around me. I started developing the behavior of genuinely being nice to people and not just put up a fake face.

A regular practice of Meditation was helping me a lot to stay in a balanced state of mind. This was the beginning of my journey and gradually I progressed into other areas, like I myself started learning Healing, Tarot Reading. Crystals came into my life then and it was an instant bonding. When I look back I realize how far I have come.


Today I can say I am nowhere in between, I am with a complete understanding of what is required to be done for a wholesome life. My approach to dealing with people, problems have a complete different view and it is so much smoother then what it used to be. I do not feel in anyway now that Life is unfair to me, rather I feel blessed for the Life that I have and the people that I have in my Life. Every person in my Life looks beautiful to me, because I feel within me that they are helping me grow in whatever capacity they can. I am able to sense what is not for my highest best good and cut off easily.

The journey has not been easy, there has been a lot of push and pull in it, but I can say that I have been able to navigate through it and come to a decent understanding of Life in totality. But yes one can never say that the Learning is over. It is constant and we just keep getting into higher grades. So I am in constant effort of that all the time.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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I am really glad to hear how your life has changed since you started meditation and yoga. Actually many people do not believe in such amazing benefits for the whole health. We say not only healthy body but it is important to have healthy spirit and peace in heart. Thank you for sharing your experience :)

Life is very challenging our duty is continue striving the hard battle

I am happy to hear that you have found peace in your life.

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